Ancient Profound Dao and Li Jian used to be from the Ancient Spirit God Sect, and naturally they also have a very good understanding of this Heavenly Spirit City.

Not long.

They took Jiang Chen to a place called Tianji Shenlou.

"Tianji God Tower?"

Jiang Chen looked at the plaque above the gate of the building in front of him, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

Back in the Great Wilderness Realm, Jiang Chen encountered a mysterious force called the Tianji Tower. I don't know what the so-called Tianji God Tower seems to have with that day's machine building?

"Jiang Chen, the Heavenly Jishen Tower does have some relationship with the Tianji Tower in the Great Wilderness Realm."

Gu Xuan Dao seemed to see through Jiang Chen's mind, and couldn't help but smile faintly.


Jiang Chen was also slightly surprised when he heard this.

"The Heavenly Jigsaw Tower is as famous as the Eternal Temple. These two forces are also known as the two most mysterious forces in God's Domain."

"The sub-temples of the Eternal Temple are all over the eternal void, and the branches of the Heavenly Jishen Tower are all over the various realms of the gods."

"But... Compared to the Eternal Temple, the Heavenly Mystery Tower is more mysterious. The Eternal Temple only appeared after the shattered God Realm, and the Heavenly Mystery Tower has existed since ancient times."

"It can be said that Tianji God Tower is the oldest force in God's Domain!"

Having said this, Gu Xuan Dao couldn't help but a look of jealousy appeared in his eyes.

In the Continent of the Gods, this Heavenly Machine God Tower is undoubtedly one of the forces that most practitioners are least willing to provoke!

"Tianji Shenlou is indeed terrible. It is said that everything can be solved here."

"As long as you can afford to pay a sufficient price, even if you want to buy a god-king realm's mighty life, Tianji Shenlou can even do it for you!"

Li Jian is also surprisingly authentic.

With Jiang Chen's temperament, Rao couldn't help but breathe in his heart when listening to Li Jian's words.

Divine King Realm great power, this is a peerless powerhouse who masters the power of the Great Dao.

Every **** king realm great power is a powerful presence on the side of the gods in the gods' realm continent.

If even the life of the **** king realm can be bought, doesn't it mean that the heavenly machine **** building has the terrifying ability to hunt down the **** king realm power?

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and strode into the Tianji God Tower.

From the outside, the Tianji God Tower is no more than three feet tall, but inside, there are things inside, at least one thousand feet tall.

This thousand-square-meter space is divided into countless floors from bottom to top, layered on top of each other, and each floor is very different. Obviously, some space supernatural powers are used to isolate the space.

"What do you want to buy?"

In the hall, a waiter in the Tianji God Building saw the three Jiang Chen and hurriedly greeted them and asked.

Jiang Chen glanced slightly, and found that this waiter actually had a world **** cultivation base, and he couldn't help being surprised.

Venerable Realm God, if placed in other realms outside of the Realm of Gods Continent, they can support a power of Realm God, but they can only become an ordinary attendant in the Heavenly Jishen Tower.

This shows how terrifying this Heavenly Jishen Tower is!

Jiang Chen shook his head secretly, cast aside his happy thoughts, and directly explained his intentions to the attendants: "We are here to buy some information."

"Please follow me."

The waiter didn't talk nonsense, and directed the three Jiang Chen toward the upper floor.

Not long.

Under the leadership of the waiter, the three Jiang Chen stepped into a room on the ninth floor of the pavilion.

In the room, there was a black robe old man sitting there with his eyes closed.

The aura of this black-robed old man was extremely extraordinary, and he was obviously a strong man whose cultivation level had reached the Heavenly Sovereign Realm.

"What news do you want to buy?"

Seeing Jiang Chen and the others coming in, the black-robed old man slowly opened his eyes and asked straightforwardly.

Jiang Chen said indifferently: "I want to buy information on all the powers above the star-rated Tianzun of the Ancient Spirit Sect."

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, the black-clothed old man couldn't help but glance at the three of Jiang Chen.


Tianji Shenlou is engaged in all transactions, and always only talks about the price, regardless of the reason, the old man in black did not say much.

He directly pointed at Jiang Chen with five fingers: "Three million high-grade **** crystals!"

Jiang Chen possesses hundreds of millions of high-grade **** crystals in the resources of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace. Naturally, he doesn't care about three million high-grade **** crystals, and three million high-grade **** crystals appear in front of the black-clothed old man with a wave of his palm.

"The Ancient Spirit God Sect now has five one-star heavenly veterans, three two-star heavenly veterans, and one divine king realm magnificent. Their detailed information is in this scroll, you can check it yourself."

The black-clothed old man took the Shenjing and threw a scroll directly in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't waste time either, immersing his spiritual sense into the scroll, and quickly checked the information in the scroll.

The information in this scroll is indeed very detailed. It not only records the specific cultivation bases of the nine great masters of the Ancient Spirit Sect, but even their unique skills are clearly recorded.

"Except for the great power of the Divine King Realm, there are only three two-star Celestials and five one-star Celestials, which is not too much trouble."

After understanding the specific situation of the Ancient Spirit God Sect, Jiang Chen couldn't help but mutter to himself.

According to the information on the scroll, the great power of the Divine King Realm of the Ancient Spirit God Sect has lived for nearly 100 million years, and the distance is not far away. If it were not for the life and death of the Ancient Spirit God Sect, he would not easily make a move.

Except for the Supreme Elder of the Divine King Realm, the lineup of the Star Heavenly Venerables of the Ancient Spirit God Sect is already very scary for ordinary people.

But for today's Jiang Chen, there is no threat at all.

After looking up the information on the scroll, Jiang Chen directly returned the scroll to the black-clothed old man, and then he wanted to turn around and leave.

"By the way, I will provide you with a free message. In addition to the nine powerhouses on the scroll, Ancient Spirit God Sect has recently added an existence that is at least comparable to the three-star Tianzun."

At this moment, the faint voice of the black-clothed old man suddenly came from behind Jiang Chen and the others.

"Thanks a lot."

Jiang Chen paused, looked back at the black-clothed old man in surprise, then thanked him and left the room quickly.

"Interestingly, the once peerless **** of the Ancient Spirit Sect returned with a man of destiny. The boy's fate, even I can't understand it, I am afraid that there will be a good show next."

The black-clothed old man looked at the back of the three Jiang Chen's departure, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

The black-clothed old man, as a Tianzun powerhouse who is good at life in the Heavenly Jishen Tower, his eyes are so cruel, under the power of the Divine King Realm, there are almost few people he can't see through.

But the young man in black clearly only had the cultivation base of the Realm God, but his fate was strange and unpredictable.

It can be said.

The fate of the black-clothed youth was the first time in his life that he could not see through!

The black-clothed old man had a hunch that the next ancient spirit **** sect was afraid that a tremendous change would happen soon.

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