"I finally saw the city."

Jiang Chen was overjoyed, he no longer hesitated at the moment, and swiftly flew towards the city in front of him.

This city is not big, and it looks very ordinary, but on the road outside the city gate, there are endless cultivators coming and going.

Jiang Chen just scanned it and found that the weakest ones were almost all in the Heavenly God Realm, and ordinary Realm God Venerables could be seen everywhere, and there were even existences in the Earthly Venerable Realm or even the Heavenly Venerable Realm.

Worthy of being God's Domain Continent, the most complete piece of the world preserved after God's Domain is broken.

Jiang Chen looked at the scene in front of him, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Jiang Chen slowly walked into the city, and then looked for a teahouse with a lot of people, tasting tea while preparing to inquire about news.

He had just arrived and didn't know anything about God's Domain Continent, and the teahouse was a place where many practitioners gathered for casual chat. Naturally, he could find a lot of news and intelligence here.

At the beginning, he was separated from Master Xuan Dao, Venerable Xuan Dao only asked him to go directly to the ancient spirit godsect in the eastern region of the mainland to find him after he arrived in the continent of the gods.

The most important thing for him now is to figure out where he is.

of course.

If you can learn the news of Master and Ancient Spirit God Sect, that would be the best.

"Do you know? Yesterday Eastern Changyang killed Cangyunmen with a sword!"

"Yes, I also heard that, it is said that the Eastern Changyang sword slashed the ten Venerable Cangyunmen, and even the head of the Cangyunmen Heavenly Venerable Realm were killed by a single sword."

"Hey! Eastern Changyang is afraid that it is qualified to be on the Eastern Region Tianjiao list."


Hearing the voices of these practitioners in the tea house, Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel happy.

It seems that the space formation of the Eternal Temple just teleported him to the Eastern Region of the God's Domain Continent, which saved him a lot of trouble.

When he was in Hanyue Palace, Venerable Profound Dao also introduced him some information about God's Domain Continent.

The Continent of God's Domain is mainly divided into five regions: East, West, South, North, Middle.

Each of these five regions is vast and boundless, and the regions like the Great Wilderness are less than one percent of the land of the Gods Domain Continent.

If he appeared in the other four realms, it would be very difficult for him to come to the eastern realm to find the master and ancient spirit divine sect.

Now it is much easier to appear directly in the Eastern Region.

"The ancient spirit divine sect mentioned by the master must also be a power of the **** king on the Continent of the Gods' Domain. It shouldn't sound difficult to play."

Jiang Chen's eyes flickered slightly.

The power of the **** king is a power with the power of the **** king realm.

Although God's Domain Continent has countless powers of God Kings, even if these forces are in this God's Domain Continent, they are enough to shock one party.


The Ancient Spirit Sect is obviously not an unknown person in the Eastern Region.

"The thing about Dongfang Changyang is nothing, you know that a major event has happened to the God King Zongmen Ancient Spirit God Sect!"

The other person waved his hand and said in an astonishing manner: "Do you know that the ancient profound way of the Peerless God of the Ancient Spirit Sect 30,000 years ago appeared?"

Following this, Jiang Chen, who was sipping tea with a teacup, couldn't help but his eyes narrowed suddenly.

He obviously didn't expect it.

The space array of the Eternal Temple not only sent him to the Eastern Region of the God's Domain Continent, but also happened to be not far from the Ancient Spirit God Sect.

He had just arrived here when he heard news about the Ancient Spirit God Sect.

What shocked Jiang Chen most was the words in the population.

Gu Xuan Dao, the peerless **** son of the ancient spirit **** sect 30,000 years ago, appeared!

His master's name in the Great Desolate Realm is the Venerable Profound Dao, and he appeared in the Great Desolate Realm tens of thousands of years ago, and it was not long before he returned to the Divine Region Continent.

Could it be...

This ancient **** son Ancient Profound Dao of the ancient spirit **** sect 30,000 years ago is the true identity of the master?

"Hi... Ancient Profound Dao, the peerless **** son of the Ancient Spirit Sect, this... how is this possible?"

When Jiang Chen was horrified, everyone in the teahouse couldn't help taking a breath.

The ancient spirit **** sect is the power of the **** king that controls hundreds of thousands of miles of territory nearby.

Thirty thousand years ago, the ancient spirit **** sect gave birth to a peerless **** son, and in less than a thousand years, he became the top ten peerless genius of the Eastern Region.


This peerless son of God has disappeared inexplicably, and there has been no news since then.

The ancient spirit **** sect declared to the public that this peerless **** son experienced in the eternal void and fell into the eternal void.

No one thought that the son of God, who had disappeared for 30,000 years, would appear again.

"It is true. It is said that someone from the Ancient Spirit God Sect discovered the existence of this peerless **** child and has sent a strong man to chase him down. The Ancient Profound Dao is already in the wasteland of a hundred races."

The man said vowedly.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel shocked.

The disappearance of the ancient profound way of the ancient spirit **** sect, the peerless **** son, originally revealed the weirdness. Now he suddenly returned, but he was chased and killed by the ancient spirit **** sect powerhouse.

It seems that the return of the Peerless God Son Ancient Profound Dao has touched the interests of certain people in the Ancient Spirit God Sect.

"The ancient spirit **** sect, who had disappeared for 30,000 years, reappeared, and it seems that the ancient spirit **** sect may not be calm anymore."

"Shhh... stop here, this is not something I can criticize, so be careful to cause trouble to your upper body."


Everyone avoided this incident tacitly and directly changed the subject to talk about other things that happened in this area.

For example, a certain genius, as soon as he entered the realm of the gods, killed more than a dozen realm gods.

Among the XX family, there was a talented genius and so on.

"Hundred Clan Wasteland!"

Listening to the talking voices of these people around, Jiang Chen couldn't help but a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

He is almost 90% sure that the ancient **** son Ancient Profound Dao chased by the Ancient Spirit God Sect should be his Master Profound Dao Venerable.

The Master lived in the Great Wilderness back then, it seems that it is not as simple as it seems.

For him now, the most urgent task is to go to the wasteland of a hundred races first and meet the master!

Although Venerable Profound Dao was in Hanyue Sect at the beginning, it gave people an unfathomable feeling, no one knew what realm his cultivation level had reached.

But one thing Jiang Chen can be sure of is that Master is definitely not a great power in the Divine King Realm.

Without the strength of the Divine King Realm, it is almost impossible for Master to contend with the Ancient Spirit God Sect alone.

He took a sip of tea, then took out some crystals, and asked a practitioner next to him for some information about the wasteland of a hundred races.

The Hundred Races Wasteland is a well-known chaotic place in the Eastern Region. It is said that there are hundreds of ancient races living in this place, large and small.

Even the forces of the Divine King Realm would be terrified of this place by three points.

After learning the specific location of the Hundred Clan Wasteland, Jiang Chen did not hesitate at all. He left the city directly and headed towards the direction of the Hundred Clan Wasteland...

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