On the square, everyone was staring at the situation in the World God Arena, and it was difficult to recover from the horror for a long time.

The South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple, there are currently four top Tianjiao.

All four of them had broken through the realm of gods at an age of less than ten thousand years, and they were all two-star venerables who had broken through with the gods and gods.

Now, except for Shen Wuyou, who was defeated by Jiang Chen, the remaining three actually shot Jiang Chen at the same time.

To know.

Almost everyone of such top geniuses has their own arrogance, and in general they don't bother to join hands with others.

A celestial spirit actually made the three two-star geniuses of the Eternal Temple join forces!

Such a situation is simply unseen and unheard of.

"The Two-Star Venerable Peak is only one step away from the Two-Star Earth Venerable. Your strength is pretty good."

Jiang Chen glanced at Lu Yuanqing slightly: "It's a pity... you are still a two-star veteran after all. If you can break through the two-star earthly veteran, plus the two of them, maybe you can still have a few tricks with me."

As soon as this statement was made, the three of them changed color at the same time.

Although they knew that Jiang Chen was very strong, none of the three of them was Jiang Chen's opponent.

But the three of them are the world's arrogances of the Eternal Temple after all, and there are few two-star Venerables in the world. Everyone's combat power is not inferior to that of ordinary Tianzun.

The three of them joined forces and even surpassed the power of the peak of the ordinary Celestial Lord, enough to compete with the Star Celestial Lord.

No matter how powerful this kid is, it would be impossible to defeat the three of them with the power of the Heavenly God Realm!

"You don't want to be arrogant, but I want to see how you can beat the three of us today!"

Lu Yuanqing let out a long roar with a cold face, and the sword scabbard behind him also heard a stunned sword chant in an instant.

at the same time.

Hong Ning and Wu Xuan also exploded the powerful aura of the Two Star Venerable at the same time.

Three monstrous powers swept across the small world in an instant, making the world trembling endlessly.

"Jiang Chen, since the three of us debuted, no one of our peers has allowed the three of us to fight together. In today's battle, whether you win or lose, you are proud of yourself."

Lu Yuanqing slowly pulled out the sword behind him, and the powerful aura was firmly locked on Jiang Chen's body.

"is it?"

With his hands on his back, Jiang Chen took a leisurely step forward, a vast aura that directly collided with the aura of the three of Lu Yuanqing.

"not good!"

Feeling the vast aura emanating from Jiang Chen's body, the expressions of the three of Lu Yuanqing changed.

The breath of the three of them, when Jiang Chen's breath collided, was completely suppressed by Jiang Chen's breath!

"The strength of this child is beyond imagination, don't waste time, let's take action together."

Lu Yuanqing was frightened and angered, and could not help but sternly shouted.


At this moment, Hong Ning took the lead.

I saw a dazzling flame palm print, emerging out of thin air in Hong Ning's palm.

At the beginning, the palm print was only about ten feet in size.

But as Hong Ning's print was printed, the flame palm print rapidly enlarged in the void, and finally fell from the sky with a terrifying temperature like a big day.

Wherever he went, the emptiness of Thousand Miles was instantly burned into nothingness.

"The great sun never extinguishes the India!"

On the square, many people in the Eternal Temple who recognized this trick couldn't help but exclaim.

This is one of the few **** king-level supernatural powers in the Eternal Temple. It is said that it can condense the real fire of the sun and destroy the world with a single blow.

On the other side, Wu Xuan also moved.

Thousands of lightning powers all over him, like a dragon and a snake roaming around, and the void around him was drawn into dense spatial rifts.

To the end.

These terrifying thunder powers condensed directly on top of Wu Xuan's head into a thunder dragon that stretched across the sky.

"Dragon Elephant Thunder, go!"

Under Wu Xuan's urging, Thunder Dragon, with the invincible power of overbearing thunder and lightning, turned up to the sky and roared away at Jiang Chen.

The last shot was Lu Qingyuan.

The cyan ancient sword in his hand violently raised, an extremely bright sword light, as if instantly dividing the world into two, and it was cut in front of Jiang Chen in the blink of an eye.

In the face of Jiang Chen, this is an evil evildoer, the three eternal temple tianjiao did not leave any hands at all, and they broke out with all their strength when they shot, and they did not intend to give Jiang Chen any chance to breathe.

The three two-star veterans shot at the same time, such a power, enough to shake the world, as if that small world was going to be punched through by them.

Even the people in the square couldn't help but trembled.

"Hi...Is this the top arrogant of the Eternal Temple, it is really strong."

Many people can't help but smack secretly.

"It's really strong. These three guys have joined forces. Not to mention ordinary Tianzun. I am afraid that even the one-star Tianzun will have to avoid the edge for a while, and I don't know how Jiang Chen will resist it."

Everyone's eyes were locked tightly on Jiang Chen's body.

Facing the combined blow of the three of Lu Yuanqing, Jiang Chen's expression was extremely calm.

He looked at the sword light that came first, raising his hand and hitting it in the air.


The vast energy of heaven and earth turned into a golden fist light, and a punch was imprinted on the sword light that split the heaven and earth.

Cang Dang!

Jiang Chen's seemingly unremarkable punch was like an antelope hanging a horn. It was as wonderful as a natural fist, and it hit the place where the sword light was the weakest.


The cyan sword light was like a poisonous snake that had been hit by seven inches. It was sealed to death by Jiang Chen's fist, and finally burst directly into the void.

"Swordsmanship is not good, there are many flaws, go back and practice hard."

Jiang Chen smashed Lu Qingyuan's sword light with a punch, couldn't help but said with a look of disdain.

Lu Yuanqing's figure retreated violently, and the aura in his body was tumbling, almost vomiting blood in sadness.

With a fist, Lu Qingyuan retired, and Jiang Chen took a sword and swiped in the air.

The invisible sword energy instantly crossed time and space, penetrating through the immortal seal of that great day.

I saw the immortal imprint that obscured the sky and the sun, as if paper paste, it was cut in half out of thin air in the blink of an eye.


The uncontrollable hot energy on the Immortal Great Sun immediately exploded from the void, turning the thousands of miles into a sea of ​​flames.

"Flashy and vulnerable."

Jiang Chen casually commented, ignoring Hong Ning's iron expression, and reached out his hand to lightly shook the roaring Thunder Dragon.

The Thunder Dragon instantly changed from extremely fast to still, and froze a hundred feet away from Jiang Chen's head, and finally was directly shattered by the power of a vast space.

"This trick is a bit interesting, but it's a pity that the person who uses it is a bit weaker."

The Thunder Dragon was wiped out lightly, and Jiang Chen couldn't help but comment lightly again.

this moment.

Looking at the situation in the small world, everyone on the square couldn't help being dumbfounded for a long time, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

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