"Human, why did you come to this king's Void Sea to make trouble?"

The Void Whale King stared at Jiang Chen for a long time, then slowly said.

The black-clothed youth in front of him, even though his cultivation level was not high, he hadn't even reached the Divine King Realm.

It can be comparable to the powerful force of the God King Triple Heaven, and it still feels an instinctive dangerous aura from it!

Jiang Chen spread his hands slightly: "I didn't think about making trouble in your place, I just wanted to take the road, but the stupid snake insisted on saying that I made trouble, what can I do?"

"Brother, human beings don't have a good thing. They enter the Void Sea without any good intentions. Don't trust him."

The Snake King said with a bitter face: "This kid has killed thousands of Void Beasts. We must not let him go easily!"

The Void Whale King ignored the Snake King.

It was silent for a moment, and then slowly stared at Jiang Chen and said, "Humanity, Void Sea is not where you should come. If you retreat now, this king can forget the blame."

The black-clothed youth in front of him was too mysterious, and the Void Whale King was not sure to defeat him. If this young man in black is willing to retreat, the Void Whale King does not want to be an enemy.


Although the young man in black said that he was passing through the void sea, he didn't know if he had any other purpose.


It also didn't want this young man in black to continue to go deep into the void sea.

Jiang Chen heard the words of the Void Giant Whale King, his eyes narrowed: "It seems that you are not going to let me take the road?"

The Void Giant Whale King coldly snorted: "You killed so many Void Beasts in this king's territory and injured the fourth child. This king didn't care about you. It has already given you great face. !"

"is it?"

Jiang Chen glanced at the Void Giant Whale King faintly: "Whether you agree or not, I will pass by this Void Sea. If you don't want to, then I will fight until you are willing!"


The origin of kendo in Jiang Chen's body, all gathered on the golden ancient sword in his hand, so that the golden glow of the golden ancient sword wounded soared and turned into a thousand-zhang sword glow.

The sword light ran across the sky, like the divine sword in the hands of the Primordial Sword Master, traversing the eternal void.


Qianzhang Jianmang, across the sky.

I saw the sky full of mist above the Void Sea, which was divided into two from the middle, revealing a bright golden sword light, as if to split the whole world in half.

"This human kid..."

The Void Whale King looked at Jiang Chen's shocking sword, and his heart was shocked.

Although from the moment it saw the human kid in front of it, it already felt that this guy was extremely extraordinary, but it didn't expect this kid to be so powerful.

Even with its strength, it felt dangerous aura from this sword.

The Void Whale King did not dare to hesitate.

Hearing its roar, a terrifying black tornado storm surged out, facing the world-shaking sword that was like a world-breaking sword.


Just listen to a loud noise.

The black tornado storm collided with the golden sword light.

In the endless eternal void, two terrible craziness intertwined, and a terrible energy ripple also spread from the confrontation.

that moment.

Countless Void Beasts that were relatively close were all affected by the ripples of energy, and instantly annihilated into nothingness.

Seeing this, the Snake King quickly let out a hiss, leading the numerous void beasts around, quickly dived down, and escaped into the void sea below.

at the same time.

After the black tornado storm was intertwined with the golden sword light for a while, it was finally difficult to withstand the golden sword light, and the golden sword light split open with a sword.

The next moment...

The remaining power of the golden sword light directly slashed on the body of the Void Giant Whale King.


Only a loud noise was heard, and the Void Whale King was cut back thousands of feet away by Jiang Chen's sword. A huge sword mark appeared on its huge body.

This sword mark penetrated the back of the Void Giant Whale King, like a river of blood.

The infinite blood left behind the sword marks, and finally fell like a waterfall into the void sea below.

"This kid is only a trivial realm cultivation base, how can he have such a terrifying combat power?"

The Void Whale King was horrified to the extreme.


Before it could breathe, Jiang Chen's indifferent voice came from his ears.

"Seven-Star Heavenly Sword, cut!"


Above the void, the Big Dipper map emerged, and the power of the stars all over the sky instantly converged into a giant sword of stars, with a sword force that was more vast than the previous one, and fell down.

"damn it."

Looking at the more terrifying star giant sword, the Void Giant Whale King's complexion changed, and the terrifying black thunderstorm swept out, instantly turning the eternal void of thousands of miles into a piece of hell.

Even if it is a strong person from the ordinary God King Yizhong, once they enter this area, they will be swallowed up and clean in an instant.


Although the power erupted by the Void Giant Whale King is strong, it is still difficult to resist the falling star giant sword.

I saw the giant sword of stars smashed down from the void, and directly shattered the purgatory space around the Void Giant Whale King with a force of destruction, and once again slashed on the Void Giant Whale King's body.


The Void Whale King suddenly let out a scream.

Its huge body was directly chopped down by the Star Giant Sword and crashed into the Void Sea below, causing the Void Sea of ​​thousands of miles to burst.

that moment.

The countless weaker Void Beasts in the Void Sea were unable to withstand the terrifying impact of this sudden eruption, and directly turned into a cloud of blood in the Void Sea.

Just blink of an eye.

The originally gray void sea was all dyed a fascinating red with blood.

Jiang Chen slowly stepped down into the air, staring coldly at the figure of the Void Giant Whale King. Above the golden ancient sword in his hand, a terrifying sword light was brewing again.

The Void Giant Whale King in front of him was indeed very powerful, almost comparable to the original Soul Divine King.


Although Jiang Chen's current strength has not broken through the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, he has also reached the four-star Earthly Sovereign late stage from the early stage.

Compared to when he fought with the Lihun Divine King, he was still several times stronger.

In the face of the Lihun Divine King, Jiang Chen could only reluctantly defeat the Lihun Divine King by relying on the divine body vision after fusing the golden ancient sword.

And now.

In the face of the existence of the Lihun Divine King in the early stage of the Third Layer of Heaven, he could almost easily suppress it to death.

Looking at Jiang Chen who was walking in the air, the Void Whale King was almost heartbroken at this moment.

As the strongest Void Beast King of this Void Sea, the Void Whale King hasn't even suffered such a severe damage in many years.

But now facing Jiang Chen, it really felt a trace of death threat from Jiang Chen's body! Hundred-fold training system instantly upgrades the latest chapter address of 999: https://www.readwn.com/book/150662.htmlThe hundredfold training system is instantly upgraded to 999 full text reading address: https://www.readwn.com/read/150662/Hundred times training system instantly upgraded 999txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/150662.htmlThe hundredfold training system is instantly upgraded to 999 mobile phones Reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/150662/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (in Chapter 2153 until you like), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "A Hundred Times Cultivation System Instantly Upgrade 999", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.readwn.com)

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