A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 2148: Re-enter the eternal void

Here is a world of eternal silence.

The vast and boundless space is filled with gray mist, empty and mysterious.


Suddenly, in the eternally silent world, there was a violent spatial fluctuation, and a huge black hole also appeared ghostly from the void.

Immediately afterwards.

A young man in black, wrapped in a cyan glow, also slowly flew out of the black hole.

This black-clothed youth is no one else, it is Jiang Chen who urges the mysterious jade plate to escape into the eternal void.

He saw the vast eternal void around him, and he was slightly relieved: "Sure enough, he has come to the eternal void. I don't know where this is?"

If he wants to return to the Great Desolate Realm, it is best to be in the eternal void south of the God's Domain continent.

If it appears in other areas, I am afraid it will be a lot of trouble to return to the Great Wilderness.

"I don't care about this much, the most urgent thing is to recover my strength first."

Shaking his head, Jiang Chen threw his happy thoughts away and carefully felt the situation in his body.

In the previous battle with Ji Qianye, he almost suffered the most severe damage in his life, and finally the strongest blow from the mysterious ancient sword and the divine vision man's emperor sword, almost made the whole person fall into a weak state.

In his current state, not to mention the great power of the **** king, even an ordinary world **** might be difficult to deal with.

If the strength cannot be restored as soon as possible, it will undoubtedly be a very dangerous thing in this perilous eternal void.

Jiang Chen didn't hesitate anymore, he directly summoned the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, and then went into retreat and practiced.


Jiang Chen planned to summon the void boat directly, while walking in the eternal void, but he gave up after thinking about it.

He is now too unfamiliar with the eternal void in front of him. He is now in the weakest time, and it is really not suitable for him to move lightly. That's why he chose to heal his wounds in the Holy Dragon Palace.

The Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace is a divine weapon built by the Holy Dragon King, unless the Divine King Realm can make a big move, it is almost impossible to shake the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace.

It is undoubtedly much safer to retreat in Shenglong Tiangong.

Jiang Chen sat cross-legged in the Shenglong Tiangong, fully recovering his injuries.

Because of his extraordinary blood physique, he also has a tree of life in his body, and with the many pills he took, he recovered extremely quickly from his injuries.

One day later, Jiang Chen finally recovered part of his strength and had a little self-preservation.

Five days later, Jiang Chen's injuries had recovered by almost one third.

"The speed of recovery is not bad. I should be able to return to the top in half a month at most."

Feeling the situation in his body, Jiang Chen couldn't help muttering to himself, closing his eyes again and entering the practice state.

And just as Jiang Chen entered the Holy Dragon Temple to heal his injuries.

Eternal void, a place thousands of miles away from Jiang Chen, two figures filled with demonic energy are slowly walking through the air.

These two people, the first one is a burly young man with two pitch-black horns on his head.

The burly young man was filled with a domineering devilish air, which made people dare not look at him.

Behind the burly young man was a black-robed old man with the same firstborn and double horns. The terrifying coercion emanating from his body was not inferior to the power of the Divine King Realm in the Divine Domain Continent.

If Jiang Chen appeared here at this moment, he would be able to recognize them at a glance. These two people were the Void Demon Race born in the eternal void.

"Young Master, not far in front is this sea of ​​eternal void and the largest void, are we really going to go in?"

The black-robed old man said worriedly.

The void sea is the gathering power of the void beasts, and it is also one of the most dangerous places in the eternal void.

Even their Void Demon Race did not dare to set foot in the Void Sea easily.

And the void sea in front of him is the biggest void in this eternal void, and it will definitely be very dangerous.

Even if he has the strength of the second-order Void Demon God, he can't guarantee the safety of the young master.

"Our Void Bull Demon Race is not in a good position in the Void Demon Race. We must change the current situation."

"The best way to change the situation of the Void Niu Demon Race is to give credit to the Void Demon Race, so this trip to the Void Sea is imperative for me!"

A sharp light flashed in the eyes of the burly young man.

Since the fourth-order ancestor of the Void Demon God of the Void Niu Mozu fell behind, the position of the Void Niu Mozu in the Void Demon Clan has plummeted, and there is even a vague tendency to be replaced.

As the young master of the Void Bull Demon Race, the burly young man naturally did not allow this to happen.

Now that the Void Mozu deliberately attacked the world of God's Domain once again, the major tribes have begun to move around.

Some time ago, the Void Dark Demon Race, who lived in this eternal void like them, tried to attack the Eastern Region of the God's Domain Continent, but ultimately failed.

Fortunately, the Void Dark Demon Race failed, otherwise their status of the Void Bull Demon Race would really be replaced by the Void Dark Demon Race.

Although the Void Dark Demon Race failed last time, the burly youth did not intend to sit still.

He intends to take the initiative to attack the main hall of the Eternal Temple!

If the main hall of the Eternal Temple can be destroyed in one fell swoop, the Void Bull Demon Race can not only stabilize its position in the Void Demon Race, but also completely remove the nail that stares at the Eternal Void, and remove obstacles for the Void Demon Race to attack the world of God!


Although the strength of the Void Bull Demon Race is not weak, it is not an easy task to eat the main hall of the Eternal Temple.

It is precisely because of this.

Only the burly youth will come to this void sea, and want to use the power of the void beasts in the void sea to attack the main hall of the eternal temple!

"Young Master, the Void Beast King in the Void Sea here has nothing to do with our Void Bull Demon Race. It may be difficult to convince him to attack the East Main Hall of the Eternal Temple with us."

The black robe old man's brows were twisted together tightly.

"I know, but how can I know that I can't succeed without trying."

The burly young man faintly smiled and said: "The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. As long as there are enough benefits, I don't believe that Void Beastmaster will not be tempted."

After speaking, the burly youth no longer hesitated, and strode directly towards the eternal void ahead.

Not long.

A golden palace suspended in the void in front of them appeared in the sight of the two burly young men.

Looking at the golden palace in front of him, the burly young man was also surprised: "How can there be such a golden palace here?"

"Young Master, this golden palace has the aura of the great realm of the Divine Realm of the Divine Realm World, and it should be a Divine King artifact."

The black-robed old man couldn't help his eyes narrowing slightly.

This place is the edge of the Void Sea. Whether it is the practitioners of the God's Domain World or the people of their Void Demon Race, it is generally not easy to set foot in this place.

Now there is a divine king's artifact suddenly appeared here, which is really weird. Hundred-fold training system instantly upgrades the latest chapter address of 999: https://www.readwn.com/book/150662.htmlThe hundredfold training system is instantly upgraded to 999 full text reading address: https://www.readwn.com/read/150662/Hundred times training system instantly upgraded 999txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/150662.htmlThe hundredfold training system is instantly upgraded to 999 mobile phones Reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/150662/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2148 Re-enter the Eternal Void), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "A Hundred Times Training System Upgrades 999 Instantly", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.readwn.com)

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