A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 2210: I am not looking for death, I am looking for someone

"Brother Jiang Chen, we are going to the North Ming Shenzong soon. Don't worry too much, sister Qingxue will definitely be fine."

Gu Feng'er looked at the endless ice field ahead, and couldn't help but whisper to Jiang Chen.

The ancient Shenfeng tribe and the North Ming Shenzong are located in the northern part of the Central Region, and the distance between the two is not too far.

At the speed of Jiang Chen and Gu Feng'er, they arrived at the northern ice field where the Northern Ming Sect was located in less than half a day.


Jiang Chen took a deep breath, but his expression didn't look pretty.

According to Gu Feng'er, when the God King Xuanfeng sent Meng Qingxue into the Shenzong Beiming, he was favored by the Seventh Heaven ancestor of the God King of the Shenzong Beiming, and he was accepted as a disciple.

It is precisely because of this.

Although Meng Qingxue was not the goddess of the North Ming Divine Sect, his status would not be inferior to that of the goddess.

Logically speaking, with Meng Qingxue backed by such a God King Seventh Heaven Powerhouse, there shouldn't be any trouble in Beiming Shenzong.

But now Meng Qingxue had an accident in the Beiming Shenzong.

From this point of view, there must have been some unknown change in the North Ming Shenzong.

Jiang Chen just wanted to rush to the North Ming Shenzong as soon as possible to see what happened to Meng Qingxue in the North Ming Shenzong.

The two of them swiftly shuttled over the northern ice sheet, stepping on the void.

About an hour later.

A crystal palace standing on the lofty snow-capped mountains also appeared directly in Jiang Chen's eyes.

"Brother Jiang Chen, the Northern Ming Sect is here!"

Gu Feng'er looked at the palace on the top of the snow-capped mountains and couldn't help but whispered.

Jiang Chen nodded, without talking nonsense, and directly speeded up and flew towards the North Ming Divine Sect.

"The Beiming Shenzong is thousands of miles away to restrict Yukong, who dares to be arrogant in the Beiming Shenzong!"

When Jiang Chen and the two came to the void about ten thousand feet away from the snow mountain, the two disciples of the North Ming Divine Sect also flew out of the snow mountain volley.

Both of these are the cultivation bases of the realm of realm gods.

They looked at Jiang Chen in the void, and the whole body was filled with a deep chill.

The Northern Underworld God Sect is a well-deserved overlord of the northern ice field.

Although the North Ming Shenzong did not arrange any means of forbidden air around, Yukong here is disrespectful to the North Ming Shenzong.

Even the great power of the **** king realm would not make such a rude behavior.

The two of them came directly in front of the sky, clearly not putting them in the eyes of the Divine Beiming Sect.

Jiang Chen looked calmly and said: "We are friends of Meng Qingxue. We specially came to visit Meng Qingxue. Please also pass on it for us."

"Are you here looking for Meng Qingxue?"

The two disciples of the North Ming Shenzong couldn't help but startled slightly when they heard this.


They directly shouted at the two Jiang Chen: "Meng Qingxue has violated my Beiming Shenzong rules, and has now been stripped of her true discipleship, and no one will be able to see her. If you are more acquainted, leave as soon as possible. , Otherwise you will be at your own risk!"


As the voices of the two Northern Ming Divine Sect disciples fell, an overwhelming killing intent also spread from Jiang Chen's body instantly, making these two Northern Ming Divine Sect disciples instantly fall into an ice cellar.

"What did you just say? Tell me again!"

Under the pressure of Jiang Chen's killing intent, the two disciples of the North Ming Divine Sect turned pale in an instant, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help but squirted out wildly.

They obviously didn't expect it.

The strength of the black-clothed young man in front of him was such a terrifying ability.

Even if it was just the killing intent that radiated from it, it would be easy to severely inflict both of them.

"Boy, this is the Northern Ming Sect. If you dare to be wild here, the Northern Ming Sect will definitely not let you go!"

The two disciples of the North Ming Divine Sect stared at Jiang Chen stubbornly, their expressions frightened.

Jiang Chen looked cold, too lazy to talk nonsense with the two, but with a flick of his fingers, the two sword fingers had already penetrated between the two of them.

The next moment...

The two disciples of the North Ming Divine Sect turned into two icy corpses, and fell towards the vast snow mountain below.

Killing two disciples of the North Ming Divine Sect with one finger, Jiang Chen's sharp gaze directly penetrated the void and landed on the ice palace above the snow-capped mountains, and his cold voice slowly reverberated through the world.

"People from the North Ming Divine Sect, get out of me quickly!"

Jiang Chen's shout also instantly shocked the interior of the Divine Northern Ming Sect, and many people from the Divine Northern Ming sect flashed out of the ice palace one after another.

When they saw the two bodies falling in the snow below, their expressions suddenly changed.

"Presumptuous! Who are you, dare to kill my disciple of the North Ming Divine Sect, I think you are looking for death!"

A disciple of the Celestial Venerable Realm looked at the two Jiang Chen standing proudly outside the snow mountain, and couldn't help but let out a scream of anger.

How dare someone Yukong come to the North Ming Shenzong and kill the disciples of the North Ming Shenzong at the gate of the North Ming Shenzong!

This is too rampant!

Do you think they have nothing to do with the Northern Ming Sect?

It can be said.

They have been standing in the northern ice field for so many years, and no one has ever dared to come to the North Ming Sect so blatantly!

"I am not looking for death, I am looking for someone!"

Jiang Chen stood proudly with his hands in his hands, looking at the group of disciples of the North Ming Divine Sect indifferently: "Give you time for a stick of incense, and send Meng Qingxue to me, don't force me to kill!"

Gu Feng'er stood beside Jiang Chen silently, her beautiful eyes also filled with cold killing intent.

Before retreating and breaking through the Divine King Realm, Gu Fenger had come to the North Ming Shenzong to meet Meng Qingxue. At that time, Meng Qingxue was in the North Ming Shenzong very well.

Gu Feng'er didn't expect it either.

She had only been in retreat for several years and broke through the God King Realm, and Meng Qingxue was stripped of her discipleship, and she was still punished by the Shenzong of the North Ming.

Although at the beginning, Master Xuanfeng God King arranged for Sister Qingxue to come to the North Ming Shenzong, it was approved by Sister Qingxue.

But if Sister Qingxue really had an accident in the Beiming Shenzong, she would not forgive herself.

"Where is the madman, dare to run wild in my North Ming Shenzong, I think you are impatient with your life, kill him for me!"

The Tianzun realm disciple directly commanded dozens of disciples around him, aggressively besieging Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's face was indifferent, and when he flipped his hand, it was an ancient seal of extinguishing souls, completely photographing the flesh and souls of dozens of Beiming Divine Sect disciples into nothingness.

"Boy presumptuous!"

"Kill me a disciple of the North Ming Divine Sect, today I will smash you into ten thousand pieces!"


At this moment, an angry roar came from the Frost Palace in the Palace of Snow Mountain.


Powerful auras of divine might and power are constantly flying out of the ice palace.

The head of the person was surprisingly a noble woman in a white dress, who looked like a peacock.

Although this woman's cultivation was still in the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, her aura was extremely profound and extraordinary, and it seemed to be more powerful than the Black Sun God Son Mosin who ranked 76th on the Zhongyu Tianjiao list. Hundred-fold training system instantly upgrades the latest chapter address of 999: https://www.readwn.com/book/150662.htmlThe hundredfold training system is instantly upgraded to 999 full text reading address: https://www.readwn.com/read/150662/Hundred times training system instantly upgraded 999txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/150662.htmlHundred-fold training system instantly upgrades 999 mobile phones Reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/150662/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 2210 I don’t want to die, I’m looking for someone). You can read it next time by opening the bookshelf To! If you like "A Hundred Times Cultivation System Instantly Upgrade 999", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.readwn.com)

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