A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 2038: Taurus and Mountain Ghost

"It's okay, it's no big deal, let's go over and take a look."

As Jiang Chen said, he strode directly towards the fluctuation center of the heaven and earth energy in front of him.

Although the Hundred Clan Wasteland has many races and claims to have Hundred Clan, it does not have a great clans of the Divine King Realm.

Even the most powerful Protoss of the Hundred Clan Wastelands, they only have the power of the God King Realm in their ancestors.


It has to be traced back to a very distant age.


Even the most powerful race in the wasteland of a hundred races can hardly pose any threat to Jiang Chen. How could Jiang Chen take the race war in front of him into his heart?

not to mention……

His main purpose of entering the wasteland of a hundred races this time was to find Master Xuan Dao.

And if you want to find the whereabouts of the master as soon as possible, it is undoubtedly the best choice to take advantage of the power of the racial forces in the wasteland of the hundred races.

very quickly.

A steep mountain in front of him also directly appeared in Jiang Chen's line of sight.

On the mountain peak, a group of people with two horns on their foreheads and wearing all golden armor are guarding.

Opposite them, there was a group of people in black with weird auras, frantically attacking those on the mountain.


On both sides, there is a strong master of the earthly realm, and there are no less than ten ordinary realm gods, and there are thousands of people in the other celestial realms.

"Boom boom boom..."

The brilliant rays of light in the sky kept colliding in the void, and the sound of terrifying energy explosions continued to explode in the void.

Some of the weaker heavenly gods, before even screaming, were completely reduced to ashes in the terrifying energy explosion.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Ji Lingwei couldn't help but whispered beside Jiang Chen: "Big Brother Jiang Chen, if I guess right, the two sides in the fight should be the Shangui tribe and the Taurus tribe."

Ji Lingwei had already read many books, and had a better understanding of God's Domain Continent than ordinary people.

Especially before coming to the Hundred Clan Wasteland, Ji Lingwei specifically checked some information about the Hundred Clan Wasteland, and knew almost every race living here.

"Are these Jinniu tribes and Shangui tribes crazy?"

Jiang Chen glanced at the battlefield ahead and said silently: "The strengths of these two races are almost the same. If you continue to fight like this, you will only lose both sides. I am afraid that no one will get any benefits."

"There are many powers in God's Domain, and ten thousand races coexist. The competition is particularly fierce. Especially for some resources, even if it is to start a race war, you must fight. If you don't fight, you can only be doomed."

Ji Lingwei felt genuinely.

Jiang Chen couldn't deny Ji Lingwei's words.

The Taurus tribe and the mountain ghost tribe did not hesitate to fight for this mountain, which proves that this mountain has the resources that they are very fond of.

Once one of the parties gets these resources and the strength increases, it is tantamount to annihilation for the other party.

Just as Jiang Chen and the two were talking, the Mountain Ghost Clan had to temporarily retreat from the mountain peak after a round of offensive to no avail.

"Patriarch, this is no way to go on like this. The Taurus people are already very good at defense, but now they occupy a good place. We want to attack the mountain. I'm afraid it is not an easy task."

On the side of the mountain ghost tribe, an old black-clothed woman with a pale face like a ghost said to the middle-aged black robe headed by her with an unsightly expression.

The middle-aged black robe ignored the old woman's words, his ghostly eyes stared closely at a burly middle-aged man in golden robe headed by the Taurus tribe, and his cold and stern voice slowly spread across the world.

"Niu Tai, will your Taurus tribe and my mountain ghost tribe fight to the end? You should know that continuing this battle will not benefit both you and me."

Niu Tai, the patriarch of the Taurus clan, looked down at the middle-aged in the black robe coldly, with a loud voice like Hong Zhong: "Ghost Yushan, this place was discovered by the Taurus clan first. Since you know that the battle between the two clans is not good for anyone, then take it immediately Get out of the mountain ghost tribe!"

The patriarch of the mountain ghost clan Gui Yushan heard Niu Tai's unceremonious words, and his complexion instantly became extremely difficult to look at.

The strength of the mountain ghost tribe and the Taurus tribe is half a catty, and both sides have lost many elite disciples in this battle. If the war continues, it will really hurt the bones.

Once the vitality of the two races is severely damaged, there may be a risk of being annexed by other races.


Guiyushan naturally didn't want to go shopping with the Jinniu.

However, the resources on this mountain cannot be easily given up by Guiyu Mountain. Once the Taurus tribe gets the resources inside, the strength of the Taurus tribe will probably increase to a level.

At that time, their mountain ghost tribe will also face a huge threat.

Just when Guiyushan was in a dilemma, something suddenly felt in his mind, and the whole body couldn't help but shook suddenly.

After a while.

I saw a flash of light in Guiyushan's eyes, and he directly shouted to the senior Shangui clan next to him: "Let the order go on, retreat!"

"What? Retreat?"

Some of the mountain ghost tribe's high-level appearance changed slightly, and they couldn't help but said with a reconciled expression: "Patriarch, can we really give up the resources in this mountain to the Jinniu tribe?"

"Patriarch, you cannot retreat. We absolutely cannot give up the resources of this place to the Taurus tribe easily."

The grimace old woman said with a frantic look: "The Taurus tribe wants to swallow the resources of this place. Even if our mountain ghost tribe is badly injured, we will definitely make them pay a heavy price."

"Okay, just now, a messenger from the Soul Eater Protoss came to send a message. There are important things that we need to do. We can't stand in a stalemate with the Taurus here. Let the Taurus tribe occupy this place first."

Gui Yushan said solemnly.

Many high-level executives heard Guiyushan's words, and their expressions changed suddenly, and they no longer had any doubts about Guiyushan's order to retreat.

Soul Eater Protoss, this is one of the eight great Protoss of the Hundred Clan Wasteland, and it is also one of the top big clan in the Hundred Clan Wasteland.

Their mountain ghost tribe is just a subsidiary force attached to the Soul Eater Protoss tribe.

Compared with competing for resources with the Taurus tribe, the task of the complete Soul Eater Protoss is obviously too important.


Once the Soul Eater Protoss is blamed, there will probably not be a place for their mountain ghosts in this wasteland of hundreds of races.

"Niu Tai, I don't care about Ghost Yushan today, but the resources of this mountain are not something your Taurus tribe can eat."

Guiyu Mountain gave a cold look at Niu Tai, the head of the Jinniu tribe, and immediately waved his big hand, and he was about to retreat with the Jinniu tribe.


At the moment he had just turned around, he discovered that two human beings from the Celestial Divine Realm were slowly approaching the place where they were fighting with the Taurus tribe.

These two are naturally not others, but Jiang Chen and Ji Lingwei.

Gui Yushan's eyes flashed, and he stared at Jiang Chen coldly: "Boy, who are you and where are you from?"

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