A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 2041: Dare to ruin the soul-eater, die


Niu Tai was unforgiving. After he smashed back Guiyu Mountain with an axe, he didn't give Guiyu Mountain any chance to breathe. He raised his axe and smashed towards Guiyu Mountain.

Gui Yushan strongly suppressed the churning aura inside his body, and looked at Niu Tai who was killed again, his pupils suddenly shrank.

In his current state, he was not Niu Tai's opponent at all.

not to mention……

On the side there was an enemy more powerful than Niu Tai watching.

If he continues to stay here, I am afraid he will really fall here today.

"Niu Tai, you wait for me, today's matter, my ghost Yushan will never end with you!"

With a roar of Guiyu Mountain, he ignored the many mountain ghost people behind him, and directly turned into a black light torn space and escaped into the endless void.

"This old ghost runs very fast."

Seeing Ghost Yushan who had fled directly from the sky, Niu Tai could only helplessly shook his head.

He and Guiyushan are both in the late stage of the Earth Zun, and their strengths are not much different. Even if Guiyushan is hit hard now, it is difficult for him to leave Guiyushan behind.

If Gui Yushan is pressed into a hurry, once Gui Yushan fights back desperately, he may not be able to endure it.


Although Guiyushan had escaped, the people of the mountain ghost tribe would be miserable without him, who was sheltered by the strong earthly superior.

I saw that Niu Tai took the people of the Taurus tribe, still entering the uninhabited state, and rushed to the people of the mountain ghost tribe, killing the people of the mountain ghost tribe so much that they were crying and crying.


The screams are endless.

That was a one-sided slaughter. Under the leadership of Niu Tai, a powerful master of the earthly realm, the Taurus tribe quickly defeated the Shangui tribe.

Except for a very small number of Shangui tribesmen who fled the battlefield in panic, most of them were bombarded and killed by the Taurus tribe into nothingness.

"In Niu Tai, the head of the Jinniu tribe, thank you for helping me destroy the mountain ghost tribe."

After Niu Tai led the Jinniu tribe to destroy the Shangui tribe, he ordered the people of the Jinniu tribe to start cleaning the battlefield, and he came directly to Jiang Chen, holding his fist politely.

The black-clothed youth in front of him can severely damage the Ghost Jade Mountain in the middle of the Earth Zun with one move. In all likelihood, he is a sacred deity who has broken the limit three times.

These characters are not only as powerful as Tianzun powerhouses, but they are definitely geniuses from a certain god-king force outside the wasteland of the hundred races, and they are simply not something that their little Taurus tribe can afford to offend.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "You don't have to be polite, Patriarch Niu, I didn't help you Jinniu tribe, it's just that ghost Yushan killed himself."

"No matter what, your Excellency has great kindness to my Taurus tribe. Please follow me back to the Taurus tribe so that I can do my best as a landlord."

Niu Taixiao sincerely sent out an invitation to Jiang Chen.

For the black-clothed young man in front of him, Niu Tai can be described as a hurry from the heart.

The Jinniu tribe and the Shangui tribe have stalemate for so many years, no one can help each other.

If Jiang Chen hadn't taken the shot this time, how could he easily defeat the mountain ghost tribe again?

Now the patriarch of the mountain ghost tribe, Guiyushan, has suffered heavy losses. The world **** powerhouse of the mountain ghost tribe and the elite disciples of the tribe have suffered most of the casualties. From then on, they can no longer contend with their Jinniu tribe.

The Jinniu tribe can completely encroach on the mountain ghost tribe's territory bit by bit, continue to grow, and gradually annex the mountain ghost tribe completely.

By the time.

With sufficient resources, he might also be able to try to attack the Heavenly Sovereign Realm.

Once he can break through the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, the Taurus tribe will be a race with the Heavenly Sovereign, and I am afraid that it will also be ranked among the hundreds of wastelands.

not to mention……

Regardless of Jiang Chen's help to their Taurus tribe, just a holy god, that would only have to make their Taurus tribe make friends with all their strength.


Jiang Chen was not polite, and nodded directly: "I first came to the Wasteland of the Hundred Races, and there happened to be something I wanted to ask the Chief Niu for advice."

The wasteland of the Hundred Races is vast, almost not inferior to a real world of martial arts.

It is undoubtedly a very difficult task for Jiang Chen to rely on himself to find the master in the wasteland of a hundred races.

Although the Taurus is only a weak race on the edge of the wasteland of the hundred races, after all, they live in the wasteland of the hundred races all year round, and they know much better about the situation of the wasteland of the hundred races.

Jiang Chen also wanted to see if he could find out the whereabouts of some masters from the Jinniu tribe.


And just when Jiang Chen followed Niu Tai to the Taurus clan.

Out of the gloomy and dark valley in the periphery of the Hundred Clan Wasteland, a strange spatial fluctuation suddenly rippled.


I saw the figure of Ghost Yushan, which was also considered embarrassed and flashed out of the void.

"Damn it, the changes in the Black Mist Forest have something to do with the kid in the Saint-Rank Heaven and Divine Realm!"

Guiyushan's expression was extremely gloomy.

Knowing that the kid would be a holy god, he wouldn't do anything directly.

Although he had escaped back, most of the mountain ghosts who were on the battlefield might not be able to come back alive.

This time, the mountain ghost tribe was completely injured.

"Now I can only promptly notify the Soul Eater Protoss, and use the power of the Soul Eater to deal with that kid and the Taurus tribe."

Guiyushan's eyes flickered slightly, and his figure appeared in a dark hall in the middle of the valley.

He sat cross-legged in front of a deity enshrined in the center of the main hall, and his hands quickly formed a dark handprint.

After a while.

I saw the black air lingering above the idol, and a terrifying pressure that made the soul of Ghost Yushan tremble, and it was considered to be instantly diffused in the hall.

Immediately afterwards.

A gloomy voice rang slowly in the hall.

"Guiyu Mountain, you are so anxious to contact me, but have you found out about the Black Mist Forest?"

Gui Yushan quickly said with respect and respect: "Master Qi, his subordinates have indeed found some clues. The changes in the Black Mist Forest should have something to do with a holy god."

"Holy God?"

The voice above the idol said coldly: "It's impossible, just relying on a sacred god, how can you kill the fierce soul in the black mist forest?"

"Wh...what? The evil spirits of the Black Mist Forest were killed?"

Ghost Yushan looked horrified.

As the person who guards the Black Mist Forest for the Soul Eater Protoss, Guiyu Mountain knows exactly what the Black Mist Forest is.

Those fierce souls raised by the Soul Devouring Protoss, but immortal, could be killed by others?

Could it be that the Divine King Realm can't make a move?

"My enlightenment, the Black Mist Forest did happen when the holy **** entered the wasteland of the hundred races."

"Even if this matter was not done by the holy god, it should have a great relationship."

Gui Yushan said solemnly: "The holy gods must be geniuses from the power of the gods, and it is not unusual to have the means of the gods."

The idol heard Ghost Yushan's words, and the cold voice echoed in the hall again.

"Gui Yushan, stare at the saint god, dare to ruin my soul-eaten **** clan's great event, my soul-eater **** clan will definitely make him die!"

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