A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 2077: Destroy the Soul Eater Protoss

Outside the forbidden temple.

After waiting for another half month, Soul Destruction Tianzun found that there was still no movement in the Forbidden Land Temple, and his complexion became more and more gloomy.

"It seems that the ancestor's soul has really gone wrong. You are waiting here, I will go in and see the situation."

For three and a half months in a row, Soul Destruction Tianzun obviously couldn't sit still.


Just as he was about to enter the temple, the door of the temple that had been closed suddenly opened with a bang.

Miehun Tianzun and the others were taken aback for a moment, and they looked at the temple in the same direction.

very quickly.

They saw a figure of a young man in black, slowly walking out of the temple.

"Ancestor, you... have you succeeded?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, an expression of excitement appeared on the faces of Miserable Soul Tianzun and others.

The ancestors eat the **** king, this is the **** king realm power in the ancient times of the soul eater protoss.

Although taking Jiang Chen's body with the remnant soul may not be able to exert all the power of the Divine King Realm, it is absolutely invincible in this wasteland of hundreds of races!

Under the leadership of the ancestors, their Soul Eater Protoss surpassed the Sky-Swallowing Flood Clan to become the first of the eight Protoss, and even dominate the wasteland of the hundred races, it is just around the corner.

"Ancestor? Desperate Soul Tianzun, it seems that your eyes are not very good."

Jiang Chen heard the name of the Soul Destroying Heavenly Sovereign, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but set off a strange arc: "Sorry, your so-called ancestor, the Heaven-Eater God King, has been wiped out by me!"


Following Jiang Chen's words, the expressions of Mie Hun Tianzun and others couldn't help but change drastically.

Soul Destruction Tianzun exclaimed with an incredulous expression: "Jiang Chen, it turned out to be you, this... how is this possible?"

Soul Destruction Tianzun did not expect that the ancestors, the Heaven Devouring God King, had really failed to seize the house while occupying the right time and place!

"What's impossible?"

Jiang Chen curled his lips and said with a look of disdain: "It's just wishful thinking to take me away from the remnant soul of the **** king."

"Jiang Chen, you...you dare to destroy the spirit of the ancestor!"

The look of Tianzun Destroyed Soul was furious to the extreme.

The ancestors' spirits were destroyed, and their soul-eaten gods' plans for many years were completely destroyed by Jiang Chen.

Not only that, today their Soul Eater Protoss is probably in danger.

"I killed the remnant soul of the Heaven Devouring God King, what can you do?"

"Originally, I came to the Soul Eater Protoss this time, just want some Soul Dao treasures, but your Soul Eater Protoss has to find your own way of death."

Jiang Chen stared coldly at Mie Soul Tianzun: "Remember what I said in the temple that day? If you dare to do something to me, there is no need for the Soul Eater Protoss to exist."

"Jiang Chen, this matter is indeed my Soul Eater Protoss. My Soul Eater Protoss is willing to take out the Soul Dao treasure to apologize to you."

Tianzun Miehun Tianzun's eyes were full of horror, and he quickly shouted to Jiang Chen.

He had already fought Jiang Chen in the Bahuang Ancient City back then, and he naturally knew how terrifying Jiang Chen's strength was, and he could not contend at all.

Now that the ancestor's soul has been destroyed by Jiang Chen, he has to choose to bow his head to Jiang Chen.


The Soul Eater Protoss might really be at risk of extinction today.

Jiang Chen smiled coldly: "I knew today, why bother?"

"Jiang Chen, are you really going to die with me Soul Eater Protoss?"

The Soul-Eater Tianzun said with gloomy eyes: "My Soul-Eater Protoss is not a soft persimmon for you to knead. If you want to destroy the Soul-Eater Protoss, I must make you pay a heavy price for it!"

"is it?"

Jiang Chen didn't bother to talk nonsense at all.

From the moment the Soul Eater Tianzun introduced him to the temple and let the Heaven Eater God King take the house, the Soul Eater Protoss had already been sentenced to death by him.

Today he will step down on the Soul Eater Protoss and let the Soul Eater completely disappear from the wasteland of the hundred races!

"call out!"

With a move of Jiang Chen's palm, a bright golden glow pierced the sky, and then turned into a huge golden palace, with the power of destroying the heavens and the earth, smashing the past at Miehun Tianzun.

The souls of the dead in the heart of the soul-killing Tianzun.

Where did he dare to hesitate, and quickly swallowed a drop of the blood of the **** king, and fully urged a black token in the palm of his palm, turning it into a black enchantment, covering all the hundreds of miles of space in his body.


With incomparable power, the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace smashed the black enchantment heavily, smashing the black enchantment to shreds.

After the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace smashed the black barrier, the power of terror instantly penetrated the space of hundreds of miles, and poured all of it on the body of the soul-killing god.


The body of Mie Hun Tianzun burst open in mid-air, and from it flew out an imaginary black shadow exactly like Mie Hun Tianzun's soul.

His expression was horrified, he turned around to flee towards the panic, but was killed by Jiang Chen's hand in the Ancient Seal of Extinguishing Soul.

When Jiang Chen first entered the wasteland of a hundred races, he could easily suppress the peak of the Heavenly Sovereign, Tianzun Soul Destruction.

Now his Nine Dao powers are consummated, and his strength is several times greater than before. Under the situation of fully urging the Divine King's artifact, the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, how can the Heavenly Slayer resist?

After the Soul-killing Heavenly Sovereign was completely resolved, Jiang Chen was like a killer, and he directly killed the remaining Heavenly Sovereign powerhouses of the Soul-Eater Protoss.

These Heavenly Venerable Powers are more than one level weaker than Miserable Soul Heavenly Venerable, and they are almost the same as Ants in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen killed one person with one move, and in almost an instant, he killed three Tianzun powerhouses one after another.


The last Tianzun powerhouse of the Soul Eater Protoss was shocked by the scene before him. While begging for mercy, he usually flees towards the sky.

But Jiang Chen just gave an understatement, and he split this strong Tianzun into two halves from the void.

Even the soul was destroyed by Jiang Chen's finger and turned into nothingness.

After slaying several Heavenly Sovereign Realm powerhouses of the Soul Eater Protoss, Jiang Chen directly activated the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art.

In the void, bright stars and sword auras fell like meteors, covering the entire Soul Eater Protoss, their sword auras rushing into the sky, killing all quarters!


The screams of sorrowful screams resounded in the sky above the Soul Eater Protoss one after another.

After slaughtering the Soul Eater Protoss with the Seven Star Heaven Sword Art, Jiang Chen went directly to the treasure house of the Soul Eater Protoss, scraped away all the treasures of the Soul Eater Protoss, and then turned into a stream of light, rushing out of the Soul Eater Protoss.

After he rushed out of the Soul Eater Protoss, the star giant sword condensed from the Seven Star Heaven Sword Art also fell from the nine heavens.


Only a loud noise was heard, and the entire Soul Devouring Protoss was instantly transformed into ruins under that star giant sword.

So far.

The Soul Eater Protoss, one of the Eight Great Protoss of the Hundred Clan Wasteland, completely disappeared from this world!

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