A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1915: Long You Taixu Compresses the World

"I didn't expect Lu Changqing to have evolved the origin of the pseudo-world god, this time I am afraid it is very likely to be the first in the Great Desolate Tianjiao!"

"Yes, with Lu Changqing's current strength, even Mo Changqing of the Great Desolate Sect may not be able to stop him."

"Now that kid is afraid of losing."

Everyone looked at Lu Changqing's destructive blow with the origin of the pseudo-world god, and they couldn't help showing a look of pity to Jiang Chen.

Lu Changqing was originally a super grade **** who mastered the power of the seven realms, and his strength was comparable to that of the realm god.

Nowadays, the origin of the pseudo-world **** is evolved with the power of the seven realms, and the combat power is several times greater, and it has even far surpassed many ordinary world gods.

Even though Jiang Chen is the biggest dark horse of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Society, I am afraid he can't resist the powerful offensive of Lu Changqing's Pseudo Realm God Origin.

On the Void Square.

Jiang Chen looked at Lu Changqing's sword of destroying the world condensed with the origin of the pseudo-world god, but his eyes were extremely calm.

He tried his best to urge the God King's technique of Taixu Sacred Dragon, and his faint sneer resounded instantly.

"Ha ha……"

"Lu Changqing, it really surprised me that you can evolve the origin of the pseudo-world god."

"But...what can I do even so? I was able to defeat you for the first time, and today I can defeat you a second time!"


Jiang Chen was furious, and the bright golden light rose from his body like the divine brilliance of the sun.

After a while.

A golden picture scroll exuding endless sacred power also slowly condensed above Jiang Chen's head.

In the picture scroll is a vast and eternal Taixu world.

In this Taixu world, the Primordial Sacred Dragon, which entangles thousands of miles of void and exudes monstrous power, swims in it.

It was enveloped by a sacred golden light, with an eternal breath that will never die.

With this mysterious picture appearing.

Even the many realm gods below can't help feeling a sense of trembling.

"Unexpectedly, there are such geniuses in the great wilderness..."

Above the Void Square, the Great Desolate God King looked at the battle below, and there was also a look of surprise in his eyes.

As a divine king realm great power who has comprehended the divine king's way, how old the eyesight of the Great Desolate Divine King is. He could almost see at a glance that what Jiang Chen displayed was a vision of the technique.

In the realm of the gods, only exercises above the realm **** level can condense visions.

Realm god-level exercises can condense one-fold vision, false god-king exercises can condense two-fold vision, and true god-king exercises can condense triple vision.

And the vision of Jiang Chen's cultivation technique was a vision of the third realm.

In other words.

This kid named Jiang Chen is practicing a real God King exercise!


This is still a more powerful technique for the King of Gods than the Great Desolate Sect's Eight Desolate Six Combination Techniques!

"Long You is too weak to suppress the world, give me town!"

When everyone was shocked by the mysterious picture that Jiang Chen condensed, Jiang Chen's faint voice resounded again in the void.

The Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture is the supreme technique from the ancient **** king power Sacred Dragon Heavenly Skill.

Before breaking through the super-grade gods, Jiang Chen could only display the first two visions of the Taixu Sacred Dragon.

Now that he has broken the limit and achieved a super-grade god, he already has the power comparable to that of a realm god. This third vision of the illusory sacred dragon map can naturally be displayed.

Only before this, no one could force Jiang Chen to use this trick.

Now facing Lu Changqing's origin of the pseudo-world god, Jiang Chen finally displayed this third vision.


A voice of dragon chants that overwhelmed the world suddenly rippling out of the golden scroll.

The golden picture scroll, also with the terrifying power of suppressing the world, collided with the sword of destruction of the world condensed by Lu Changqing's pseudo-world god.


The entire void square was filled with infinite power at this moment.

Space collapsed, chaos shattered.

If it weren't for this empty square to be a space created by the Great Desolate King, I am afraid that the entire space of thousands of miles would be transformed into nothingness in an instant.

"Hi...what a terrifying confrontation!"

Many experts in the great wilderness looked at the empty square and couldn't help taking a breath.

These two are worthy of being the top talents in the Great Wilderness World.

Even those who are the world gods, facing this level of power, I am afraid that they will be suppressed if they are not careful.

"I didn't expect his strength to be so strong."

On the 25th Tianjiao Throne, the palace looked at Jiang Chen who was fighting with Lu Changqing, and his heart was full of bitter smiles.

When the Hanyue Palace Tianjiao Challenge started, he didn't have to take Jiang Chen to heart.

I didn't expect it.

Jiang Chen actually defeated him in a situation that was almost crushed, and replaced him as the first arrogant of the Hanyue Palace.


He broke through the sixth rank of the gods, thinking that he could fight Jiang Chen.

But Jiang Chen was Mo Zihan who fought against Tianhe Sect, showing the power of a super-grade god, and defeating Mo Zihan's realm god.

In today's Great Desolate Tianjiao Society, Jiang Chen still doesn't fall behind in the face of Lu Changqing who has evolved the origin of the pseudo-world god.

The difference between him and Jiang Chen is probably more than ten thousand miles!


However, the palace did not sink, but an extremely strong will to fight broke out.

This time the Great Desolate Tianjiao Association, he was lucky enough to obtain the unstoppable Heavenly Kungfu. After he succeeds in practicing Immortal Heavenly Art, he will definitely recover what he once lost ten times from Jiang Chen!


Just when everyone was shocked by the terrifying confrontation between the two Jiang Chen, a loud bang suddenly came from the void.


I saw Lu Changqing's cyan great sword condensed from the origin of the pseudo-world god, and finally it was unable to withstand the terrifying force of Jiang Chen Longyou Taixu, and it exploded directly in midair.


The cyan giant sword burst, Lu Changqing's figure trembled, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and his stature retreated hundreds of feet in embarrassment.

"The third layer of cultivation technique vision!"

"You...you are actually practicing the real God King technique!"

Lu Changqing coughed up blood while looking up at Jiang Chen, an unbelievable look appeared in his eyes.

Not long ago.

He had already fought Jiang Chen in the first session of the Great Wilderness Tianjiao Party.

At the beginning, Jiang Chen condensed two visions of exercises, which overwhelmed the visions of the Qingming Sword Classic of his false gods.


Although Jiang Chen's move was more than ten times more powerful than those two exercise visions, its aura was exactly the same as those two exercise visions!

no doubt!

What Jiang Chen just displayed was definitely the third layer of cultivation technique that only the **** king technique can condense!

this moment.

Lu Changqing finally understood why Jiang Chen dismissed his pseudo-god Gong method Qingming Sword Classic.

It turns out that Jiang Chen's cultivation is the real God King technique.

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