A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 2020: Decapitate with a sword

The Eternal Temple is distributed in various sub-temples of the Eternal Void, with a huge gap in strength.

There are only one or two realm gods in some weak sub-temples.

And some powerful branch halls have countless world gods, and even Tianzun-level powerhouses.

Dahuang Tianyu sub-temple, among the many sub-temples of the Eternal Temple, strength is undoubtedly the bottom of the existence.

If it weren't for Xu Cheng to have broken through the Realm God Realm, and the Great Desolate Heaven Territory Branch Hall, I am afraid that there is only one Realm God Venerable now.

Heiyun Tianyu Sub-Hall, although in many eternal temple sub-temples, the strength is not the most top-notch existence, but it is definitely not weak.

At least compared to the Great Desolate Heavenly Territory Sub-Hall, the strength of the Black Cloud Heavenly Territory Sub-Hall is undoubtedly stronger by many times.

For example, Wu Da in front of him is already an earth-sovereign powerhouse in the middle stage of the world god!

The powerful breath of Wu Da's Divine Realm was firmly locked on Jiang Chen, but appeared in front of Jiang Chen in a flash. The right palm directly brought a power of confinement space and patted Jiang Chen's head.

Jiang Chen was expressionless, just a flick of his fingers, an invisible force instantly shattered Wu Da's palm, and then hit Wu Da's palm.

next moment.

Everyone was horrified to see that Wu Da's figure trembled suddenly, and he flew upside down hundreds of meters in embarrassment.

"Hi... how is this possible?"

Everyone looked at the incredible scene in front of them, and couldn't help but breathe in their hearts.

This Wu Da is a real-world powerhouse.

The black-clothed youth on the opposite side obviously hadn't broken through the realm gods.

With the cultivation base of the Celestial Divine Realm, one move to repel the Divine Realm powerhouse, even if it is a Divine Rank Divine God who has broken the limit twice, I am afraid it may not be easy to do.

How could this kid... have such a terrifying strength?

Xu Cheng stared at the scene in front of him blankly, and did not recover from his horror for a while.

Although he also knew that Jiang Chen had a very enchanting talent, in less than ten years in the Great Wilderness Realm, he directly overwhelmed all the Tianjiao in the Great Wilderness Realm and aspired to the top of the Great Wilderness Tianjiao list.

But he still didn't expect it.

Jiang Chen's strength could be so strong that even Wu Da of the Earthly Sovereign Realm was repelled by his understatement.

With such strength, I am afraid that at least they have already broken the limit twice!

Thought of this.

Xu Cheng couldn't help but show a look of ecstasy on his face.

If there can be a god-level **** to help, this eternal grand ceremony, their Great Desolate Heaven Territory Branch Hall will definitely get a good ranking.

Wu Daqiang suppressed the churning aura in his body, and in his eyes looking at Jiang Chen, there was also a panic that was hard to conceal.

"Boy, you wait for me, dare to be an enemy of my Black Cloud Heaven Division Hall, you will definitely regret it!"

The strength of this son is too terrifying, if he really wants to kill him, he will not have the slightest resistance at all!


Wu Da didn't plan to stay here for a long time, he just put down a cruel word to Jiang Chen, and then turned around and left.


At the moment he just turned around, Jiang Chen's figure disappeared into place in an instant.

Jiang Chen's speed is too fast, incredibly fast.

Even the countless world gods in the square almost didn't react at all.

Almost instantly, Jiang Chen's figure appeared on Wu Da's side.

I don't know when a scarlet long sword appeared in his hand, leaning forward gently, appeared in front of Wu Da silently.

The sword-swinging hand did not give the feeling of majestic popularity, it was just an understatement of drag cut, and the long sword drew a line diagonally in front of him.

next moment……

Jiang Chen's movements had already changed from extremely fast to still.

"you you……"

Wu Da looked at the indifferent black-clothed youth beside him, and unprecedented despair and horror appeared in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards.

Only heard a bang, Wu Da's head was directly like a ball, rolling down from his neck, and then his whole body was slammed straight to the ground.

this moment.

The huge square was all in a dead silence.

Wu Da... just died like this?

Everyone stared at Wu Da's body blankly, and there was an unbelievable look in their eyes!

They didn't expect it.

Wu Da, who was dignified and respected, was killed by Jiang Chen's understatement.

They didn't even think about it.

Jiang Chen actually had the guts to kill the people of the Eternal Temple here!

This is the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple, and its strength is almost not inferior to the power of a divine king.

How dare this kid in front of you kill the people of the Eternal Temple here.

Xu Cheng came back to his senses, and his face turned pale in an instant: "Jiang Chen, you... did you really kill Wu Da?"

"Isn't he going to twist his head off and kick the ball, I'm just fulfilling his wish."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "Elder Xu don't need to panic, kill if you kill it, it's no big deal."

"No, what Wu Da said are all from the Eternal Temple. If you kill them in the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple, you will surely make the South Main Hall angry, and they will definitely not let you go."

"It shouldn't be too late, you leave the eternal temple quickly, otherwise it might be too late."

Xu Cheng said anxiously.

Now that Jiang Chen killed Wu Da, the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple obviously couldn't stay any longer and had to leave as soon as possible.


Once the Temple of Eternity was investigated, Jiang Chen would really not want to go out alive.

Seeing Xu Cheng's anxious look, Huo Tianyang on the side couldn't help but smiled slightly: "Elder Xu, don't worry. With Brother Jiang Chen, nothing will happen."

When facing Jiang Chen in the realm of Zhenwu, the dignified King Zhenwu had to choose to retreat.

Although the South Main Hall of this eternal temple is powerful, it may not have the power of the Divine King Realm.

not to mention……

Even if there is really a great power in the Divine King Realm, it may not be easy to win Jiang Chen.

"You underestimate the strength of the four main halls of the Eternal Temple. This is definitely not something you can compete with."

Xu Cheng couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and quickly persuaded him anxiously: "Listen to me, and leave the eternal temple quickly."

Although Jiang Chen's strength was beyond his imagination, even the strong of the earthly realm could be killed with a single sword.

But after all, this is the South Main Hall, one of the four main halls of the Eternal Temple, and there is more than one Tianzun-level powerhouse, not to mention that there may be a great power in the realm of the gods sitting in it.

If Jiang Chen and the others don't leave quickly, they will definitely die without life.

"Elder Xu, don't worry. If the Eternal Temple wants to trouble me, let them come as soon as possible."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he couldn't help looking at a certain place in the void, and said indifferently: "What's more...Even if we want to leave, I'm afraid it's too late."

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