"any solution?"

When Jiang Chen heard Huo Tianyang's words, he couldn't help but look at Huo Tianyang.

"The eternal grand ceremony, in fact, the most important content is the eternal temple's assessment of the various sub-temples."

"Now that every branch of the Eternal Temple will find ways to attract some geniuses to help them achieve a good result in the eternal grand ceremony."

"We can find a sub-temple power of an eternal temple, and then help it participate in the eternal festival, so that not only will have free accommodation, but also can get expensive rewards."

Huo Tianyang slowly explained.

This time, Huo Tianyang came to the Eternal Temple to experience, and he had such a plan at the beginning.

If it hadn't been for Jiang Chen, I'm afraid he would have gone directly to find a suitable eternal temple sub-temple to join.

"After participating in the Eternal Festival, there will be no restrictions on the Eternal Temple, right?"

Jiang Chen groaned slightly.

"Don't worry, it won't."

"The geniuses who came to the Eternal Temple to experience are all kinds of talents. Many of them come from the top powers of the Gods Domain.

Huo Tianyang smiled slightly and said: "This rule of the eternal festival is just to attract more people to come and make the eternal festival more attractive."

Jiang Chen nodded: "In that case, let's find a branch power to join."

The Eternal Temple is no better than other places. If you can't find a place to stay, it will undoubtedly be very troublesome to stay here.

Regardless, they must first find a foothold in the Eternal Temple.

The Eternal Temple has four main halls, and the South Main Hall where Jiang Chen and the others are now, can order all the sub-temples of the Eternal Temple in the south of Eternal Void.

The eternal grand ceremony held in the South Main Hall, all the branch halls in the south of Eternal Void, will come to participate.

Jiang Chen and the others inquired a little, and they soon came to an area with many independent courtyards in the center of the Eternal Temple.

This area is the place where the Eternal Temple is prepared for the major branch halls.

Right in front of this area, there is a bluestone square measuring a thousand meters in size, and the atmosphere is very lively, just like a market.

Jiang Chen glanced briefly, and found that many people were standing next to a sign with some recruiting conditions written on it.

no doubt.

These people are the people from the branches of the Eternal Temple, who want to find suitable helpers to help them participate in the eternal festival.

"Brother Jiang Chen, there are still many branch halls looking for helpers. Which branch hall are we going to join?"

Huo Tianyang glanced slightly, and couldn't help asking Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "Let's take a look at it first, and see if anyone who knows the goods takes the initiative to come to us."

Jiang Chen doesn't really matter which punishment hall he joins in the Eternal Temple, as long as the other party makes him look pleasing to the eye.

after all.

He came here, the main purpose is just to mix up a free residence.

Huo Tianyang didn't say much about this either.

After witnessing the previous battle with his own eyes, Huo Tianyang knew better than anyone how terrifying Jiang Chen's strength had reached.

It can be said.

If anyone can invite to participate in the eternal festival, it is also his honor.

Jiang Chen and the others slowly wandered around the square like this, and soon some people from the branch hall of the Eternal Temple came to the door.


The purpose of these people was obviously aimed at Huo Tianyang, the super-grade god.

As for Jiang Chen, they were completely ignored.

Now Jiang Chen has broken above the holy product of the Celestial God, this is a completely new realm that has never been seen in the Celestial Realm.

As long as he doesn't take the initiative to show the power of the Ten Dao, even if it is the power of the Divine King Realm, he may not be able to easily see his true strength.

And these people in the sub-temple of the Eternal Temple, the strongest is not the Heavenly God Realm.

How could they know that Jiang Chen, who seemed inconspicuous, would be a heaven-defying existence that made the king of God fear three points?

Seeing that these people in the Eternal Temple were so lack of eyesight, Huo Tianyang could only refuse, and shook his head secretly in his heart.

These guys will probably never know what kind of helper they have missed.

As long as Jiang Chen exists, even if he wins the leader of this eternal grand ceremony, it will not be difficult.

"Brother Jiang Chen, if you hide your breath like this, I'm afraid there will be no eternal temple sub-temple to invite you."

After a while, Huo Tianyang finally couldn't help but said helplessly.

There are only a certain number of places for participation in the Eternal Festival, and the branch halls of the Eternal Temple.

The persons in charge of these eternal temple sub-temples are obviously also very cautious, wanting to invite some satisfactory helpers in order to get a better ranking in the eternal grand ceremony.

If Jiang Chen never showed his strength, even if someone occasionally sees Jiang Chen's extraordinary, I am afraid he would not dare to invite him easily.

"No hurry, let's see the situation later."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, his eyes continued to look at the people in the eternal sub-temples in the square, as if looking for something.

After a while.

Jiang Chen's gaze finally stayed on the right corner of the square.

"Finally found it."

Jiang Chen looked at a somewhat familiar old man in a golden robe in the corner, with a rare smile on his face.

This old man in golden robe is exactly Xu Cheng, the chief elder of the eternal temple sub-temple of the Great Desolate Cosmos.

When Jiang Chen heard that all the branch halls in the south of Eternal Void would come to participate in the eternal grand ceremony, he wondered whether that branch hall in the Great Desolate Cosmos would come to participate.

At the beginning of the sub-temple of the Eternal Temple in the Great Wilderness Tianyu, the sub-temple master gave him a golden eternal order, which was considered a good fate.

If the branch hall of the Eternal Temple of the Great Wilderness Tianyu also came to participate in this eternal grand ceremony, he might as well help them.

It is precisely because of this.

After Jiang Chen came to the square, he was not in a hurry to join any of the sub-temples, but was always looking for the traces of the eternal shrine, the Great Wilderness Sub-temple, and he did not expect to find it.

"Tsk tusk... Xu Cheng, I think you should give up."

"You have no talents at all in the Great Desolate Heavenly Territory Branch Hall, and it is even more impossible to find geniuses to help you participate in the eternal grand ceremony."

"This time eternal grand ceremony, you are destined to be the last one in the Great Desolate Heavenly Territory Branch Hall."

Just as Jiang Chen looked at Xu Cheng, a disdainful taunting sounded abruptly in Jiang Chen's ear.

Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and immediately followed the voice to see a gloomy black robe old man staring at Xu Cheng with a sneer, his face was full of disdain and mockery.

Xu Cheng coldly snorted, "Wu Da, just take care of your own affairs. We don't need your intervention in the affairs of our Great Desolate Heaven Territory Division!"

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