The enemy was defeated, but the enemy was defeated.

Not long after, Ding Xiu came back, along with four or five hundred cavalrymen and General He Shixian.

Lu Cheng didn't expect that He Shixian would come over to check the enemy situation in person.

"Captain Lu, take me to see the situation of this group of Later Jin troops first."

"General, please follow me."

The two led a small group of cavalry and observed them closely. He Shixian couldn't help but frowned: "Although this group of Later Jin troops is small in number, they are well-equipped. Although I brought more than 3,000 soldiers, most of them have no armor, and the number of bows and muskets is even smaller.

Moreover, although the combined number of our cavalry is equal to that of the enemy's cavalry, the quality of the soldiers is incomparable. It is basically impossible to annihilate them all. If Generals Li Ruzhen and Li Guangrong can cooperate with us, there is hope that this group of enemy troops will be encircled and annihilated."

After hearing this, Lu Cheng shook his head: "General He, you must know the character of those two better than I do."

He Shixian pondered for a moment: "Why not do this? Let's ambush this enemy force in the rear first, kill them by surprise, and then drive them to the direction of the two generals. If we can eliminate as many of them as possible, and the remaining enemy forces are not many, the two generals will surely send troops to intercept them."

"That's the only way."

He Shixian took out a map and analyzed the situation. According to the direction of movement of this enemy force, he chose a suitable ambush site, and then immediately ordered his men to rush to the designated location to ambush in advance.

He Shixian is quite capable of using troops. Among his more than 3,000 soldiers, there are more than 2,000 combat soldiers. There is no problem with execution, and he quickly prepared for the ambush.

When this enemy force passed through a forest, the Ming army archers hidden in the forest suddenly shot, and a wave of arrows caught the enemy off guard.

After the enemy reacted, they immediately fought back. The archers on both sides shot at each other for a while, and the infantry of the Later Jin army began to charge.

Because the Ming army was hidden in the mountains and forests. It was not conducive to the cavalry charge. The cavalry of the Later Jin army could not play its advantage and immediately retreated to reduce losses.

However, the Ming army's equipment was too poor, the bows and arrows were soft and weak, and the Later Jin army was basically armored. After several waves of arrows, the Ming army did not cause much substantial casualties to the other side, but a lot of its own archers were killed and injured.

When the infantry of the two sides began to fight at close range, the gap became more obvious.

The Later Jin army was all strong young and strong. In He Shixian's army, the proportion of young and strong was less than half, and most of them were very thin, obviously they did not have enough food on a normal day.

Often two or three Ming soldiers could not beat one of them.

More than 3,000 against more than 1,000, and it was an ambush. It was so difficult to fight, and the gap between the two sides can be imagined.

Seeing this, Lu Cheng on the hillside rushed out with Ding Xiu, brandishing a broadsword and killing the Later Jin army.

Lu Cheng might be a little lacking in cavalry warfare, but he was not weak in foot warfare. He was like a tiger descending from the mountain. The long-handled goose-wing sword in his hand swung out a residual shadow, and with one slash, he could cut the Later Jin soldiers wearing leather armor into two pieces.

Ding Xiu was not far away from him, and he was also very brave.

With two fierce generals joining the battle, the situation quickly began to improve.

Lu Cheng was very efficient in killing enemies, usually one by one, and rarely slashed the same enemy a second time. Soon, he killed a bloody path in the Later Jin army.

Seeing that the loss of soldiers and horses was increasing, the commander of the Later Jin army immediately ordered a retreat. The infantry turned around and started to run away, and the cavalry took advantage of the cavalry shooting to prevent the Ming army infantry from chasing.

Lu Cheng quickly mounted his warhorse and, together with He Shixian, led the cavalry to fight with the enemy's cavalry, and took the opportunity to control the enemy's retreat route and drive them towards the direction of Li Ruzhen and Li Guangrong.

Because the Houjin army's horse archery skills were too strong, the Ming army's cavalry did not dare to get too close to the enemy's cavalry to avoid too many casualties.

These days, the cost of raising a cavalry is very high, and every cavalry is a treasure. He Shixian spent all his family's wealth to raise these hundreds of cavalry, and he did not want to cause too much loss.

After chasing for a distance and confirming that the enemy was heading towards Li Ruzhen, He Shixian and Lu Cheng also slowed down and counted the results and losses of this battle.

With the help of this favorable terrain and the help of Lu Cheng, a total of more than 240 Houjin soldiers were killed.

He Shixian's troops also lost nearly 500 people.

Even so, He Shixian was already very satisfied.

In the battle between the Ming army and the Qing army, it was already very good to be able to achieve a 2:1 casualty ratio.

"Lu Qianhu, this time it is really thanks to you. Don't worry, I will report this battle report truthfully, and Lu Qianhu's contribution is indispensable."

"This is nothing, the troops under General He are indeed good. If our General Du could have the ability to use troops like General He, we would not have been defeated so thoroughly."

He Shixian sighed when he heard this: "The Jiannu is powerful, and we are just letting the soldiers exchange their lives. It's a pity that our Ming soldiers often have to use several lives to exchange for a Later Jin Tartar."

It is worth mentioning that this group of more than a thousand Later Jin soldiers also looted a lot of property. In the rush of just escaping, a lot of property was abandoned.

After He Shixian had his men count the property, he was ready to give part of it to Lu Cheng, but Lu Cheng shook his head: "General He, the main credit this time is still you. And so many of your soldiers died in battle, and they need to be given pensions. I don't want this money."

"How can this be possible? If it weren't for Captain Lu, I'm afraid I wouldn't have discovered the enemy so early and successfully ambushed them. You have to take a share of these properties. Otherwise, I won't feel at ease."

Seeing that the other party insisted on giving, Lu Cheng only took a part: "I will take less, and please take the rest back to General He."

"This...Okay. Captain Lu's kindness, I will remember it."

Although Lu Cheng only took a part, there were still seven or eight hundred taels, plus the previous seizures, the total value has reached two thousand taels.

It has to be said that this war costs money quickly and makes money quickly.

I was still worrying about two hundred taels of silver two days ago, but today I have more than two thousand taels.

Of course, these two thousand taels may be a lot for an individual, but it is still too little to support a team.

The number of defeated soldiers gathered in Shenyang alone has exceeded 500, and this number is still increasing.

In the future, if you want to support a team of thousands of people, two thousand taels will only be enough to pay for one month's military pay.

After cleaning up the battlefield, He Shixian and Lu Cheng chased the Qing army from a distance.

Until it was getting dark, the Qing army encountered Li Ruzhen and Li Guangrong's team in front.

He Shixian had sent a small group of cavalry in advance and informed the two of them, asking them to encircle the enemy together and completely annihilate them.

However, Li Ruzhen and Li Guangrong seemed to have not discovered the enemy, and let them escape from not far away without chasing them.

Seeing this, He Shixian was furious: "These two useless people who are just sitting in their positions and eating for nothing! They didn't dare to order troops to go out when they had such a good opportunity, and watched the enemy slip away. It's really hateful."

Lu Cheng was not surprised at all, but comforted him: "General He, I will report this matter to the general later. The general will definitely deal with these two people severely."

"Humph! I thought that General Li Chengliang was also a famous general, but I never thought that his sons were so unbearable."

Then, He Shixian immediately sent a messenger to report the situation here in detail to Xiong Tingbi.

After Xiong Tingbi learned the news, he immediately ordered the three generals to lead the troops back, and Lu Cheng also returned to Shenyang City with He Shixian's troops.

After a lot of tossing back and forth, two or three days had passed.

In this expedition, in addition to Lu Cheng and He Shixian's considerable gains, Li Ruzhen and Li Guangrong, with a total of five or six thousand troops, did not even see a hair of the Later Jin Tartar.

After everyone returned to Shenyang, Xiong Tingbi immediately summoned all the generals and prepared to take action against Li Ruzhen and Li Guangrong...

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