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Chapter 1910: The second part, the battle for the throne of Tianjiao

Great wasteland.

Numerous great wilderness experts stood proudly in the air, staring at the entrance of the Tianjiao battlefield below.

Some of the more familiar experts in the Great Desolation Realm began to talk in a low voice.

"A few days have passed, the first link must be almost done, I don't know how many people will gather the Tianjiao's light this year."

"No accident, Mo Jinglei, Lu Changqing, and Zu Sijun should all be fine. All three of them are said to have reached the realm of super-grade gods. As for the others, it depends on luck."

"Oh! I don't care who condenses Tianjiao's Divine Light. I only hope that someone from Luo Yuzong can pass the first link this time, and I will be satisfied."



When many powerful people were talking about it, the space teleportation formation below suddenly sent a violent wave.

When everyone saw this scene, their spirits suddenly lifted.

Looking at this situation, the first link of the Great Desolate Tianjiao will be over soon.

Under the gaze of many powerful experts in the great wilderness, a group of human figures quickly emerged from the space formation below.

These figures are naturally the many great wilderness geniuses who have returned from the Tianjiao battlefield.


Compared with before, the number of people coming out of the Tianjiao battlefield is undoubtedly much less.


This time, in the first link of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club, many geniuses fell on the Tianjiao battlefield.

The gazes of many experts in the great wilderness also directly fell on the geniuses of the great wilderness.

Especially the four figures shrouded in dazzling light are extremely dazzling.

These four people are the Jiang Chen four who condensed Tianjiao's light.

The divine light of Tianjiao condensed by the mark of Tianjiao did not dissipate because of the end of the first link.

Many experts in the great wilderness looked at the four Jiang Chen surrounded by Tianjiao's divine light, and their hearts were shaken.

"I didn't expect that in the first part of this Great Desolate Tianjiao Party, four people would gather the light of Tianjiao!"

"Yes! Mo Jinglei, Lu Changqing, and Zu Sijun are in my expectation. Who is the young man in black at the end, and he can also gather the light of Tianjiao?"

"Tsk tusk... It seems that this time the Great Desolation Tianjiao will be a shocking dark horse."


Many experts in the great wilderness looked at the scene in front of them, and their eyes couldn't help but amazed.

Only the Haoyue Venerable of the Hanyue Sect had unconcealable excitement in his eyes.

Although he already knew that Jiang Chen was a super grade **** who broke the limit, his strength was already on par with the top Tianjiao in the Great Wilderness.

But before the result came out, Venerable Haoyue was always very worried.

Now that Jiang Chen successfully condensed the divine light of Tianjiao in the first link, Venerable Haoyue's hanging heart finally relaxed slightly.

With Jiang Chen's existence, Han Yuezong will definitely shine this time.

And not far from Venerable Haoyue, Venerable Black Soul of the Ghost Sect, his complexion became extremely difficult to look at at this moment.

Before entering the Tianjiao battlefield.

Venerable Black Soul had already ordered You Si Ming and the others to target the people of the Cold Moon Sect, but he did not expect that Jiang Chen of the Cold Moon Sect would actually become the existence of the condensing Tianjiao Divine Light.

What made the black soul furious even more.

Only two of the five geniuses of the Ghost Sect who participated in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Party returned safely.

The other three including You Siming, the first Tianjiao of the Ghost Sect, all fell on the battlefield of Tianjiao!

"This... how is this possible?"

Venerable Black Soul couldn't help but let out an unbelievable roar in his heart.

You Si Ming, the No. 1 Tianjiao of the Ghost Sect today, was already ranked in the 20th place in the previous Great Desolate Tianjiao list.

Most of the people who ranked in front of Yousiming in the previous Great Desolate Tianjiao Ranking were over a thousand years old and lost the qualification to participate in this Great Desolate Tianjiao.

It can be said.

At this Great Desolate Tianjiao Conference, there are definitely a handful of people who can pose a threat to You Si Ming!

With your strength, how could it be possible to fall into the Tianjiao battlefield?

Venerable Black Soul stared at Jiang Chen, who was surrounded by Tianjiao's divine light, and there was also a sharp cold glow in his eyes.

This son can condense the divine light of Tianjiao, and is as famous as Mo Jinglei's three great Tianjiaos in the great wilderness, absolutely extraordinary!

this moment.

Venerable Black Soul just understood.

The reason why he couldn't see through Jiang Chen's cultivation base, and because Jiang Chen had a hidden aura of treasure, was that he was very likely to have reached a super grade god.

You Si Ming and others, maybe because of the trouble of finding Jiang Chen, they finally fell into Jiang Chen's hands.

"damn it!"

Venerable Black Soul cursed inwardly, and his expression was extremely gloomy.

Knowing this a long time ago, he said that you shouldn't let You Siming and others go to Jiang Chen's trouble.

Originally possessing the existence of You Si Ming, it is very possible that the ghost sect will give birth to a top ten peerless arrogant arrogant.

And now...

It's probably unknown whether anyone in the Ghost Sect can enter this year's Great Desolate Tianjiao list.

This time, he was considered stealing the chicken without losing the rice.

"The first part of the Great Desolate Tianjiao will be over, and now we will enter the second part of the Great Desolate Tianjiao, the battle for the throne of Tianjiao!"

Just when many great wilderness experts were shocked by Jiang Chen, the vigorous voice of Venerable Tianyang of the great wilderness divine sect rang again.

As Venerable Tianyang's voice resounded, the atmosphere in the valley became quiet again.

Everyone's gazes were directed towards Venerable Tianyang.

In the first ring of the Great Wilderness Tianjiao Club, the 36th Tianjiao who ranked in the Great Wilderness Tianjiao this year were selected.

And the second session of the battle for the throne of Tianjiao is a ranking battle to determine the specific ranking of this world's great wild Tianjiao.

While everyone was waiting for Venerable Tianyang to start the second session, Venerable Tianyang suddenly said in a surprising manner: "Everyone, for some reason, this time the second session of the Great Desolate Tianjiao will have a feast with the Great Desolate God King. It will be held simultaneously!"


As soon as Venerable Tianyang said this, everything in the field was immediately shocked.

In the past Dahuang Tianjiao meetings, after the second session, Dahuang Shenzong would invite 36 Tianjiao to participate in the Great Desolation God King Banquet.

Now the second link has to be carried out simultaneously with the Great Desolate King Banquet.

Could it be...

Will the Great Wild God King come here personally?


Just when everyone was frightened, a golden light suddenly appeared in the void.

Amidst that golden light, a stalwart golden figure stood proudly.

He stood quietly on the void in this way, a supreme mighty power that suppressed everything in the world, spreading across the world.

this moment.

Even the many world gods present, under this supreme power, even the soul has a shuddering feeling!

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