The two exchanged blows again. Lu Cheng deliberately controlled his strength and speed to focus on honing his skills. After dozens of moves, Lu Cheng took the initiative to retreat and stopped the exchange. "Thank you Miss Ding for your guidance."

"I can't give you any more advice. You are indeed improving very fast. You are the most talented person I have ever seen. It will probably not take long for you to surpass me in swordsmanship."

"I still have a lot to learn. By the way, does Miss Ding know anyone who is proficient in spearmanship?"

"Why? Brother Lu still wants to learn more about spearmanship?"

"Yes, Mr. Lu is determined to fight on the battlefield, and will definitely experience fighting on horseback in the future."

"In fact, I have learned some spearmanship. General Qi is best at spearmanship, and the Xinyou swordsmanship also incorporates some of the essence of spearmanship. However, I only know the basics of spearmanship."

"I will trouble Miss Ding to guide Mr. Lu again."

"It's nothing. Ding Xiu, Ding Tai, go find two wooden sticks."

"Yes, Master."

The two chatted for a few more words, and Lu Cheng looked at Ding Xian on the side: "Miss Ding, Mr. Lu has also learned some family medical skills. I just saw your little disciple coughing. Instead of breath, it seemed like an ordinary wind. Poor sputum, weak during the day, and a little hot in the afternoon? "Ding Xian nodded:" There is a thing. "Ding Baiyi heard that he was worried:" Since the child is uncomfortable, why don't you tell me? " "Ding Bai stared at him, and then looked at Lu Cheng:" Brother Lu, is Ding Xian's situation serious? " Pulmonary tuberculosis, also known as pulmonary tuberculosis in later generations, was not a minor disease in ancient times. Once you are afflicted with pulmonary tuberculosis, it means that you will be ill for life, your body will become weaker and weaker, and you will become a real sickly person, and your life span will be greatly reduced.

Given the medical and health conditions in ancient times, it is indeed quite difficult to treat pulmonary tuberculosis. It can even be said that pulmonary tuberculosis is an incurable disease.

Of course, Chinese medicine is not without a way to treat pulmonary tuberculosis, but it is difficult for ordinary doctors to cure it.

If it is in later generations, you can directly use Western medicine to kill tuberculosis bacteria, and then use Chinese medicine to regulate the body, which will be much simpler.

In this era without Western medicine, the general way for Chinese medicine to deal with pulmonary tuberculosis is to nourish the lung yin, clear the deficiency heat, and combine nourishing and clearing.

If it is early pulmonary tuberculosis and the patient is relatively strong, the chance of cure is still very high.

Seeing that everyone looked unhappy, Lu Cheng smiled slightly: "You don't have to worry too much. Early tuberculosis is still very easy to cure. Moreover, Ding Xian is still young, and he has been practicing martial arts for a long time, so he is strong and healthy, which makes it easier to cure."

Ding Baiying immediately said: "Brother Lu, can you cure it?"

"Of course. Let me go get the medicine first."

In fact, there are many Western antibiotics and isoniazid for the treatment of tuberculosis in Lu Cheng's cross-border backpack.

But Ding Xian has just fallen ill, and he can be treated with Chinese medicine alone, without using the reserved Western medicine.

"Brother Lu, I will go with you."


The two came to a pharmacy in the city, and Lu Cheng directly wrote a prescription and handed it over. The required medicines are all common Chinese medicines, which are available in almost every clinic, and it is not troublesome.

After getting the medicine, Ding Baiying insisted on paying for it herself, so Lu Cheng did not fight with her.

It can be seen that Ding Baiying really cares about that little apprentice.

In fact, although Ding Baiying is not much older than those disciples, each of them is a homeless orphan adopted by Ding Baiying. He also gave them new names and treated them as his own brothers and sisters.

Especially for the young disciple Ding Xian, Ding Baiying is more fond of him. Not only because Ding Xian is younger, but also because Ding Xian is smart and sensible.

After returning, Ding Baiying will personally make medicine for his disciples, and he is particularly careful.

In the next few days

, Lu Cheng went to Ding Xian's home every day to diagnose and adjust the prescription. While treating the disease, he also strengthened his body and enhanced his resistance.

During this process, Lu Cheng also learned some basic spear skills from Ding Baiying.

Half a month later, Ding Xian's condition had completely improved. He no longer had coughs and fatigue, his appetite was good, and his spirits were getting better day by day.

After this period of getting along, Ding Baiying's several disciples all had a good impression of Lu Cheng.

Especially Ding Xian, who regarded Lu Cheng as his savior.

That day, after finishing his diagnosis for Ding Xian, Lu Cheng nodded: "He has basically recovered. He only needs to continue taking the medicine for another half a month to fully recover. I will prescribe a prescription for you. You can follow the prescription and take it on time."

"Uncle Lu saved my life, Ding Xian will never forget it. In the future, if I, Ding Xian, can be of any use, I will do my best."

Lu Cheng smiled and patted Ding Xian on the shoulder: "No need to be so formal. However, it's time for me to leave Kyoto City."

Ding Baiying was stunned when he heard this : "Brother Lu, are you ready to go to Liaodong?"

"Yes, the court has issued an imperial decree, appointing Xiong Tingbi as the right assistant minister of the Ministry of War and the right assistant censor of the Censorate, and he will be ordered to govern Liaodong. I will also go to Liaodong with Xiong Jinglüe."

"Brother Lu, I have recently asked my senior brother for some news. Liaodong is now a big pit of fire. If you go there, you may not be able to come back. Brother Lu, do you want to think about it again?"

Lu Cheng shook his head: "I have made up my mind."

Ding Baiying was silent for a while, not knowing how to persuade him.

Ding Xian hesitated for a moment and said, "Master, I also want to go to Liaodong, follow Uncle Lu, and repay Uncle Lu for saving my life."

Lu Cheng shook his head: "Ding Xian, if you want to repay, you don't have to do this. Going to Liaodong is full of dangers. I may not be able to take care of you."

Ding Xian seemed to be determined: "Uncle Lu, I have learned martial arts almost enough now, and I also want to kill the Tartars."

"You are all still young, so you should stay in the capital. Brother Wen Zhao also needs manpower."

Ding Baiying pondered for a moment before speaking: "Brother Lu, my brother does need manpower, and I can't help you. However, since Ding Xian wants to follow you, you should accept him. "

"Miss Ding, Liaodong is indeed dangerous. I don't know if I can save my life."

"It's good to have one more person to take care of it."

"Okay then."

At this moment, Ding Xiu also stood up: "Master, why don't I go too? I heard that those Jiannu Tartars have very hard heads. I also want to see if their necks can block my knife."

"That... okay, then you two go together and listen to Brother Lu. Brother Lu, please don't refuse."

"In that case, thank you very much."

That night, Lu Cheng was about to rest. Lu Wenzhao brought a few men, carrying food boxes and fine wine, to Lu Cheng's house.

"Brother, I know you want to leave, and I can't stop you. Let's have a couple of drinks tonight."

"Okay. Let's not stop until we're drunk."

At the end of the drinking, Lu Wenzhao was really drunk and was helped away by a few men.

Before leaving, Lu Wenzhao had someone leave a few packages.

Lu Cheng opened it and saw that there were several crossbows specially used by the Jinyiwei, equipped with enough crossbow arrows.

This crossbow is small and exquisite, and can be folded, put in a leather bag, and hung on the body. The bow has three layers and three bowstrings, and can fire three crossbow arrows at the same time.

However, this thing pursues smallness and exquisiteness, and is easy to carry. The range and lethality are somewhat insufficient. It is useless beyond 20 meters.

However, before the two sides close the distance, firing a few crossbow arrows first can gain a certain advantage.

If poison is applied to the crossbow arrows, the lethality will be different.

For Lu Cheng, the three crossbows are more useful than the fire guns of the Ming Dynasty.

The most advanced fire guns of the Ming Dynasty, that is, the matchlock guns, are difficult to load and have low accuracy. That is, in the battle of defending the city or the defense of the position, it can play a great advantage.

Of course, if the matchlock guns can form a certain scale, 3~5 rows of rotation shooting can also be used to attack.

In fact, during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, the Shenjiying of the Ming Dynasty had already begun to adopt this tactic.

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