After returning to the base, Lu Cheng counted the gains of this trip. The two families of Fan Wencheng and Li Yongfang, and the last tribe, really made him rich overnight.

The gold alone added up to more than 12,200 taels. Thanks to the generous Li Yongfang and Fan Wencheng.

The silver and silver notes added up to more than 54,000 taels. There were also the rest of the jewelry, ancient calligraphy and paintings, which were expected to sell for tens of thousands of taels of silver.

If all of these were converted into silver, it would be about 220,000 taels.

Fortunately, the density of gold is nearly 20 times that of water. One tael is equal to 37.3 grams. More than 12,000 taels of gold is less than 500 kilograms, and the volume is really not large.

The density of silver is more than ten times that of water. Thirty thousand taels of silver notes plus more than twenty thousand taels of silver do not take up too much space.

Moreover, Lu Cheng's storage space is completely flexible. After those irregularly shaped gold and silver are stored in it, the gaps basically do not take up much space.

Even the gold, silver and jewelry combined do not take up as much space as those antique calligraphy and paintings.

In addition to these gains, he finally brought back twenty or thirty war horses and some knives, bows and arrows and other weapons, which can be regarded as a little gain.

And Lu Cheng paid only twenty or so explosive packs.

With more than two hundred thousand taels of silver, let alone a team of more than a thousand people, even a team of more than ten thousand people can be supported for more than a year.

Of course, there are two big gains in this trip, that is, the heads of Li Yongfang and Fan Wencheng.

After counting the gains, Lu Cheng immediately took the two heads to meet Xiong Tingbi.

When Xiong Tingbi saw the two heads that Lu Cheng had put out, he was also shocked: "Lu Cheng... How did you do it?"

Xiong Tingbi was not very familiar with Fan Wencheng. After all, before Fan Wencheng defected to the Later Jin, his family had fallen into decline and he was just a scholar.

As for Li Yongfang, Xiong Tingbi had met Li Yongfang when he inspected Liaodong 10 years ago. At that time, Li Yongfang was already the garrison commander of Fushun and the highest military commander of the entire Fushun.

Before, when Lu Cheng said that he wanted to chop off the heads of these two people, Xiong Tingbi just thought it was a joke.

Now, Lu Cheng actually put the heads of these two people in front of him. How could Xiong Tingbi not be shocked?

This was directly going deep into the capital of the Later Jin, successfully beheading two high-ranking Jiannu, and being able to retreat unscathed.

"Sir, a few days ago, I and one of my men rode four horses and traveled hundreds of miles. We sneaked into Hetuala City at night and successfully killed these two traitors..."

Lu Cheng just briefly described the process, and Xiong Tingbi could imagine the danger. Once Lu Cheng was discovered, he would face the pursuit of countless Jiannu, and it can be said that there was no possibility of survival.

"This move is really, really too risky."

"But I succeeded, didn't I?"

"Yes, you succeeded. This is a great achievement. These two thieves surrendered to the Later Jin and helped the tyrant to commit atrocities. They are really a big worry for our Ming Dynasty. Now that you can successfully kill this person, it will surely deter the Later Jin and boost the morale of our Liaodong.

I will immediately write a memorial and send someone to send these two heads to the capital to ask for your credit. However, in the next period of time, we must strengthen our defense to prevent the revenge of the Later Jin."

"Yes We really need to strengthen our defense. However, I'm afraid that the Later Jin will not come this year. Judging from the current weather, it is estimated that there will be heavy snow in the next two days, which is not conducive to marching and fighting. Nurhaci should not send troops rashly. Of course, if Nurhaci really comes in the snow, we will definitely make him suffer a great loss. "

"You are right, it seems that you have considered it very carefully. I will start writing the memorial now, and you can go back to train the troops first."

"Yes, sir."

Soon after Lu Cheng left, Xiong Tingbi wrote the memorial and immediately sent someone to send it to the capital.

The next morning, snowflakes began to fall from the sky. In Lu Cheng's military camp, the soldiers also stopped training. They hid in the barracks and stared at the falling snow outside the window.

Lu Cheng asked the cooks in the logistics department to kill two pigs, stewed pork and cabbage in a big pot, and added pork bone soup, so that all the soldiers could have a taste of meat.

When the aroma of meat spread throughout the military camp, the soldiers immediately became excited: "Today we have meat to eat again, I am almost dying of greed."

"Hehe, it is better to follow our captain, not only can we eat enough, but we can also eat meat every now and then. If it were in previous years, we would still be hungry now."

"Who said it wasn't, these few

I have gained weight in the past month. We must follow the captain well in the future."

The soldiers gathered in twos and threes, chatting and waiting for the food to be ready.

Lu Cheng looked at the heavy snow outside, but was thinking about a problem.

During the snow, there is definitely no way to conduct outdoor training, but the soldiers cannot be left idle.

Then, Lu Cheng looked at a subordinate on the side: "Old Ma, how many students are there in our barracks now?"

"My lord, there are currently three scholars, twelve students, and twenty-one clerks who have read books and can recognize words in the barracks."

"So, you gather all those who can read and write, and teach the soldiers to read in units of general flags."

"This... My lord, it may not be easy to make all those big soldiers read and write."

"It's just to let them know some simple and commonly used characters, not to let them study and take exams. Let's do this, I will set a rule, and reward two cents for every character they know. If they cannot recognize a hundred characters after this winter, they will be punished to clean the entire barracks for two months.

Lao Ma was silent for a moment after hearing this: "This may be feasible."

"Since it is feasible, let's do it immediately."

"Yes, sir."

"Wait, if this matter is done well, everyone who teaches literacy will be rewarded. If the general flag has the highest literacy rate, the teacher responsible for teaching them will be rewarded with five taels of silver. There are more than 20 general flags in the whole army, and they will be ranked. The top five teachers will be rewarded."

"Yes, sir! Can I teach as well?"

"If you can do it without affecting the work at hand, go ahead."

"Thank you, sir. ”

So, the soldiers who had eaten and drunk enough were thinking about going back to rest, but they were summoned by their respective general flags to attend literacy classes.

Some soldiers were very excited to hear that they could read and write, thinking that they could become learned people in the future.

Some soldiers did not want to learn, and even had some resistance.

But fortunately, the discipline in Lu Cheng’s army is strict now, and anyone who disobeys orders will face strict punishment, and no one dares to disobey orders easily.

Soon, in this snowy weather, the sound of reading began to sound in the barracks: "When people are born, their nature is good..."

Lu Cheng organized this literacy class The class is also to improve the literacy rate of the subordinates and facilitate ideological construction.

Moreover, Lu Cheng does not want all the officers under his command to be illiterate. At least officers above the general flag must be able to read and write and understand military orders.

After arranging everything, Lu Cheng came to the carpenter's workshop again, took out a few drawings, and asked the carpenters to make some sleds and poles.

In the heavy snow environment, the training of ordinary soldiers can be stopped, but the training of the special operations team cannot be stopped.

At present, the special operations team formed by Lu Cheng has only ten people, who are the top ones selected from hundreds of miles away. They have been trained in physical fitness, fighting, archery, horsemanship, etc. for more than two months. ’s rigorous training, they are already elite fighters.

Of course, they are only elite fighters, and they are still far from the standard of special operations teams.

Lu Cheng also paid the special operations team very well, five taels of silver per person per month, and they can eat meat every day.

With such high treatment, they naturally require them to train with all their strength, learn various combat skills, master various techniques and knowledge, and complete various tasks assigned by Lu Cheng in the future.

For these people, as long as Lu Cheng is free, he will personally train them. If Lu Cheng does not have time, Ding Xian will train them.

After this period of training, Ding Xian has also grown up and has He has initially acquired the foundation of a special forces soldier.

After all, this person is also his main mission target, so Lu Cheng naturally has to pay special attention to him.

For Ding Xiu and Ding Xian, Lu Cheng has already begun to strengthen their physique and improve their combat effectiveness.

It is worth mentioning that Liaodong has rich medicinal resources, especially some main medicines for configuring physical fitness drugs, which are not in short supply here and the price is relatively cheap.

Lu Cheng has already purchased a batch of medicinal materials and plans to improve the physique of ten special forces members as well as Ding Xiu and Ding Xian.

If the conditions are good in the future, Lu Cheng will also consider improving the physique of some of his loyal centurions.

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