A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 2048: Four commanders, kill with one palm

"Huh? In the ancient city of Hundred Desolations, there are strong people fighting again. Looking at this aura fluctuation, I am afraid it should be the strong people of the Celestial Realm who are fighting."

"This fluctuation...seems to come from the direction of the Profound Shuang League."

"Hey! Who is so courageous to go wild in the Profound Shuang League?"


When Jiang Chen fought against the four leaders of the Profound Shuang League, terrifying energy fluctuations instantly filled the sky above the ancient city, and immediately caused many practitioners in the city to be shocked.

Many people rose to the sky in the direction of the Profound Shuang League, wanting to see what happened to the Profound Shuang League.


When they saw the situation above the Profound Shuang League, they were all stunned by the scene before them.

"Unexpectedly, someone actually came to the Profound Shuang League to make trouble, and the four chiefs of the Profound Shuang League actually took action at the same time."

"Who is that young man in black, who has used his own power to crush the four leaders of the Profound Frost League, and judging from his aura, it seems that he is still in the realm of the gods!"

"The Heavenly God Realm has such a combat power. Is this black-clothed youth the legendary sacred Heavenly God?"


When everyone was talking about it, the two leaders of the Xuanshuang League couldn't bear it first and exploded out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards.

The leaders of the two Divine Realms were equally difficult to resist, and they were directly crushed by Jiang Chen's giant chaotic palm.

With just a palm, the four leaders of the Profound Shuang League are exhausted!

In the ancient city of Bahuang, all the practitioners who saw this scene couldn't believe their eyes!

These were the four chiefs of the Profound Shuang League, all of whom had their cultivation bases reached the Realm God Realm, and there were even two in the Earth Sovereign Realm.

The four teamed up, but claimed to be able to fight against the powerhouse of the Heavenly Venerable Realm.

Such a strong lineup was crushed by the black-clothed youth opposite.

What a horror, what a terrifying power this is!

"Shoo, hoo..."

Just when everyone was shocked by the scene before them, four different rays of light, the souls of the four masters, were shot out in the **** mist over the Profound Frost League. Wherever they dared to stay as if, they all fled towards the Profound Shuang League with a panic expression on their faces. .

Jiang Chen stepped on the void and stepped on his expressionless foot, just like the feet of the sky descended by an ancient giant, with the sound of thunder and rumbling, he stepped towards the spirit of the four leaders of the Profound Frost League.


The fall of this foot made the sky above the entire Profound Frost League instantly congealed into a single piece of iron.

The four chiefs of the Profound Frost League were all horrified to discover that their souls were directly held in the void by an invisible force, and it was impossible to move them at all!

"League...Leader help!"

The four commanders looked desperate and horrified, and couldn't help but shouted at the Profound Shuang League.


"Boy, if you dare to kill the four leaders of my Profound Shuang League, my Profound Shuang League will never die with you!"

Inside the Profound Shuang League, loud shouts of fright and anger were also resounding in the sky above the Hundred Desolate Ancient City.

The next moment...

I saw a series of divine rainbows exuding the breath of the weather, also rising into the sky from within the Xuanshuang League, and then with a terrifying force, they smashed towards Jiang Chen.

These people who shot are some elder-level powerhouses of the Xuanshuang League, who want to prevent Jiang Chen from killing the four leaders.

Especially the first old man in golden robe, he was a strong man in the heavenly realm.

He stretched out his hand to explore the void, and instantly condensed into a golden long sword. The long sword was like a sun **** sword, exuding incomparable light and terrifying power, as if to pierce the heaven and the earth.

"call out!"

The old man in the golden robe moved his palm, and the golden long sword flew out.

At that moment, the sky above the entire Profound Frost League was instantly divided into two by a bright golden light.

The power of this sword changed the color of the world.

Even the many Realm Gods who were watching from afar were shocked. If this sword is directed at them, I am afraid it will be able to crush them into powder in an instant.

"It's a terrible sword, this should be the famous and unique great Sun Sword of the Golden Sun Heavenly Sovereign of the Profound Shuang League."

"It is said that Jinyang Tianzun uses this sword to shock the wasteland of hundreds of races. Even if many Tianzun powerhouses face this sword, they have to avoid the edge for the time being!"

"I don't know how the black-clothed youth on the opposite side will resist."


Jiang Chen had no expression on his face, and the dazzling ten-color brilliance instantly intertwined into a chaotic barrier, covering the whole person.

"Boom boom boom!"

The attacks of those strong in the Profound Frost Alliance were all smashed on the chaos enchantment, and it was impossible to shake the chaos enchantment at all.

Even Jinyang Tianzun's Great Sun Divine Sword just swayed a wave of spatial ripples on the surface of the chaos enchantment, and then directly turned into a little golden light and exploded.

Underlying the attack of Jinyang Tianzun and the others, Jiang Chen directly stepped on the horrified eyes of everyone, and completely trampled on the spirits of the four rulers, and the remaining power also swept towards the Profound Frost League below.

If it hadn't been for the strong formation guardian of the Xuanshuang League, which would have blocked the remaining strength of Jiang Chen's foot, I am afraid that the entire Xuanshuang League would have turned into nothingness in an instant.

this moment.

There was a dead silence in the sky and the earth.

Everyone looked at the shocking scene in front of them, and it has been a long time for them to return to their senses.

The Xuanshuang League has been standing in the Eight Desolate Ancient City for at least tens of millions of years. It has always been the most powerful force in the Eight Desolate Ancient City, and almost no one dares to easily provoke it.

It can be said.

The Xuanshuang League is the master of the Eight Desolate Ancient City.

Even the people of the Eight Great Protoss of the Hundred Clan Wastelands, in the Eight Desolate Ancient City, they have to be polite to the Profound Shuang League.

After all these years, how has the Profound Shuang League been knocked on the door like it is now, and even the four leaders have been wiped out?

"Good! Good! Good!"

Jinyang Tianzun laughed furiously and stared at Jiang Chen murderously: "Boy, for so many years, you are the first to dare to be wild in my Profound Shuang League."

Jiang Chen stood proudly with no expression on his face: "Old guy, I will only say this once, if you don't want the Profound Shuang League to disappear from the ancient city of the Eight Desolations, then let your leader get out and see me."

"Don't be ashamed!"

Jinyang Tianzun was furious, his figure flashed into the void, a golden sword Yeye in his hand was radiant, blooming with a splendid divine light and a terrifying breath, shocking the sky.

at the same time.

The rays of sun divine light blessed in the golden sun in the sky make the breath of the golden sun to reach the middle of the sky.


Jiang Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense, he clenched his fist sharply, and unceremoniously smashed his fist at Jinyang Tianzun.

The mighty fluctuations shook the world and made the world tremble.

Jinyang Tianzun fully urged the Great Sun Divine Sword and collided with Jiang Chen's sky-shaking fist.


The void exploded, the sun and the moon collapsed, the chaos was overturned, and a terrifying storm of destruction swept across the sky.

Jinyang Tianzun couldn't stop it at all, the whole body was directly shattered by Jiang Chen's fist, turning into a cloud of blood and falling down from the void.

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