A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1903: The Sealed Cangyou God King

Cangyou world.

In front of an ancient mountain range that undulates with almost no end in sight, two dark shadows slowly stepped into the sky from the sky.

One of them was shrouded in a beam of light that directly led to the sky.

These two black shadows are naturally Jiang Chen and the undead creature Xuanhun he conquered.

After repelling Lu Changqing, Jiang Chen rushed towards the huge mountain range in front of him.

This way.

Because of the existence of Tianjiao's Divine Light, all the geniuses who participated in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Party had already retreated almost when Tianjiao's Divine Light approached.

Jiang Chen hardly encountered any obstacles.

Even if he occasionally encountered one or two fierce beasts blocking the way, it was easily resolved by Xuan.

"What a huge ancient mountain range."

Jiang Chen looked at the ancient mountain range in front of him like a giant dragon, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

He walked all the way from Shenwu Continent, and he has seen a lot of majestic mountains and rivers, but there are few mountains that can compare with this mountain range in front of him.

Jiang Chen even has an intuition.

This mountain range was once in the Cangyou Realm, and it must have been a well-known existence, and it is very likely to be the residence of a top sect in the Cangyou Realm.

"Master, this place, I seem to have a very familiar feeling."

As Jiang Chen looked at the mountain range in front of him, the long-lasting voice of the profound soul suddenly rang in Jiang Chen's ears.


Hearing Xuanhun's words, Jiang Chen's eyes condensed suddenly.

The Profound Soul Venerable beside him was a Supreme Realm God Venerable from the Cangyou Temple in his previous life.

Although Venerable Profound Soul had long since fallen, and now he was only reborn in the form of undead, he had already born consciousness, and there was a vague memory of his life.

Since Xuanhun felt that this place was very familiar, it was enough to prove that he should come here often in front of him.

A place where the gods of the Cangyou Temple often appear!

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but burst out with a burst of brilliant light.

Could it be...

The ruins of the Cangyou Temple are hidden in this mountain range?

"Master, I seem to feel the depths of the mountains, a familiar breath beckons me, do you want to check it out?"

Just when Jiang Chen was uncertain, Xuanhun's voice rang in Jiang Chen's ears again.

"Lead the way."

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

He is almost certain that this place is the ruins of the Cangyou Temple!

Although Jiang Chen didn't know exactly what the breath that summoned profound souls was, but since he came to the site of Cangyou Temple, he naturally wanted to take a look.

Hearing this, Xuanhun didn't talk nonsense, and led Jiang Chen quickly towards the depths of the mountain range.

The two flew all the way through the mountains.

Jiang Chen was quickly surprised to find that their current position was constantly approaching the first Tianjiao divine light.

Jiang Chen even had a feeling.

Their final destination is most likely the place where the Tianjiao divine light is.

In other words.

If this place is really the site of the Cangyou Temple, then the first person to condense the divine light of Tianjiao might have already entered the site of the Cangyou Temple!


Thinking that the first person to condense the divine light of Tianjiao was most likely Mo Jinglei of the Great Desolate Sect, Jiang Chen quickly relieved.

As for the situation in the Cangyou Realm, absolutely no one in the entire Great Desolate Realm knew better than the Great Desolate Divine Sect.

With Mo Jinglei's identity in the Great Desolate Divine Sect, he must be very clear about the situation in the Cangyou Realm. It was reasonable for him to be the first to find the site of Cangyou Temple.

At the same time Jiang Chen followed Xuanhun to fly towards the depths of the mountain range.

Outside the ruins of Cangyou Temple.

Mo Jinglei, who was strengthening the seal in the void, also instantly sensed the rapid approach of another Tianjiao divine light.

"damn it!"

Mo Jinglei cursed secretly in his heart, and his face instantly turned not so good.

According to Mo Jinglei's guess, the other person who condensed Tianjiao's divine light was probably one of Lu Changqing and Zu Sijun.

These two people must have guessed that the first person to condense Tianjiao's divine light was him.

No matter who Lu Changqing or Zu Sijun is the second to condense Tianjiao's divine light, they should not choose to come directly at him in the first link.

But now this condensing Tianjiao's divine light is really coming at him.

This...what is going on with Nima?

Isn't it Lu Changqing and Zu Sijun who condensed the divine light of Tianjiao?

But even if it is the Tianjiao divine light gathered by other people, it shouldn't rush up to him stupidly, right?

Mo Jinglei hadn't thought about it at all. The people came for the ruins of Cangyou Temple.

To know.

In today's Great Wilderness Realm, there are almost a handful of people who know this secret world is the Cangyou Realm.

As for the Cangyou Temple site, even their Great Desolate Divine Sect, only a handful of high-ranking sects could know it.

Regardless of the person who condenses Tianjiao's divine light, it is absolutely impossible to know that this place is the site of Cangyou Temple!

"I knew I should strengthen the seal first, and then gather the Tianjiao's divine light."

Mo Jinglei cursed secretly in his heart, and immediately ignored the rapidly approaching Tianjiao Divine Light, and his palms changed faster and faster.

at this point.

He can only do his best to complete the reinforcement of the seal before the person who condenses Tianjiao's divine light feels it.


I'm afraid it will be troublesome then.

As Mo Jinglei tried his best to reinforce the seal, time slowly passed bit by bit.

Unconsciously, half an hour passed in a flash.

Jiang Chen also appeared under this world under the leadership of Xuanhun.

With a slight glance, Jiang Chen saw Mo Jinglei sitting cross-legged in the void and the towering mountain peak in front of Mo Jinglei.

When he saw the situation on the top of the mountain, his pupils suddenly shrank.

On top of this mountain, there is a palace pavilion that is like a suspended peak above the cloud!

The ruins of the Cangyou Temple!

If he guessed right, the palace and pavilions in this seal are the ruins of the Cangyou Temple!

"Master, the aura I felt should have been sealed in that palace. Is it possible that the aura is very strong, I am afraid it is much stronger than before I was alive."

Xuanhun stared at the mountain in front, and his hollow eyes were also shining with dark light!

When Jiang Chen heard Xuanhun's words, his heart was shocked.

Xuanhun was a high-ranking realm **** who was only in the realm of God Kings!

If the aura in the sealed palace was much stronger than the profound soul in his lifetime, what a terrifying existence would it be?


Jiang Chen seemed to have thought of something, and an incredible horror finally appeared in his eyes looking at the Sealed Palace.

Cangyou God King!

Could it be that the Cangyou Divine King in the Cangyou Temple was sealed in that palace?

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