A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 2161: The gate of burning fire is destroyed

Zhenwu Great Realm, Yuanwu City.

As the largest central city in Zhenwu Great Realm, Yuanwu City is undoubtedly one of the most prosperous cities in the entire Zhenwu Great Realm, and there is an endless stream of practitioners coming and going every day.

On the avenue leading to Yuanwu City, Jiang Chen was slowly heading towards the gate of Yuanwu City.

The Law of Heaven in Zhenwu Great Realm is much weaker than that of God's Domain Continent.

With Jiang Chen's current strength comparable to that of the God King Triple Heaven, the speed in the Zhenwu Great Realm could span a million miles in almost a single thought.

It only took him less than half an hour to reach Yuanwu City from the northernmost part of Zhenwu Great Realm.

The reason why Jiang Chen chose to come to Yuanwu City was because Yuanwu City had the largest stronghold of the Eternal Temple in the realm of Zhenwu.

Here, there is a teleportation array connecting many eternal temple sub-temples around, so that Jiang Chen can choose.

Not long.

Jiang Chen followed the huge flow of people and came to the gate of Yuanwu City.

Soon Jiang Chen had discovered that Yuan Wucheng's defense seemed much stricter than when he first came.

Every practitioner who enters Yuanwu City must be inspected by the city gate guard.

Because of this, countless practitioners gathered at the gate of the city, forming a long dragon of kilometers.

"This big brother, I remember when I came to Yuanwu City last time, I didn't seem to need to be checked when entering the city. When did Yuanwu City's defense become so tight?"

Jiang Chen was puzzled and couldn't help asking a middle-aged man ahead of him.

"It is said that it is because the young master Huo Tianyang of the burning fire gate got into the Zhenwu Shenzong and was wanted by the Zhenwu Shenzong. Only then will Yuanwu City be under martial law throughout the city."

The middle-aged man said in a low voice.

Hearing the middle-aged man mentioning Huo Tianyang, Jiang Chen couldn't help but condensed slightly: "Young Master of the Fire Sect, why is he wanted by the Zhenwu Shenzong?"

The last time Jiang Chen came to Yuanwu City, he happened to get acquainted with Huo Tianyang.

When facing the True Martial God Sect, Huo Tianyang still stood up firmly to speak for him, and Jiang Chen had always had a very good impression of this young master of the Burning Fire Sect.

Later, the two entered the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple together, and Huo Tianyang could be regarded as one of the few friends Jiang Chen had made since entering God's Domain.

He obviously didn't expect it.

When I came back to the realm of Zhenwu this time, I would receive news that Huo Tianyang was wanted by the Shenzong Zhenwu.

Last time.

When he left the realm of Zhenwu, he had warned the King of Zhenwu God not to trouble with the Burning Fire Gate. It seems that the King of Zhenwu God took his words as wind in his ears.

Jiang Chen's eyes were gloomy to the extreme.

He originally wanted to ask more about Huo Tianyang, but this middle-aged man was only a cultivator in the Heavenly God Realm, and his knowledge was really limited.

In order not to arouse other people's ideas and cause unnecessary trouble, Jiang Chen didn't want to continue to ask others.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Chen turned and left Yuanwu City.

How could he and Huo Tianyang be friends, and it should be because of him in all likelihood. How could Jiang Chen just sit back and ignore it?

After leaving Yuanwu City.

Jiang Chen searched for a secluded place, stepped directly into the void, and appeared a million miles away in the next second.

When he was with Huo Tianyang, Huo Tianyang once mentioned the location of the Fire Gate to Jiang Chen.

At Jiang Chen's current speed, he had already arrived at the place where the Blazing Fire Sect Sect was located, Fanyan Mountain in just a few minutes.

When he saw the situation of Fanyan Mountain, his expression suddenly changed drastically, and the cold light burst out in his eyes, as if it could pierce the sky.

The Burning Fire Gate is one of the best realm **** sects in Zhenwu Great Realm, and it is also regarded as a very prosperous big realm.

Even if this Fanyan Mountain is not comparable to the Zhenwu Shenshan of the Zhenwu Shenzong, it is also one of the few sacred places for cultivation in the Zhenwu Great Realm.

But now Fanyan Mountain is full of a bleak and silent breath.


Jiang Chen could even see that there were ruined walls everywhere in Fanyan Mountain, and even some towering peaks in Fanyan Mountain were razed to the ground by some huge forces.

A strong **** breath also slowly diffused from Fanyan Mountain.


Not long ago, here should have experienced a very tragic battle.

The Great Realm God's Fire Gate, which was ranked among the top few in the Great Realm of Zhenwu, was obviously destroyed in this battle!

Jiang Chen hardly needs to think about knowing that the culprit responsible for destroying the True Martial God Sect is, in all likelihood, the only God King power in the True Martial Great Realm, the True Martial God Sect.

In addition to the True Martial God Sect, who else in this True Martial Great Realm can wipe out the Burning Fire Gate so silently?

"Okay! What a true martial arts sect, what a true martial **** king, since you have to die, I don't mind letting this true martial realm change a master!"

Jiang Chen was full of anger in his chest, and a cold killing intent burst out of his eyes.


Jiang Chen stepped out and went directly to the interior of Fanyan Mountain.

Although he had guessed the culprit who destroyed the Lihuo Sect, he was not in a hurry to go to Zhenwu Shenzong to settle accounts.

Now that the Zhenwu Shenzong is still looking for Huo Tianyang, it proves that Huo Tianyang has not fallen in the battle of the fire gate.

He wanted to see if he could find clues in this Fanyan Mountain in order to find news about Huo Tianyang.

Jiang Chen's face was as ice as his mighty consciousness quickly swept across Fanyan Mountain.

After a while.

Jiang Chen finally sensed something and appeared in front of a broken hall in a flash.

He looked at a red-robed old man lying in a pool of blood at the entrance of the hall, and quickly took out a pill and fed it into the red-robed old man's mouth.

at the same time.

With a wave of Jiang Chen's palm, a stream of pure energy was directly injected into the body of the old man in the red robe.


I saw the red robe old man's divine body trembling slightly, and finally faintly turned to wake up.

He looked at Jiang Chen who appeared in his sight, and he couldn't help but let out a low mutter: "Where is this? Shouldn't I be dead?"

Jiang Chen said indifferently: "You have suffered too much, and now there is only one last breath left. I want to ask you about some things, so I force you to return to the light for a short time."

The red-robed old man suddenly looked at Jiang Chen with a vigilant look: "You are a member of the True Martial God Sect."

"Don't worry, I have nothing to do with Zhenwu Shenzong."

Jiang Chen shook his head and said: "I am a friend of your Young Master Huo Tianyang. This time I returned to Zhenwu Great Realm and just got the news that he was wanted by the Zhenwu Divine Sect. Then I came to the Lihuomen to take a look. I didn't expect an accident at the Lihuomen."

"You... are you our young master's friend?"

Hearing this, the red-robed old man couldn't help showing a look of ecstasy in his gloomy eyes.

He hurriedly said to Jiang Chen anxiously: "Little brother, since you are a friend of the young master, I hope you must find him as soon as possible, and don't let him go to Zhenwu Shenzong to die!" The hundredfold training system instantly upgrades the latest chapter of 999. Address: https://www.readwn.com/book/150662.htmlThe hundredfold training system is instantly upgraded to 999 full text reading address: https://www.readwn.com/read/150662/Hundred-fold training system instantly upgraded 999txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/150662.htmlHundred-fold training system is instantly upgraded to 999 mobile phones Read: https://m.readwn.com/read/150662/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2161 The Fire Gate collapsed), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "A Hundred Times Training System Upgrades 999 Instantly", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.readwn.com)

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