A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 2194: The purpose of Fengqianqian


This ten-foot-high mountain covers an area of ​​thousands of miles.

The entire mountain is like a giant supporting the heavens and the earth, and countless substantive energies of the heavens and the earth are flying in the sky like dragons and phoenixes.

Fengmingfeng, as the residence of the goddess Gu Feng'er, has always been a holy land of the ancient gods and phoenix clan. On weekdays, almost no disciples of the ancient gods and phoenix clan come to Fengmingfeng to disturb.

But the time has passed recently.

Outside Fengmingfeng, it became more lively than ever.

Almost every day there are many young disciples of the ancient gods and phoenix clan, wandering around outside Fengming Peak.

These young disciples of the ancient gods and phoenix clan are extremely powerful, and there are many geniuses who have reached the heavenly state.

They only came outside Fengming Peak for one purpose, and that was to wait for Jiang Chen to come out of Fengming Peak.


Gu Feng'er, the goddess of the ancient gods and phoenix clan, has an unrelated brother who has lived in Fengming Peak, and it has spread among the ancient gods and phoenix clan.

These young geniuses of the ancient gods and phoenix clan have long been so angry that they regard Jiang Chen as a public enemy.

They also want to know.

What qualifications does that guy named Jiang Chen have to be the brother of their goddess, and what qualifications does he have to live in Feng Mingfeng before him?

If it weren't for them not having the qualifications to enter Fengming Peak, I'm afraid they would have rushed in to find Jiang Chen to settle the account.

The two Divine Kings who had been personally protecting Gu Fenger's safety knew this well.

They obviously also hope that the disciples of the ancient gods and phoenix clan can find Jiang Chen's troubles, and then they will turn a blind eye to these disciples who appear outside Fengming Peak.


If they changed their usual times, they would have chased away these disciples who had dared to come to Fengmingfeng.

"Senior Brother Fenglie, that kid has been huddling in Fengming Peak like this. It's not a way for us to wait here forever."

Outside Fengming Peak, a dozen or so famous disciples stood quietly in the air.

One of the disciples couldn't help showing a helpless expression when he looked at the strange and handsome young man in red robe headed by him.

This young man in a red robe was Feng Lie, a well-known genius disciple of the ancient **** Feng Clan.

His martial arts talent is almost enough to rank in the top three among the young generation of the ancient gods and phoenix clan.

"Don't worry, he is destined to be unable to escape."

A cold light flashed in Feng Lie's eyes.

Since the guy named Jiang Chen didn't want to come out, he tried to get that guy out!

He wanted to let the kid know that the brother of the goddess of the ancient gods and phoenix tribe is not something a cat or a dog can be considered!


Naturally, Jiang Chen, who was in Fengming Peak, didn't know the things outside.

This day.

Gu Fenger was playing with Jiang Chen under a huge waterfall at Fengming Peak.

The waterfall falls down from the top of Fengming Peak. It is a full tens of thousands of meters high and hundreds of meters wide.

Looking from a distance.

The waterfall is like the Milky Way falling nine days, with a surging momentum and shaking the earth.

Gu Fenger asked the maids of Fengming Pavilion to set up Lingcha Lingguo in the pavilion in front of the waterfall, each of which was a rare treasure.

If it were placed outside, it would be enough for the world gods to win the battle.

In the pavilion.

In addition to Jiang Chen and Gu Feng'er, there is also a man and a woman, both of whom are good friends of Gu Feng'er in the ancient Shenfeng clan.

One of them was named Fengzhuo, who looked honest and honest, with unusually cool eyes.

According to Gu Feng'er, although Feng Chuo looks very simple and honest on the surface, his martial arts talent is extremely extraordinary, and he is one of the five great geniuses of the young generation of the ancient **** Feng clan.

"This one is good."

After observing for a while, Jiang Chen couldn't help but nodded secretly.

With his current vision, he can naturally see Feng Zhuo's extraordinary.

Although this guy looks extremely unpretentious on the surface, his talented bloodlines are all extraordinary.


This guy has a firm heart and a heart of innocence, so it's no wonder that he can become Gu Feng'er's friend.

In addition to Fengzhuo, there is also a girl named Fengqianqian, who is after a god-king elder of the ancient god-feng clan.

Compared with Gu Feng'er and Feng Zhuo's innocence, Feng Qianqian is undoubtedly much more mature.

She has exquisite features and a natural beauty. She is wearing a long red dress. Her small and beautiful face is slightly glamorous, her lips are like fire, and her narrow and long eyes are charming.

With Jiang Chen's eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see that Feng Qianqian's mind is much more complicated.


Jiang Chen didn't care too much.

If this woman really treats Gu Feng'er as a friend.

If she dared to hit Gu Feng'er with those crooked ideas, he would definitely want this woman to pay a heavy price for it!

"Sister Feng'er, the grand gathering of the ancient gods and phoenix clan will be held in a few days. Have you been planning to stay at Fengming Peak these days?"

Looking at Gu Feng'er, who had been with Jiang Chenyi, Feng Qianqian couldn't help but smile.

Gu Feng'er said indifferently, "I just want to stay with Jiang Chen, is there any problem?"

"Sister Feng'er, you are the goddess of the ancient gods and phoenix clan. This event is also specially prepared for you. How can you stay in Fengming Peak forever."

Feng Qianqian shook his head, and immediately turned her beautiful eyes: "Tonight, Feng Lie invited a lot of young talents from the powers to hold a small genius meeting in the ancient gods and phoenix clan. As a goddess of the ancient gods and phoenix clan, you must Just come out."


Gu Feng'er hesitated: "Brother Jiang Chen, why don't you stay at Fengming Peak, and I will go back?"

Although Gu Feng'er was pure in mind, she was not stupid.

She naturally knew that many people from the ancient Shenfeng clan did not welcome Jiang Chen's arrival, and did not want Jiang Chen to be her brother.

These few days.

The reason why she stayed with Jiang Chen in Fengming Peak was that she didn't want Jiang Chen to get into unnecessary trouble.

"Sister Feng'er, you are the goddess of my ancient gods and phoenix clan. Since Jiang Chen is your elder brother, his talent is not much inferior to you."

Feng Qianqian smiled slightly and said, "Everyone is about to get to know your brother, how can you not bring him with him?"


Gu Feng'er hesitated slightly and couldn't help but cast her eyes on Jiang Chen.

"It's okay, I'll go with you."

Jiang Chen took a deep look at Feng Qianqian, then touched Gu Feng'er's head and said with a smile, "Your brother, I also just want to meet the genius of Zhongyu."

At this moment.

Jiang Chen knew almost without thinking that Feng Qianqian's move should have some ulterior motive.


Even if he knew that Feng Qianqian had no good intentions, Jiang Chen still didn't care too much about it.

With his current strength, among the younger generation, even the top geniuses of the ancient sacred dragon clan Long Jiuhan, etc., would not be a threat to him at all.

He wants to see it.

What kind of waves can these juniors of the ancient gods and phoenix clan set off in front of him! The hundredfold training system instantly upgrades to the latest chapter of 999. Address: https://www.readwn.com/book/150662.html The hundredfold training system is instantly upgraded to 999 full text reading address: https://www.readwn.com/read/150662/Hundred times training system is instantly upgraded to 999txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/150662.htmlHundred-fold training system instantly upgrades to 999 mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/150662/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 2194 The Purpose of Fengqianqian) Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "A Hundred Times Training System Upgrade 999 in an Instant", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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