After leaving the city, Lu Cheng looked back at the city wall behind him, and then at the more than 40 cavalrymen around him.

In fact, these cavalrymen were not real cavalrymen, and many of them were just infantrymen on horseback at best.

But no matter what, it was good that these people were willing to follow him out of the city and face those brutal Jiannu Tartars.

All things are difficult at the beginning, and if this first step is taken well, it will be easy in the future.

"Brothers, since you are willing to come out with me, I can't guarantee anything else, but as long as we encounter the enemy, I will be the first to rush forward."

Ding Xiu immediately shouted: "I'll be the second."

Immediately, a general flag shouted: "I'll be the third."

"I'll be the fourth..."

Lu Cheng turned his head and looked at Ding Xiu, and nodded with satisfaction.

The reason why he brought Ding Xiu was to let him take the lead.

"Follow me!"


More than 40 cavalrymen galloped on their horses, bringing up a trail of dust, heading towards the North Gate.

More than a month ago, when Lu Cheng and Xiong Tingbi were still in the capital, Nurhaci led his army to attack Kaiyuan City. Ma Lin, the general of Kaiyuan City, led the army and civilians to resist tenaciously, but was eventually defeated and entered the city by Nurhaci.

Afterwards, the Later Jin army entered the city and launched a massacre. In just the two guards and one city of Kaiyuan, more than 100,000 soldiers and civilians were massacred and looted.

By the end of July, Tieling was also breached.

If the Later Jin army continued to attack southward, Shenyang would be their next target.

At this time in Shenyang, the combined forces of Li Ruzhen and Li Guangrong were only over 10,000, of which only over 2,000 were capable of fighting. He Shixian was in a better situation, with 2,400 capable soldiers among the thousands of soldiers.

The total number of capable soldiers in the entire Shenyang Zhongwei was only 5,000.

Liaoyang City south of Shenyang was better, with 20,000 to 30,000 miscellaneous soldiers, but these 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers had no armor or firearms, and even the middle and lower-level officers such as Qianzong and Bazong in the army were all dead or fled, and could not be commanded at all.

It can be said that the entire Liaodong front had collapsed.

Fortunately, after Nurhaci captured Tieling, he did not continue to move south, but went to solve the worries of the Yehe tribe in the north, which made Shenyang relieved.

But the Yehe tribe in Beiguan would definitely not last long.

When the North Gate was breached, the 5,000 combat-capable soldiers in Shenyang alone would certainly not be able to stop Nurhaci's tens of thousands of elite troops.

While attacking the Yehe tribe, Nurhaci had been paying attention to the situation in Shenyang and Liaoyang, and sent a large number of scouts scattered between Tieling and Shenyang to keep an eye on the movements of the Ming army at any time to prevent the Ming army from supporting the Yehe tribe to the north.

After Lu Cheng led his men to leave Shenyang, Xiong Tingbi had already ordered the three generals Li Ruzhen, Li Guangrong, and He Shixian to reorganize their troops and go to bluff.

However, Li Ruzhen and Li Guangrong were obviously unwilling to go out of the city to meet the enemy. Facing danger, they hesitated until the next day before leading their troops to the expedition.

He Shixian, who was stationed at Hupiyi, led his troops to the expedition and headed north as soon as possible. But Hupiyi was sixty miles south of Shenyang, and it would take time to get to Shenyang.

Moreover, these three armies were mainly infantry, and naturally they were not as fast as Lu Cheng's small cavalry.

When Lu Cheng led his men out of Shenyang and headed north for more than ten miles, they found the first wave of Later Jin scouts.

Even Lu Cheng did not expect that these Later Jin scouts were so bold that only seven or eight cavalrymen dared to run to the vicinity of Shenyang to investigate the situation.

The moment he found the enemy, Lu Cheng rushed up without hesitation.

The seven or eight Later Jin cavalrymen saw that there were forty or fifty people on Lu Cheng's side, and they did not dare to be arrogant and turned around and ran.

When the enemy ran away, the cavalrymen behind Lu Cheng were no longer afraid. The number of people on their side was more than five times that of the enemy. Five against one, how could they not win?

Everyone urged their horses to chase after them, especially Ding Xiu, who chased after Lu Cheng as soon as he charged.

As the distance between the two sides shortened, after reaching the range of the bow and arrow, Lu Cheng clamped his legs around the horse's belly, took out two bows, put the bow on and shot an arrow, and shot an arrow at the last Jiannu.

With a "swoosh" sound, the first arrow missed.

After all, Lu Cheng had only practiced archery for a short time, and now he was moving at high speed on horseback, so it was naturally impossible for him to hit the target with one shot.

Lu Cheng was not discouraged, and continued to urge the warhorse under his crotch to rush towards the opponent faster.

Lu Cheng's warhorse was also

The specially selected ones were quite fast and soon closed the distance.

Seizing the opportunity, Lu Cheng held his breath and concentrated, and drew his bow and arrow again, aiming at a Jiannu.

With a "swoosh", this time it was a little off, but it still hit an enemy's warhorse.

However, Lu Cheng aimed at the Jiannu who was running at the back, but ended up hitting the second to last one, and the warhorse's buttocks.

Lu Cheng used a two-stone bow, and the arrow was fast and urgent, and half of the long feather arrow shot into the warhorse's buttocks. The warhorse wailed and threw the cavalry on its back directly off.

The last cavalryman dodged in a hurry, but Lu Cheng seized the opportunity and shot another arrow. This time Lu Cheng aimed directly at the warhorse of the last cavalryman.

But after the arrow was shot, the cavalryman turned around, and the arrow was a little off again, and it hit the man's waist by accident.

The cavalryman fell off his horse. He was still holding the reins in his hand because of the pain. He was dragged by the horse for more than ten steps before falling.

Although the archery skills were all off the mark, fortunately, 2 of the 3 arrows hit the target. Lu Cheng was very satisfied.

Seeing that he was about to rush to the cavalryman who was thrown off the horse, Lu Cheng hung the bow on the horse and pulled out the goose-wing knife.

At the moment of approaching the Jiannu, the long knife drew a graceful arc and cut through the neck of the Jiannu. Blood gushed out like a small fountain.

As for the Jiannu who was shot in the waist by Lu Cheng, he was already dying at this moment. Lu Cheng had no time to care about him. He urged the horse to chase after the rest of the Jiannu.

The remaining Jiannu found that Lu Cheng had distanced himself from the cavalry behind him, and immediately turned around and shot arrows at Lu Cheng.

The bows used by scouts are generally short bows. Long bows cannot be used on horses, which is not conducive to opening bows and shooting arrows. The arrows shot from a short bow are naturally less powerful.

When those arrows flew to Lu Cheng, they no longer had much power, so Lu Cheng directly blocked them with his sword.

At this time, Lu Cheng no longer used the bow, and kept closing the distance.

Because of the delay just now, Ding Xiu also caught up.

Ding Xiu did not know how to use a bow and arrow, but just chased after him with his Miao Dao.

Soon, Lu Cheng and Ding Xiu flew to the last Jiannu almost at the same time, and the Jiannu had already drawn his saber and was about to fight.

Lu Cheng slightly turned his horse and directly bypassed the cavalryman, leaving him to Ding Xiu.

Ding Xiu also immediately understood, relying on the Miao Dao being much longer than the opponent's curved sword, he swung the sword and directly cut the Jiannu cavalryman off his horse.

At this time, Lu Cheng finally caught up with a cavalryman again, and with the same lightning-fast sword, a cavalryman fell off his horse.

Only half of the eight cavalrymen were left, and the rest saw that they could not escape, so they turned around and attacked Lu Cheng.

Although Lu Cheng's riding skills were still a little rusty, he used his strength to hold the horse's belly steadily, and slashed with the goose-wing knife in his hand again, and he actually chopped the man and the knife out directly.

When Lu Cheng faced the next enemy, Ding Xiu had already dealt with the previous enemy and caught up.

Lu Cheng and Ding Xiu were still easy to deal with a few Houjin cavalrymen.

When the dozens of cavalrymen behind caught up, Lu Cheng and Ding Xiu had already stopped the horses that wanted to escape and were ready to clean up the battlefield.

"See? These Houjin Tartars are easy to kill. Ding Xiu killed two of them."

After seeing the bravery of the two men, the dozens of cavalrymen were excited. I don't know who took the lead and shouted: "Your Excellency is mighty!"

"Your Excellency is mighty!"

After everyone finished shouting, Lu Cheng smiled and pressed his hand down: "Alright, alright, what's so great? Aren't they just a few Tartars? Clean up the battlefield quickly, collect the money, armor, and weapons on the Tartars, and divide the money!"

Everyone cheered immediately, and immediately ran everywhere, stripped all the Tartars naked, and gathered the war horses together.

Unfortunately, one war horse was shot by Lu Cheng, and the injury was quite serious.

Lu Cheng simply ordered to slaughter the war horse and divide the horse meat as military rations.

Afterwards, a total of fifty or sixty taels of silver were found on the eight Jiannu, and they were all small silver.

Lu Cheng gave the order directly, one tael per person.

These cavalrymen who followed had not done anything yet, but they were already given silver, so they were naturally excited and began to look forward to encountering the next wave of enemies.

At this moment, Lu Cheng took out another ten taels of silver and shook it in front of everyone: "Ding Xiu killed two enemies before, according to the rules, he will be rewarded with ten taels. Ding Xiu, it's yours."

"Thank you, sir!"

When everyone saw the ten taels of silver, their hearts were moved. This was ten taels of silver.

Even the general flag

, the annual salary is only a dozen taels, which is equivalent to half a year's salary.

From this moment on, the heads of the Tartars have been equated with white silver.

When they meet the enemy next time, Lu Cheng will not need to mobilize for battle, and someone will rush up.

The first small-scale victory has begun to inspire the courage of these cavalrymen to fight the enemy.

Then, Lu Cheng ordered to chop off the heads of these Tartars and hang them on a warhorse.

Then, Lu Cheng turned his head and looked at everyone: "Whose warhorse ran slower just now? These Tartar warhorses are not bad. You can change a faster horse, so that you won't be able to catch up with the heads when you grab them."

"Mine, I want to change horses."

"Give it to me, I want to change..."

"Okay, okay, I'll distribute it..."

The first fire has been successfully lit.

The rest, just need to lead them from one victory to another victory...

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