The first time, the second time.

Dragon Ball

The weapons that Lu Cheng customized were not something that could be made in a short time. But some poisons and the like, Lu Cheng could prepare them directly.

Lu Cheng prepared some knockout drugs, strong poisons, and chronic poisons in case of emergency. For safety, Lu Cheng bought the raw materials of these poisons from several stores.

As for the medicine for healing, Lu Cheng did not need to buy it.

The 20 kilograms of medicine in the cross-border backpack included various pills, ointments, and powders made by Lu Cheng himself, as well as some Western anti-inflammatory drugs, antipyretics, antibiotics, etc., all of which were separated by thin plastic bags after removing the packaging. If some pills are calculated by liang or jin, the weight is still considerable.

After purchasing the medicinal materials and setting aside money to buy weapons and equipment, Lu Cheng still has 20 liang of silver on hand.

The gold and jewelry in the cross-border backpack do not need to be used for the time being.

In fact, among the 30 kilograms of gold and jewelry, except for the real gold, there are many fakes or artificial products in the jewelry. For example, those glass balls, large diamonds special to Henan Province, various double-digit or even single-digit ornaments, stainless steel artificial zircon large rings, necklaces, etc.

These fakes may not be valuable in modern times, but in ancient times, they are definitely rare treasures.

The diamond cutting technology of later generations alone is not something that can be achieved at the level of this era.

Here, perhaps those fakes worth a few or dozens of dollars are more valuable than real goods and gold.

In addition to these, there are some small items, several mechanical watches, several compasses, and world maps with mineral distribution maps, maps of China, etc.

These things were originally prepared specifically for dealing with ancient situations, and they will definitely be of great use when they first arrive.

If Lu Cheng wants to develop farming or start the industrial revolution in the future, various mineral resources are indispensable.

It can be said that Lu Cheng was well prepared this time.

Taking out a mechanical watch, Lu Cheng looked at the sun in the sky, but shook his head helplessly. There was no accurate time for him to check.

Fortunately, the watch can also be used as a timing tool, such as when doing experiments, it can control time very well.

While Lu Cheng was bored in the house making various poisons, Lu Wenzhao had already presented the glass ball through his own connections.

Such a treasure with a dragon inside would not be kept privately by ordinary people, and it was soon sent to Emperor Wanli.

Emperor Wanli was naturally very happy to see such rare treasures, and even his depressed mood due to the defeat became much better. It is said that he also visited two young palace maids with the help of drugs that night, and regained some of his confidence in his youth.

The next day, the Emperor Wanli, who was very pleased, dragged his tired body and ordered a heavy reward for those who presented the treasure.

However, when the heavy reward was implemented, it would be exploited by officials at all levels. The gold, silver and jewelry originally rewarded had already shrunk significantly when they fell to the bottom.

In Lu Cheng's temporary residence, Lu Wenzhao took out a purse and threw it to Lu Cheng.

"Brother, the treasure has been presented. The emperor is very pleased and is ready to reward us. I have made some efforts and have successfully become a thousand households in the Northern Pacification Division of the Jinyiwei. All this is thanks to you, brother.

Brother, please rest assured that I will recommend you to the adults above and let you be my deputy. You and I will work together to make a name for ourselves in this Kyoto city."

Hearing this, Lu Cheng shook his head: "Brother, I don't want to go to the Jinyiwei."

The reputation of the Jinyiwei can be described as infamous and notorious.

From the court officials to the common people, no one would not go to the Jinyiwei. Among the people, the Jinyiwei could even stop children from crying at night.

As the court's lackeys, the Jinyiwei had considerable power and specialized in doing all kinds of dirty work for the court. It was common for them to confiscate property and exterminate their families, and torture and forced confessions were commonplace.

The imperial prison of the Jinyiwei was even more terrifying. In the original play, a Jinyiwei under Shen Lian's command was recorded by his colleagues because he said a few more words, and was about to be sent to the imperial prison for interrogation. The Jinyiwei was so scared that he ran away on the spot, and in the end he would rather commit suicide than be sent to the imperial prison.

During this period of time in this world, Lu Cheng has already made his own future plans. Since the Ming Dynasty has been rotten to the core, and the Jiannu outside the pass is eyeing him covetously, only by changing the world can he completely control his own destiny.

Moreover, after experiencing two

After the second reincarnation, Lu Cheng had a certain understanding of the system's side quests and hidden quests.

If he could change the world, influence more people, or even the fate of the entire world, he might be able to get some extra rewards.

Of course, even if there is no reward, it is also good to experience the feeling of being an emperor.

Which man doesn't have an emperor dream? When awake, he holds the power of the world, when drunk, he sleeps on the lap of a beauty, and he has all the power in the world in one person. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.

"Brother, this is the Jinyiwei in Kyoto City, with great power and the power of life and death. If you don't want this, do you want to die in the army?"

Lu Cheng nodded: "Brother, after this great victory, the Jiannu will grow rapidly. The struggle between the Ming Dynasty and the Jiannu will not stop. I want to make achievements in the army and achieve something."

"This... why are you so depressed? You have seen how powerful the Jiannu are. General Du is brave enough, right? But our tens of thousands of soldiers were killed by the enemy. Even if you are a good fighter, how many Jiannu can you kill? Listen to your advice, stay in Kyoto, and you and I will make a name for ourselves together."

"Brother, the water in Kyoto City is deep, Brother, I am not good at the way of officials, and I will only add trouble for my elder brother. " Lu Wenzhao was also very helpless. In the end, he could only nod: "Okay, since you chose this way. As a brother, you can only fight for you as much as possible. What else do you have? Despite it." In the original drama, Shen Lian rescued Lu Wenzhao and Lu Wenzhao had always taken care of Shen Lian. The help of France was covered with Shen Lianzhang. Lu Cheng thought for a moment and then said, "Brother, I heard you say before that you are the successor of Qi's sword. I learned all my kung fu by myself in the army, it is disorganized and unsystematic. I want to learn Qi's sword, brother..."

"That's easy, you and I are brothers, and it's not convenient for me to accept you as my apprentice. Besides, my sword skills are not as good as my junior sister. How about this, I will bring my junior sister here tomorrow, introduce you to each other, and let her teach you sword skills. My junior sister's martial arts are better than yours. "You are better than me, and you are also good at teaching."

"In this case, I would like to thank you very much, brother."

"We are all family, so don't mention the word "thank you" in the future. As for your matter, I will think of a way. Now the court has suffered serious losses in troops and is also considering reorganizing the army. This is also an opportunity. Brother, don't worry, you can use this silver first, buy a small courtyard in the city, find two servants to serve, and live a relaxing life for a few days."

As he said, Lu Wenzhao took out a hundred taels of silver notes from his arms and handed them to Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng did not refuse and accepted it directly.

On the other side, Shen Lian entered the Jinyiwei smoothly and became a general flag.

Although Lu Cheng and Shen Lian are both Lu Wenzhao's saviors, Lu Cheng and Lu Wenzhao are of the same clan, and Lu Cheng presented another treasure, so the weight of the two in Lu Wenzhao's heart is naturally different.

In the original drama, Lu Wenzhao was still a thousand households of Jinyiwei eight years later, and he should not have been a thousand households at the beginning.

Now, Lu Wenzhao has directly become a captain of the Jinyiwei. In the next eight years, there is still hope that he will be promoted to a higher position.

With Lu Wenzhao in the court, Lu Cheng can feel more at ease even if he goes to the army.

It is easier to be an official if you have someone in the court. This is not just talk.

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