The city was built on the ground, and the soldiers were used to guard the gate.


To defend a city, it is definitely not enough to just stand on the top of the city and guard the gate with soldiers.

Long before the arrival of Nurhachi's army, Lu Cheng had made the most thorough preparations. First, he mobilized the reserve soldiers in the city and the child soldiers over 12 years old in the welfare institutions to help maintain the order of the entire city and prevent riots in the city.

At night, a strict curfew was implemented, with a post every five steps and a sentry every ten steps. Patrol guards came and went to prevent people in the city from colluding with the enemy.

At the same time, for some wealthy merchants in the city with uncertain factors, Lu Cheng sent soldiers to take their families to the government office and guard them in the name of protection.

Soldiers were sent to strictly guard the water sources, granaries, arsenals, important workshops and other places in the city to prevent problems.

The logistics department also prepared sufficient supplies, set up medical rescue points, kitchens, and city defense material reserves near the city walls, and arranged civilians to transport city defense materials.

Just when everything was ready and the Later Jin army arrived outside the city, Lu Cheng climbed up the city wall and beat the drum three times. The drums in the walls and neighborhoods of Haizhouwei sounded one after another, which also meant that the entire Haicheng officially entered the first-level combat readiness state. All residents must stay at home honestly and are strictly prohibited from going out.

Haizhou City has high walls and thick walls, and occupies a favorable terrain. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If the Later Jin army wants to capture the city, it must prepare sufficient siege equipment. And it takes at least two or three days to build these siege equipment.

The best way to defend the city is definitely not to sit on the top of the city and wait for others to attack, but to constantly create trouble for the enemy before the enemy attacks the city.

Of course, since the Later Jin army was mainly composed of cavalry and had strong mobility, it was not easy to cause trouble to the other side.

Lu Cheng arranged 100 reconnaissance cavalry and 30 special forces outside in advance, waiting for the opportunity to cause trouble to the other side.

In order to capture Haizhou City as soon as possible, Nurhaci ordered the craftsmen to cut down trees overnight and make engineering equipment.

However, when the main force of the Later Jin army began to rest at night, a small group of cavalry suddenly touched the place where the Later Jin army built siege equipment, threw some explosive packs, and turned away.

Continuous explosions sounded, and the siege equipment that the craftsmen of the Later Jin had worked so hard to build was instantly destroyed, and even many craftsmen were killed and injured.

The entire Later Jin army camp was shaken immediately, and many people remembered the explosion in Hetuala City at the beginning. The tragic scene left a serious psychological shadow on many people who had seen it.

Not only people, but also the war horses of the Later Jin army were frightened, and the whole camp was in chaos.

By the time Nurhaci sent troops to chase the sabotaging cavalry, they had already fled far away and disappeared into the night.

After a statistics, although the losses of the Later Jin army were not great, Nurhaci was upset: "These Ming soldiers are too cunning. This time I must capture Haizhouwei, catch Lu Cheng with my own hands, and chop off his head!"

In fact, since Lu Cheng attacked Hetuala at night, the Later Jin has attached great importance to gunpowder. Nurhaci sent people to the Ming Dynasty to buy and collect gunpowder, and ordered the manufacture of gunpowder to study the use of gunpowder.

But gunpowder is not something that everyone can play with.

Moreover, since the beginning of this spring, Lu Cheng has often led cavalry to pretend to be horse thieves and rob caravans transported to the Later Jin. Many times, the gunpowder and supplies that the merchants worked hard to get eventually fell into Lu Cheng's hands.

Therefore, the use of gunpowder by the Later Jin is not as good as that of the Ming Dynasty.

After a period of incompetent rage, Nurhaci could only order more cavalry to protect the craftsmen who were making siege equipment so that they could make equipment with peace of mind.

However, when the Later Jin army had just fallen asleep, the sound of the marching horn suddenly sounded on the wall of Haizhouwei. The Later Jin army thought that the Ming army in the city was going to attack at night and had to wake up again. However, the gate of Haizhouwei was closed and there was no movement.

After these two tossings, the Later Jin army that came from afar was destined to not be able to rest well.

When it was daytime, Nurhaci sent another part of the soldiers to assist the craftsmen in making equipment.

But at night, the elusive cavalry squad would always appear in the direction that the Later Jin did not expect, throw a few explosive packs and run away, regardless of how many Later Jin soldiers they could kill, anyway, they just didn't let them rest well.


The Later Jin army had to take turns to rest during the day and be on guard at night.

The morale of the Later Jin army had dropped a lot before the battle began.

Three days later, the Later Jin army worked overtime and finally got the siege equipment out. After Nurhaci reorganized his troops, he immediately ordered the siege.

In many film and television dramas, sieges are usually soldiers carrying long ladders, rushing forward desperately, rushing under the city wall, setting up the ladder, and the subsequent soldiers climbing up desperately.

In fact, there are many types of siege equipment, and it is definitely not as simple as a few long ladders.


The ladder alone is a large and complex device with wheels underneath and a shield in front. The ladder is also equipped with winches, grappling hooks and other tools.

Soldiers hiding behind the ladder are not afraid of the rain of arrows shot from the city wall.

Of course, ladders alone are not enough. Ancient city walls generally have moats. If the siege soldiers want to reach the bottom of the city wall, they must first cross the moat. This requires the use of a tool called a trench bridge to build a temporary bridge board on the moat.

(Trench bridge)

(Ancient armored vehicle)

In addition, there are simple "armored vehicles" with wooden boards on the top and left and right, which can withstand the rain of arrows from above, etc.

Looking at the various siege equipment outside the city, Lu Cheng smiled slightly. Today, let these Houjin soldiers know what art is.

Seeing the Houjin army pushing various siege equipment and staring at the rain of arrows on the top of the city, when they finally arrived at the bottom of the city, Lu Cheng gave an order, and a row of soldiers on the city wall took out clay pot bombs and explosive packs, lit them with torches, and threw them at the engineering equipment below.

"Boom boom boom" After a series of explosions, the first wave of the Houjin army's offensive was easily extinguished, and all kinds of engineering equipment were destroyed, leaving only many fragmented corpses under the city wall.

Nurhaci, who was far away, was furious, but he could do nothing.

On the city wall, Lu Cheng patrolled back and forth, and when he walked in front of a soldier, he raised his leg and kicked him: "Where the hell did you throw it just now? Can you throw it farther? What if it explodes our own city wall? I will punish you to repair the city wall later!"

The soldier was kicked, but he did not dare to be dissatisfied at all, and hurriedly bowed his head to admit his mistake.

A soldier nearby glanced over here, Lu Cheng walked over and snatched the torch from his hand, and also kicked him: "What are you looking at, hold the torch away from me, are you going to fly to the sky?"

The first wave of the enemy's offensive was easily repelled, and the soldiers defending the city were also a little excited. Lu Cheng immediately asked the supervisory team to maintain order, especially to take good care of the explosives on the city wall, and never let those guys blow themselves up.

Except when the enemy army was attacking the city, the explosive packs should be placed far away at other times, and no open flames were allowed to approach.

Moreover, these explosive packs and earth bombs were stored separately, with a limited number stored at each storage point, and the distance between the two storage points was pulled apart to avoid large-scale explosions and chain explosions.

After the failure of the first wave of attack, Nurhaci immediately ordered the withdrawal of troops, rearranged the manufacture of siege equipment, and thought about new siege methods.

In fact, the Later Jin army was mostly composed of cavalry, and was not good at siege. It was only after conquering some Han soldiers that they learned the siege method.

However, those siege methods clearly did not mention how to deal with gunpowder.

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