A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 2087: Let Gu Tianlin get out

Ancient Xuan Dao!

Gu Ling Shenzong tens of thousands of years ago, the peerless son of God, has the opportunity to become the peerless arrogance of the holy God!

Didn't this guy fall tens of thousands of years ago, how could he suddenly appear in the ancient spirit **** sect grand ceremony?

this moment.

Whether it was the people who came to attend the Shenzong Grand Ceremony, or the many disciples of the Ancient Spirit Shenzong, they all couldn't believe their eyes.

On the high platform, many elders of the Ancient Spirit God Sect looked at the sudden appearance of the Ancient Profound Dao, and their expressions changed slightly.

The remaining part of the elders had a look of uncertainty on their faces.

"Ancient Profound Dao, we all thought you had fallen from that incident tens of thousands of years ago. We didn't expect you to be alive. It's really a blessing for my Ancient Spirit Sect."

Gu Hongtianzun, the great elder of the ancient spirit godsect, narrowed his eyes slightly: "But...today's Shenzong ceremony is about to be held, and I hope you don't mess around at the Shenzong ceremony, and everything will be discussed after the Shenzong ceremony is over."

A few years ago.

When Gu Xuan Dao appeared within the scope of Ancient Spirit God Sect, he had already received the news.

Gu Hong Tianzun naturally knew how terrifying the talent of Ancient Profound Dao was.

Once the Ancient Profound Dao returns to the Ancient Spirit God Sect, it will surely gain the support of many people.

As a supporter of Gu Tianlin, Gu Hong Tianzun naturally did not allow Gu Xuan Dao to threaten Gu Tianlin's status.

Back then, he secretly sent a strong man to siege the Ancient Profound Dao, but he didn't expect that the Ancient Profound Dao escaped by chance.


He sent two Heavenly Venerates to chase and kill the Ancient Profound Dao, but he did not expect that the two Heavenly Venerates who chased and killed the Ancient Profound Dao would have fallen!

Gu Hong Tianzun was also shocked at the time.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, the ancient Profound Dao had already been seriously injured at the time, and he had been hit by the palm of life-shattering and shattering.

And when Gu Tianlin had reached the critical time to break through the Heavenly Venerable Realm, Gu Hong Tianzun temporarily left the matter behind.


After Gu Tianlin broke through the two-star Tianzun, he became busy with the affairs of the Shenzong Grand Ceremony again, and directly forgot the affairs of the Ancient Profound Dao.

But Gu Hong Tianzun never thought of it.

The ancient Profound Dao that had been dead for a lifetime, but now it appeared in front of him alive in the Shenzong Grand Ceremony!

No matter how.

Today, he will never allow the ancient Xuan Dao to destroy the Shenzong grand ceremony, ruining the major event of Gu Tianlin's succession as the suzerain!

"Old man, don't put on this polite appearance in front of me, I look sick."

Gu Xuandao looked at Gu Hong Tianzun with disgust, and said coldly: "I don't want to talk nonsense with you. I will return to the Ancient Spirit God Sect today, just to find Gu Tianlin to settle an account. Let Gu Tianlin get out and see me. ."

Gu Hong Tianzun, the great elder of the ancient spirit godsect, has some blood relationship with Gu Tianlin, and has always been an iron supporter of Gu Tianlin.

Gu Xuan Dao had no doubt that whether it was tens of thousands of years ago or the siege of him by the Ancient Spirit God Sect a few years ago, it was inseparable from this old guy.

Today, if he wants to get back everything he has lost, this old guy is destined to become his enemy.

If that's the case, how could Ancient Profound Dao be polite to this old guy?

Hearing Jiang Chen's words from the Ancient Profound Dao, his old face also became extremely gloomy in an instant: "Ancient Profound Dao, how can the Shenzong Grand Ceremony allow you to mess around. If you continue to be obsessed with not understanding, please blame me for being polite!"

"Back then, for the sake of the son of God, Gu Tianlin conspired with outsiders to plot against me. Today I am at this Shenzong grand ceremony, in front of everyone, and settled with him."

Gu Profound Dao stared at Gu Hong Tianzun indifferently: "If anyone dares to stop me, that's the enemy of my Ancient Profound Dao!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

"Gu Xuan Dao, because you were once the **** son of the Ancient Spirit God Sect, I didn't want to care about you. Since you insist on destroying the Shenzong Grand Ceremony, then you can blame me for not thinking about it!"

Gu Hong Tianzun was extremely angry and laughed, and his murderous intent was soaring to the sky.

Seeing his body move, he suddenly stepped out of the sky on the central high platform, and the surging weather of the two-star Tianzun was also overwhelmingly surging toward the ancient profound way.

Ancient Profound Dao is obviously unkind today. If you want to get rid of what happened back then, how can Gu Hong Tianzun give Ancient Profound Dao a chance?


Gu Hong Tianzun didn't want to waste time, and planned to directly kill the ancient profound way to avoid future troubles.

Just in case, Gu Hong Tianzun directly chose to shoot in person.

after all.

Ancient Profound Dao was once the peerless **** son of the Ancient Spirit God Sect, and his talent was even higher than that of Gu Tianlin.

This guy’s cultivation is already in the two-star earthly realm, and his combat power is also extraordinary.

When Ancient Profound Dao appeared, he sent two one-star Heavenly Sovereigns to lead a siege, but the Ancient Profound Dao still escaped.

If he didn't take the action personally, it might be really difficult for ordinary people to easily suppress the Ancient Profound Dao.

"Jiang Chen, Gu Hong Tianzun is a veteran powerhouse who broke through the two-star Tianzun more than five million years ago. Among the current Tianzun powerhouses of the Ancient Spirit Sect, they are probably second only to the suzerain."

Seeing that Gu Hong Tianzun made a direct shot, Li Jian's expression instantly became a lot more solemn.

"Relax, even if they are both two-star Tianzun, there are still strong and weak points. Compared with the master, his two-star Tianzun is more than one thing worse."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, his expression extremely calm.

He bought the information of all the powerful people of the Ancient Spirit God Sect in the Tianji Shenlou, and naturally knew the strength of Gu Hong Tianzun very well.

Although this old guy's cultivation base has reached the second stage of the two-star heavenly sovereign, it is much higher than the ancient profound way that just broke through the two-star heavenly sovereign.

But Gu Xuan Dao, no matter its talent bloodline, is more than that of Gu Hong's talent.

Although Jiang Chen didn't know what happened to the ancient profound way, he finally failed to break through the sacred gods and achieve the three-star realm, which is far from the average two-star realm that can match.

There is also a gap between genius and genius.

For example, when Jiang Chen is in a super-grade deity or a super-grade deity, killing a genius in the same realm is like slaughtering a chicken and a dog!

"Old guy, if I changed my job more than two years ago, I might still be jealous of you by three points. Now with you, the two-star Tianzun who is starting to go downhill, how can I do it?"

Gu Xuan Dao smiled contemptuously, the breath of the two-star Tianzun also instantly turned into a thunderstorm, colliding with Gu Hong Tianzun.


An invisible storm swept through the air.

Gu Hong Tianzun's figure trembled slightly, and immediately the whole person stepped back more than ten steps in the void.

He raised his head and looked at the Ancient Profound Dao still standing proudly in place, with a horrified expression on his face: "You... have you also broken through the heavenly realm?"


Seeing this scene in mid-air, everyone couldn't help being in an uproar.

Ancient Profound Dao, this is the peerless son of the Ancient Spirit God Sect who was able to attack the Saint-Rank Celestial God. Breaking through the Heavenly Sovereign Realm now is at least the existence of the Two-Star Heavenly Sovereign Realm!

Even if it is Ancient Spirit God Sect, as long as the God King does not come out, it is difficult for anyone to suppress it.

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