"Holy Dragon Ruins?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but condensed slightly.

If he guessed right, the relics of the holy dragon in Luo Yong's mouth are in all likelihood the core area of ​​the holy dragon world that the holy dragon king exiled.


The relics of the sacred dragon have been in a sealed state, and not many people know that the relics of the sacred dragon exist.

And now.

The ruins of the sacred dragon spread in the blood demon universe.

"It seems that it should be the blood demon **** king who made the ruins of the holy dragon come out."

Jiang Chen's eyes flickered slightly.

The only one who can make the ruins of the sacred dragon come out is the blood demon **** king who is very likely to come from the ruins of the sacred dragon and has already proven the way.

"In ancient times, the Holy Dragon Palace was destroyed due to a catastrophe, and even the Holy Dragon Realm collapsed."

"This sacred dragon relic is said to be the core part of the sacred dragon world. The blood demon **** king made the disappeared sacred dragon world come out again."

"The blood demon **** king ordered the relics of the holy dragon to be the blood demon realm, intending to establish the main realm of the blood demon universe."

"Because the Sacred Dragon Relic is a treasure land that has been in the dust for at least hundreds of millions of years, many forces around have recently poured into the Sacred Dragon Relic, wanting to get a share of the Sacred Dragon Relic.

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't seem to know about the relics of the holy dragon, Luo Yong couldn't help but stunned and explained to Jiang Chen.

After hearing Luo Yong's words, Jiang Chen's expression also became gloomy in an instant.

Jiang Chen didn't care about the blood demon **** king letting the relic of the holy dragon come out.

But the blood demon **** king built the blood demon world with the remains of the holy dragon, it is very likely to occupy the holy dragon mountain where the holy dragon palace was once, and will surely be able to discover the extraordinary of the holy dragon stele.

If this is the case, maybe the Holy Dragon Stele has already been obtained by the Blood Demon God King.

Jiang Chen's eyes flashed, and he said directly: "Hall Lord Luo, I'm going to the Holy Dragon Ruins now, please take care of my mother."

"Your Excellency Jiang Chen, don't worry."

Luo Yong nodded.

The Eternal Temple still has a strong deterrent in the Eternal Void, and even the general Divine King Realm would never dare to do anything in the branch of the Eternal Temple.

To ensure the safety of Ji Wushuang, naturally there won't be too many problems.

Jiang Chen didn't talk nonsense, and looked up at Ji Wushuang: "Mother, you are waiting for me at the Eternal Temple, and I will be back soon."

"Chen'er, be careful about everything."

Ji Wushuang didn't say much.

Before coming to the Blood Demon Tianyu, she had heard Jiang Chen mentioned that this trip was going to an ancient ruin to obtain an important thing.

Now it seems that that thing should be in this so-called relic of the holy dragon.

With her strength, even if she went to the Sacred Dragon Ruins, she might not be able to help, but would become a burden to Jiang Chen. Staying here and waiting for Jiang Chen is undoubtedly the best choice.

Jiang Chen asked about the specific location of the relic of the holy dragon, and then the eternal void appeared in a flash.

Half a day later.

A realm exuding Canggu aura emerged in Jiang Chen's line of sight.

This realm is exactly the relic of the holy dragon that came out not long ago.

The ruins of the sacred dragon came out and were ordered by the blood demon **** king to be the blood demon realm, and the news that it was going to establish the blood demon world master realm had already spread in the blood demon universe.

It is precisely because of this.

The eternal void near the ruins of the holy dragon is undoubtedly very lively.

Many forces in the blood demon universe all want to take over the relics of the holy dragons, and want to occupy a treasure lands in the ruins of the holy dragons and share a piece of the pie.

Jiang Chen ignored these cultivators who wanted to enter the holy dragon ruins, and came out of the holy dragon ruins like teleporting, and quietly entered the holy dragon ruins.

He is extremely fast and can span a distance of millions of miles in every step.

In less than a stick of incense, Jiang Chen had crossed half of the sacred dragon ruins and came to the outside of the holy dragon mountain in the center of the sacred dragon ruins.

Far away.

Jiang Chen saw that the Holy Dragon Mountain had been enveloped by the magical power of a mysterious **** avenue.

"Holy Dragon Mountain, as expected, is occupied by the Blood Demon God King."

Jiang Chen's complexion sank slightly, and then stepped into the void, slowly walking towards the top of the Sacred Dragon Mountain.

at this time.

In the Holy Dragon Mountain, two blood-colored figures in blood armor also burst out with monstrous blood.

They looked at Jiang Chen, who was heading straight to the Sacred Dragon Mountain, and their blood-red eyes were filled with cold killing intent: "Boy, get out if you don't want to die. Dare to be good at the blood demon palace, kill without mercy!"

Jiang Chen glanced at the two faintly: "This Holy Dragon Mountain is clearly where the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace is located. When did it become the site of your Blood Demon Palace?"

"Boy, who are you?"

When the two blood armor men heard this, their complexions couldn't help but change slightly.

"Shenglong Tiangong disciple, Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen stood proudly with his hands in the void, and said coldly: "This is my territory, when is it your turn for the people from the Blood Demon Divine Palace to come to the wild?"

This guy turned out to be a disciple of Shenglong Tiangong!

The two blood armored men were shocked, and there was an incredible horror in their eyes.

Although they joined the Blood Demon Shrine not long ago, they also knew that this place was the site of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace.


The Holy Dragon Temple has been destroyed for many years.

They obviously didn't expect that there were disciples living in the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, and they even came directly to the door.

"Boy, I don't care who you are, this place is now the territory of my Blood Demon Shrine. If you take a step forward, then you can blame us for being polite!"

A blood armored man sternly shouted at Jiang Chen.

Although the Sacred Dragon Temple is the power of the gods in ancient times, it has long since disappeared in the long river of history.

Now their blood demon palace is the only **** king power in this area.

Even though this kid is really a disciple of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, how can he contend with their Blood Demon God Sect?

Jiang Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense, he just flicked his fingers, and the two invisible sword auras did not give the two blood armored men a chance to react, and they had already been cut into blood mist.

After killing the two blood armor men, Jiang Chen raised his hand and waved a sword finger again, slashing towards the divine power of the Scarlet Avenue that enveloped Sacred Dragon Mountain.


Only a loud noise was heard, and the power of the Scarlet Avenue instantly collapsed, turning into a sky of blood and gradually dissipating in the sky above Shenglong Mountain.

next moment.

The situation at the top of the Sacred Dragon Mountain was clearly shown in Jiang Chen's sight.

"The Holy Dragon Monument is still there."

Seeing the Baizhang Sacred Dragon Stele still standing on the top of the Sacred Dragon Mountain, Jiang Chen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This sacred dragon stele deserves to be something that the ancient sacred dragons want to get.

It seems that the blood demon **** king, it seems that there is no ability to take the Holy Dragon Stele from the top of the Holy Dragon Mountain.

"Who is going wild in my **** demon palace!"

Just as Jiang Chen's eyes fell on the Holy Dragon Stele, a roar that was frightened and blew up over the Holy Dragon Mountain in an instant.

at the same time.

A blood-colored avenue divine power, with a terrifying aura that overwhelms the world, directly oppressed Jiang Chen! The hundredfold training system instantly upgrades to the latest chapter of 999. Address: https://www.readwn.com/book/150662.html The hundredfold training system is instantly upgraded to 999 full text reading address: https://www.readwn.com/read/150662/Hundred times training system is instantly upgraded to 999txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/150662.htmlHundred-fold training system instantly upgrades to 999 mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/150662/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 2181, here is my site) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "A Hundred Times Training System Upgrade 999 in an Instant", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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