The first time, the second time.

Map of Liaodong in the late Ming Dynasty

In one day, Lu Cheng instilled courage in these soldiers and told them a truth: follow Lu Qianhu out of the city to kill the enemy and make money.

Seeing everyone eager to sign up, Lu Cheng stretched out his hand to press down, signaling everyone to be quiet, and then said again: "Everyone has seen the situation today. Everyone has received more than eight taels of silver. It is equivalent to the military pay of many people for most of the year, right?"

"Sir, we may not get so much military pay in a year."

"Yes, it's already very good to get half of the military pay in a year."

Everyone is poor, there is a chance to make money, who doesn't want it?

"But, of the enemies we killed today, except for a few killed by Ding Xiu, the rest were killed by me. After all, this is the first time for everyone to go out with me, and I don't care about these things, so I will divide the silver among everyone.

But if you do this again next time, this thousand households will also lose money, don't you think so?"

Those who didn't get the silver nodded immediately, and those who had already been distributed also nodded: "Your Excellency is right."

After all, they just helped to clean up the battlefield, and they were divided into eight or nine taels of silver. Think about it, you know that such a good thing can't happen often.

Lu Cheng continued, "Moreover, if we go out together in the future, if any brother kills a Tartar at the risk of his life, the final silver will have to be shared equally with everyone. Isn't this unfair?"

"Master Lu is right, only those who have made contributions can share the silver."

Lu Cheng nodded, "Yes, only those who have made contributions can share the silver. So, the rules will be changed next time we go out. If anyone is willing to go out of the city with me tomorrow, whoever kills a Tartar will sell the horse, armor, and weapons on his body for money. All the things on this Tartar are worth at least 20 taels, right?"

Everyone held their breath when they heard this. This is more than 20 taels of silver, a large number that many people cannot get even after working for two years.

"In addition, whoever kills a Tartar will not only get all the spoils, but I will also give him an extra five taels of silver. Moreover, as long as you follow me out of the city, even if you don't kill the last Tartar, but just clean up the battlefield, I will give everyone some hard work fees when I come back. Apart from other things, I will never let anyone return empty-handed."

After saying this, Lu Cheng looked at everyone: "Is there anyone willing to go with me?"

"I want to go."

"I want to go too."

The soldiers who had followed Lu Cheng out of the city once today immediately stood up, including the guy who was shot by the enemy.

Seeing this scene, Lu Cheng nodded with satisfaction: "I declare in advance that you may encounter danger when you go out of the city tomorrow. If you are afraid of death, it's not too late to withdraw now."

When everyone heard this, some people hesitated for a moment and retreated. But most people continued to sign up enthusiastically.

Lu Cheng took a look at the situation and found that among the more than 40 people who went out of the city together today, several actually retreated. Lu Cheng immediately wrote down the names of those people and would never use them again in the future.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng selected another 40 men as the troops to follow him tomorrow.

None of them were injured, and the injured one was still a little unconvinced: "Sir, I was just bitten by the arrow of the Tartars, and the wound is not deep. Maybe I will be well tomorrow, and it won't be a problem."

"You should take good care of your wound. Riding a horse is bumpy and the wound is easy to rip. Don't worry, I will definitely take you when you are well."

Afterwards, Lu Cheng asked people to return Li Ruzhen's horses and sort out the remaining war horses.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng called Ding Xiu and Ding Xian over and asked them to select some smart soldiers to publicize everything Lu Cheng did today.

On the one hand, to create Lu Cheng's brave image.

On the other hand, of course, it is to achieve the effect of "buying horse bones for a thousand gold".

Nowadays, there are still many fleeing soldiers from all over the city of Shenyang, and Lu Cheng wants to attract those fleeing soldiers to join them voluntarily.

It only took one night to ferment. The next morning, groups of defeated soldiers came to the door and asked to join Lu Qianhu's army.

Lu Cheng asked Ding Xian to take people to register their photos. As long as the defeated soldiers were willing to come, they would be accepted.

Then, Lu Cheng took Ding Xiu and led 40 cavalrymen to set off again.

This time, Lu Cheng was not going to just kill a few scouts.

Because Li Ruzhen,

The three generals, Li Guangrong and He Shixian, have each led thousands of troops northward. Lu Cheng and his small team ran for dozens of miles without seeing any enemy scouts.

Until approaching Tieling, Lu Cheng encountered He Shixian's three thousand troops.

When Lu Cheng read some history books in his previous life, he would focus on the history of the last years of the dynasty, and he still knew something about He Shixian, a fierce general in the late Ming Dynasty.

Long before the Battle of Sarhu, the Eight Banners Army had attacked Qinghe Fort. He Shixian led reinforcements and beheaded more than a hundred people.

During the Battle of Saarhu, He Shixian suggested that Li Rubai join forces with another army to attack the Jin army. Unfortunately, Li Rubai was afraid of the enemy and did not dare to send troops, resulting in a major defeat.

In the previous battle of Tieling, He Shixian was the only one who dared to send troops for reinforcements. Unfortunately, when He Shixian arrived at Tieling, Tieling had already fallen. The Eight Banners Army withdrew after sweeping Tieling. He Shixian encountered the Eight Banners Army's rear-cut troops, fought with them, and beheaded more than a hundred people.

It was these outstanding performances that allowed He Shixian to be promoted two or three levels in a row and become the commander-in-chief, taking charge of Hupiyi between Shenyang and Liaoyang.

Historically, Xiong Tingbi's ability to stabilize the situation in Liaodong and repel Nurhachi's attack was inseparable from He Shixian, a brave and skilled general.

Moreover, He Shixian was brave and resourceful, accurately predicting the movements of the Eight Banners Army many times, and taking advantage of Liaodong's geographical conditions to give full play to his artillery advantages, which repeatedly caused the Eight Banners Army to suffer heavy losses.

It can be said that it is precisely because of the cooperation of Xiong Tingbi and He Shixian that the situation in Liaodong can be stabilized.

If Lu Cheng wants to gain a foothold in Liaodong in the future, he must of course get acquainted with General He in advance.

When he heard that Lu Cheng was visiting, He Shixian immediately asked people to greet him and stood at the door of the camp, waiting for Lu Cheng.

In fact, in the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the title of Commander-in-Chief was not a fixed official title, but a temporary commander assigned to command the troops in times of war, similar to the Imperial Envoy. When the war begins, the general is assigned to lead the army, and after the war is over, he returns to the general.

By the end of the Ming Dynasty, due to constant border wars, the general had become a general guarding one side.

A general soldier generally has an independent regiment-level force of a thousand soldiers and horses, and can temporarily manage 20,000 soldiers and horses.

In terms of official rank, being General He is equivalent to a second-grade military general.

And Lu Cheng, a fifth-grade military attache, was still far behind the opponent.

However, the person behind Lu Cheng is Xiong Tingbi, and even He Shixian cannot ignore it.

"Lu Cheng, a humble official, has met Mr. He."

"You're welcome, Lu Qianhu, please come in quickly. I heard that you led troops out of the city yesterday and killed a dozen scouts?"

"It is true, but he is just a spy."

"It's already very good. However, if we go north after passing Tieling, we may encounter large groups of enemy troops at any time. These cavalrymen under Lu Qianhu are probably not enough. Why don't Lu Qianhu join me for the time being? How about marching?"

"Thank you, General He, for your kindness. I will lead the troops to continue north, clear out the scouts, and explore the enemy's situation. If we find a large group of enemy troops, we might as well notify General He in advance, how about that?"

"In this case, there will be thousands of households in the land."

After passing He Shixian's army, Lu Cheng continued to lead his people north. When passing Tieling, Lu Cheng specially took dozens of cavalry to take a look at the city.

At this time, Tieling had just suffered a massacre, and there was a dead silence everywhere in the city. It was summer, and rotting corpses, flies flying everywhere, etc. could be seen everywhere.

Such a tragic scene. Many of the cavalrymen behind Lu Cheng vomited.

These soldiers who came out of Kyoto saw for the first time the brutality of Houjin's Tatars.

Worried about contracting the plague, Lu Cheng just took them for a look and left in a hurry. During this period, he also asked them to cover their mouths and noses. After leaving the city, he gave each of them some poison-repelling and sterilizing medicine to prevent just in case.

"Yesterday, I helped you make money, and here today, I let you see the cruelty of the Houjin Tatars. If anyone is scared now, you can turn around and go back. I won't laugh at you.

But even if I am the only one left, I will continue to move forward. For nothing else, just to avenge those dead people of Ming Dynasty! From now on, anyone who is willing to stay with me to kill the enemy is my brother, Lu Cheng! Does anyone want to leave? "

After the words fell, there was a silence below, and then Ding Xiu spoke loudly: "I am willing to follow you, kill the enemy, and take revenge!"

"Kill the enemy and take revenge!"

"Okay, brothers, follow me to kill the enemy!"

At this moment, dozens of cavalrymen seemed to have something different for the first time...

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