The military retreat in Shenyang was a difficult one.

When the army and civilians in Shenyang withdrew to Liaoyang, Xiong Tingbi took the opportunity to clean up the old members of the Li family and appointed the general of aiding Liao, Chai Guozhu, and the three generals of Liaodong, He Shixian and Li Huaixin, to be responsible for the management of the troops near Liaoyang and organize defense.

At the same time, Xiong Tingbi also went deep into the grassroots to learn about the situation of the army and civilians in Liaodong in detail, and reported the lack of money and food in Liaodong to the court, repeatedly requesting the court to send food and military supplies to Liaodong.

Now the threat of Jiannu is at its most serious. Once Liaodong is lost and Jiannu crosses Shanhaiguan, it will directly threaten the capital city.

Therefore, Emperor Wanli responded to Xiong Tingbi's requests almost every time, and immediately increased taxes, allocated food, gunpowder, etc. to support Liaodong.

When the Ming Dynasty was just established, the main policy was to promote the Weisuo system, supplemented by large-scale military settlements. The soldiers in the Weisuo were all military households. They farmed in peacetime and went to war in wartime. The combination of farming and fighting solved both the problem of fighting and the problem of military pay.

But even in the early years of the Ming Dynasty, it was difficult for the Weisuo soldiers to achieve self-sufficiency through farming. Later, the Weisuo system gradually collapsed, and the Weisuo soldiers gradually could not even support themselves and their families. They had to fight on the front line. The military households could not see the day to get ahead, and they all began to run away.

In this situation, the recruitment system was gradually raised again.

During the reign of Emperor Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty, recruiting a soldier required two taels of military pay plus two pieces of cloth per month, and five taels of silver for resettlement expenses.

During the Wanli period, recruiting a soldier required three taels of silver for resettlement expenses, and the monthly military pay was one tael and two coins.

But in fact, it is difficult for the soldiers to get this amount of silver.

After Xiong Tingbi investigated the situation, he immediately made changes and raised the soldiers' military pay to one tael and five qian, about 18 taels per person per year.

At that time in Liaodong, this was already quite rare.

As a thousand households, Lu Cheng had a full complement of 1,200 soldiers and horses, and consumed 1,800 taels of food and wages every month.

Of course, given the current situation in the Ming Dynasty, it is impossible to guarantee the military pay of the Liaodong soldiers for a long time, and Lu Cheng did not expect to rely on the court.

However, Lu Cheng does not need to worry about these now.

What Lu Cheng cares most about is to complete the reorganization and training of the soldiers and horses as soon as possible to form combat effectiveness.

After arriving in Liaoyang, Lu Cheng took the opportunity of Xiong Jinglüe's cleaning up of the old Li family members to gather a group of people and horses, and screened and eliminated all the people and horses, and finally accumulated 1,200 soldiers and horses.

Moreover, among these soldiers, the proportion of young and strong has accounted for 2/3.

Then, Lu Cheng started the first round of training. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the training, Lu Cheng also paid out of his own pocket to buy a batch of food supplies so that the soldiers could have enough food.

After the soldiers had recuperated for a few days and conducted some simple training, Lu Cheng first selected 720 combat soldiers through age screening and physical fitness tests, and the rest were all used as auxiliary soldiers.

Due to the large number of people, the subjects of the physical fitness test were also very simple, running and lifting stone locks.

Then, Lu Cheng set up a ring in the barracks and decided the candidates for middle and lower-level officers through strength competitions, archery and other subjects.

As for whether the selected middle and lower-level officers are competent and have command abilities, it is not the time to consider this issue now.

After the preliminary allocation of grassroots officers, the first stage of the training, queue training, began.

Queue training seems simple, just practicing marching in step, kicking and so on, but it actually has great effects and significance.

Through queue training, the soldiers' discipline, obedience, and unity can be trained as quickly as possible, and their collective concept can be established.

Of course, Lu Cheng did not expect these soldiers to be as neat and uniform as the army of later generations, and to line up in a straight line. At least they should be able to obey orders and cultivate a certain spirit.

Lu Cheng first gathered all the selected middle and lower-level officers, and taught them the most basic movements such as marching in step, running, and standing still, so that they could learn.

At the beginning, these middle and lower-level officers still had some opinions, thinking that the training was divided into spearmen, swordmen, and archers. Spearmen practiced stabbing, swordmen practiced slashing, and archers practiced shooting, etc.

But Lu Cheng didn't care what opinions they raised, just let them obey orders and formulated a strict reward and punishment system.

These days, the soldiers basically have not read books, have little culture, and don't understand any big principles. They should be beaten when they should be beaten, and they should be scolded when they should be scolded.

Lu Cheng directly set a time

Restrictions, those who can learn each set of movements within the specified time can continue to serve as officers, those who cannot learn will be directly dismissed and return to be his head soldier.

If you can learn the fastest, you will be rewarded.

Of course, Lu Cheng is not rich now, and it is impossible to give money to the soldiers under him at any time.

However, Lu Cheng bought some meat. Those who performed well in training can eat meat, and those who performed poorly can only eat vegetables.

Under the encouragement of this simple reward and punishment system, those officers quickly learned queue training. Except for a few clumsy ones who could not distinguish between hands and feet, the rest were pretty good.

After that, this group of officers began to organize various soldiers, with small flags of ten people as units, and carried out various queue training.

Lu Cheng was not in a hurry to train their assassination movements. In addition to physical training, he also trained in queues every day.

After half a month of rectification, the more than 700 selected combat-ready soldiers had some initial spirit.

At least, they were well fed and well-drinked in the past half month, which was much better than before, and the soldiers trained more attentively.

At the beginning, after Xiong Tingbi heard about Lu Cheng's training method, he specially called Lu Cheng over to ask about it.

Half a month later, when Xiong Tingbi saw that the soldiers could shout slogans and march in unison, and there was no sound in the team, Xiong Tingbi understood Lu Cheng's intention and began to look forward to the results of Lu Cheng's training.

After completing the basic queue training, Lu Cheng began to issue new training tasks. The spearmen were trained to stab and retract the spears, the swordmen were trained to chop and cut, and the archers were trained to shoot.

Of course, while training these, physical training and queue training have never stopped, and have even been upgraded.

Lu Cheng combined some training methods of this era, combined with his own experience in modern training, constantly explored and summarized, and adjusted at any time to improve the discipline and obedience of this team as much as possible.

Fortunately, after Nurhaci captured Beiguan, he did not go south to attack Shenyang and Liaoyang, but went back to rest. This also gave Xiong Tingbi the opportunity to arrange defense, and Lu Cheng also had time to train the troops.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the training, Lu Cheng spent almost all the silver he had received before, all of which was used to buy food, vegetables and some meat, to ensure that his soldiers could eat three meals a day, and occasionally eat meat.

By the end of September, after more than a month of training, the more than 700 soldiers were finally no longer the pale and thin appearance before, and could barely achieve uniformity.

Lu Cheng stayed in the barracks almost every day and personally directed the training.

After the training had a certain improvement, Lu Cheng selected 50 outstanding soldiers from more than 700 soldiers and temporarily formed a special training class for officers to teach them some basic martial arts and basic command methods.

The team will definitely continue to grow in the future. If we want to quickly complete the training and form combat effectiveness after each team expansion, we must train a group of qualified officers.

At the same time, this officer training class is also for better control of officers and thus the entire team.

As long as the middle and lower-level officers can obey orders and follow Lu Cheng, the entire team can always follow Lu Cheng.

When he first led the troops out of the city to fight, Lu Cheng mainly used money as a means, after all, nothing else would work at that time.

But if you want to completely control a group of people or an organization, you can't just use money and interests.

After all, people who can be bought with money are also easy to be bought by others with more money.

Therefore, in addition to money and interests, you also need to add ideas and even beliefs.

While opening the officer training class, Lu Cheng also began to work on ideological construction.

Although he had never worked as an instructor or political commissar in his previous life, Lu Cheng was very clear about the various fine traditions of our army.

Organize the soldiers to hold a grievance meeting, denounce the crimes of the Tartars, stand on the same front with them, and scold the corrupt officials. Then go to them, sit down with them to eat, chat, tell them stories, look forward to the future, etc.

In a word, follow Lu Qianhu, eat enough, have food and wages, have meat to eat, and have clothes to wear...

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