"Yes, although I have recently practiced a secret technique, but at least I need the gods to carry my soul."

"No matter what method you use, I will get me a body of a god-level **** in the shortest time."

The Soul Eater Protoss ancestor said in an unquestionable tone.

Venerable Soul Destroyer took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Ancestor rest assured, Soul Destroyer will find you the body of the goddess at all costs."

The Soul Eater Protoss has been planning for too long for the ancestors to return to the top.

Whether the Soul Eater can dominate the wasteland of a hundred races and become the sole ruler of the wasteland of a hundred races depends on whether he can find a suitable body to carry the spirit of the ancestor.

Divine rank gods in the wasteland of a hundred races are extremely rare, and almost among the eight great **** races, he has no chance to do it at all.

If he wanted to make a statement about the body of a god-level **** for the ancestor, he could only go outside the wasteland of the hundred races.

Tianzun Miehun Tianzun's eyes flickered slightly, just as he was about to leave the temple and personally search for the body of the god-level god, a faint voice suddenly rang above the soul-eater **** clan.

"Jiang Chen came to visit the Soul Eater Protoss!"

Hearing this sudden voice, the expression of Soul Destruction Tianzun couldn't help but suddenly changed: "This fellow Jiang Chen... why suddenly came to the Soul Eater Protoss!"

Soul Destruction Tianzun never expected that Jiang Chen, who had disappeared for two years, would suddenly come to the Soul Eater Protoss!

"Jiang Chen? It's the kid who has been doing bad things in a row. He actually came to the Soul Eater Protoss?"

The cold voice of the ancestor of the Soul Eater Protoss also rang directly in the hall.

"Yes, that kid."

Soul-killing Tianzun took a deep breath, and his face solemnly said: "Ancestor, this guy suddenly came to our Soul Eater Protoss, I am afraid that the person who comes is not good."

The situation in which he was beaten by Jiang Chen and fled in a panic during the Battle of the Hundred Desolate Ancient City is still vivid today.

If Jiang Chen really had to struggle with the Soul Eater Protoss, the Soul Eater Protoss might be in trouble today.

"Why panic, think of a way to lead him to this temple."

The Soul Eater Protoss smiled and said: "This seat is in need of a body to carry my soul. I didn't expect someone to bring it to the door. It is really nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it!"

Hearing this, Tianzun Tianzun couldn't help being slightly surprised: "Ancestor, do you want to take away Jiang Chen's body?"

Jiang Chen broke the shackles of the Heavenly God Realm and was a heaven-defying existence above the Saint-Rank Heavenly God.

In the first battle of the Wood Spirit Protoss, even Lei Jiao Tianzun and other super powerful one-star Tianzun were completely defeated by Jiang Chen.

The ancestor wants to seize the body of such a god-defying evildoer, can he really succeed?

"Isn't it possible? Beyond the Heavenly God Realm of the Saint-Rank Celestial God, such a body is undoubtedly the most complete carrier for this seat. Since the kid took the initiative to send it to the door, this seat has no reason to refuse."

"Don't worry, no matter how evil the kid is, he is only a heavenly god, how can he be on par with this seat at the **** soul level?"

"What's more... In this temple, I am the sole master here. Unless the Divine King Realm is powerful in person, anyone who enters here will never want to escape from my palm!"

The faint voice of the Soul Eater Protoss revealed a boundless domineering.

In the battle of the ancient times, he was almost completely destroyed, leaving only a trace of remnant soul, which was preserved by the secret technique of the soul-eating protoss.

Billions of years.

This trace of remnant soul slowly recovered to its current state under the full support of the Soul Eater Protoss.

Although his spirit still hasn't recovered to its peak, he can't even leave this temple. But under the circumstances of occupying the right time and place, is it not easy to seize the body of a heavenly god?

Soul-killing Tianzun's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he said in a deep voice: "Ancestor, I'll go and lead him over."

Jiang Chen's combat power is too high, if he really wants to be disadvantageous to the Soul Eater Protoss, with their current power of the Soul Eater Protoss, it really may not be able to cope.

Only now.

He could only choose to lead Jiang Chen to the temple where the ancestor was.

If the ancestor could really take away Jiang Chen's body, he would no longer have to find a body for the ancestor, and the crisis of the Soul Eater Protoss could be easily resolved.

For the Soul Eater Protoss, this is undoubtedly a thing of two birds with one stone.

Soul-killing Tianzun left the temple, and immediately stepped out, directly spooking out above the Soul Eater Protoss.

He looked at Jiang Chen standing proudly outside of the Soul Eater Protoss, and said coldly: "Jiang Chen, what are you doing to my Soul Eater Protoss?"

Jiang Chen didn't talk nonsense, and he said straight to the door: "Soul Extinguisher Tianzun, I need some treasures that will help the cultivation of the soul road. You soul eater gods are good at the soul road, so there should be a lot of treasures in this area."

"Jiang Chen, don't be too arrogant."

Soul Destruction Tianzun coldly snorted: "Although your strength is shocking, but my Soul Eater Protoss is not a soft persimmon for you to knead!"

Jiang Chen glanced at Mie Hun Tian Zun expressionlessly, and said faintly: "Mie Hun Tian Zun, I am here on this trip. I only want some Soul Dao treasures, and I don’t want to be enemies of your Soul Eater Protoss. If you are not willing to give Me, then I can only go in and get it myself."


Soul-killing Tianzun changed for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "I can give you the treasure of Soul Dao, but you must make sure to leave the Soul Eater Protoss immediately after getting the treasure."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "Don't worry, I, Jiang Chen, never break my promise. As long as I get what I need, I promise I won't hurt the Soul Eater Protoss."

"Come with me."

After Soul Destruction Tianzun finished speaking, he immediately turned and headed towards the depths of the Soul Eater Protoss, a grin flashed across his eyes.

The ancestor asked him to lead Jiang Chen to the temple of the forbidden land, and the soul-killing Tianzun did not know how to start. Now Jiang Chen wants Soul Dao treasures, right in the arms of Soul Destruction Heavenly Sovereign.

The reason why he was hesitant was just to make Jiang Chen not suspicious.

Jiang Chen looked at the back of Mie Hun Tianzun who turned away, without any hesitation in his figure, and strode directly to follow.

Although Mie Soul Tianzun's reaction was somewhat beyond Jiang Chen's expectations. But since he is here, how can Jiang Chen shrink back?

Jiang Chen really wanted to follow Tianzun Miehun, all the way to the depths of the Soul Eater Protoss.

Not long.

The two came outside the forbidden temple of the Soul Eater Protoss.

Soul-killing Tianzun looked at the Forbidden Land Temple, and then glanced at Jiang Chen lightly: "Jiang Chen, this is the treasure house of my Soul Eater Protoss."

"Oh? Then go in and take a look."

The corners of Jiang Chen's mouth were slightly the same, and a meaningful smile appeared in his eyes.

Although this temple is located in the depths of the Soul Eater Protoss, it is completely independent of the other buildings of the Soul Eater Protoss and will definitely not be a treasure of the Soul Eater.

It seems...

Soul Destruction Tianzun brought him to this temple, obviously there was some conspiracy.

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