The battle was won, and the battle was over.

On the wall of Haizhouwei, when the soldiers guarding the city saw the Jiannu withdraw their troops, they cheered in unison: "We won! The Jiannu retreated!"

"We won!"

"Da Ming, long victory!"

The cheers on the wall spread to the city, and immediately caused even louder cheers, and the whole Haizhouwei was excited.

Since the Later Jin invaded Liaodong, the Ming Dynasty has suffered continuous losses, cities and lands, and the last spirit of the Liaodong soldiers has been almost beaten.

Now, Haizhouwei, relying on a few thousand soldiers and horses, has withstood the attack of tens of thousands of Later Jin troops, leaving a large number of corpses behind, but can only return empty-handed.

For a time, the soldiers and civilians of the entire Haizhou Guard were excited.

In the past few days, although the Houjin had only attacked the city two or three times, as long as the Houjin army was still outside, it put a lot of pressure on the soldiers on the city wall and the residents in the city.

Now that the Houjin army has withdrawn, many people have completely relaxed.

But Lu Cheng did not relax. This was just a victory in defending the city with the advantage of gunpowder, which was not worth being proud of.

However, for the thousands of soldiers of Haizhou Guard, this victory was also extremely rare, which greatly improved their morale and confidence, and made them more loyal and admired Lu Cheng, the commander.

No matter how much a general loves his soldiers, it is not as good as leading them to win a battle. If there is anything that can gather the hearts of the army better than winning a battle, it is to win battles continuously.

After the Houjin army withdrew, the vigilance on the city wall was not completely relaxed. It was not until the evening that the scouts came back to report that the Houjin army had gone southeast and walked dozens of miles. Lu Cheng then ordered the soldiers on the city wall to change their guards and arrange to clean up the battlefield.

Of course, the news of the Houjin withdrawal should also be reported to Xiong Tingbi. At the same time, Lu Cheng also advised Xiong Tingbi not to order a pursuit and let the Houjin leave.

Before there is enough strength, there is absolutely no head-on battle with the Houjin.

Under several city walls, there are a total of 3,000 Tatar corpses piled up, which need to be dealt with as soon as possible.

Now it is summer, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter. If the corpses are not dealt with as soon as possible, it is easy to cause plague or something.

All the corpses were beheaded, and the heads were treated with quicklime, collected together, and transported to Liaoyang.

As for the corpses, they were burned directly.

Of course, some useful property, weapons, etc., still need to be collected.

After arranging all the work here, the task of defending the city was handed over to Ma Bojun and Yang Youren, two thousand households. Lu Cheng took fifty special forces, one with two horses, and chased after the retreating Later Jin army.

Although the Later Jin lost many soldiers in Haizhouwei, tens of thousands of troops were not injured. When retreating, they also maintained the remaining formation.

Of course, the tens of thousands of troops of the Later Jin were not all cavalry, there were also many infantry, and the speed of marching was not very fast.

It took a day and a night for Lu Cheng and fifty special forces to catch up with the large army of the Later Jin.

Although the massive attack of the Later Jin did not cause many casualties to Lu Cheng, it seriously damaged the land reclaimed and planted outside the city. Many of the lands were planted with crops such as corn and sweet potatoes that Lu Cheng specially collected.

Lu Cheng absolutely could not tolerate such behavior.

Farming is engraved in the genes of the Chinese nation.

If you want me to farm well, everything will be fine. If you don't let me farm well, I will farm you in the fields.

Although Lu Cheng's current strength is not enough to farm those tens of thousands of Later Jin troops. But Lu Cheng will try his best to leave a deep impression on those Later Jin troops, so that they dare not harass him easily, let alone destroy his land.

After finding the camp of the Later Jin army, Lu Cheng certainly did not directly order to start, but ran ahead of them in advance, based on the marching speed of the Later Jin army, and then observed the surrounding terrain and landforms, to determine the next location for the Later Jin army to set up camp.

The Later Jin army is mainly composed of cavalry. Now it is summer, and the grass and trees are lush. When the Later Jin army stops to rest, they generally choose to set up camp in places with lush water and grass and open terrain, which is convenient for horses to eat grass and drink water, and for personnel to replenish drinking water, and can also prevent sneak attacks, etc.

Therefore, Lu Cheng can completely judge the next place for the Later Jin army to stop and rest.

After finding a suitable location, Lu Cheng immediately took fifty special forces members to turn over and dismount

, each person took two water bags from the horse, went to the stream nearby and filled them with water, then each person took out a bag of medicine powder from the backpack, poured it into the two water bags, and shook it evenly.

Then, everyone took the water bags and went to a lush grassland nearby, and sprinkled the water mixed with medicine powder in the water bags on the wild grass that the horses liked to eat the most.

After running back and forth several times and sprinkling the medicine liquid on the wild grass as much as possible, Lu Cheng led the soldiers to clear the traces and left quickly.

Now it is the hot summer, and the Houjin army has to stop and rest after marching in the hot sun for a whole morning.

After seeing a large area of ​​lush grassland in front of them, the soldiers immediately led the horses to feed them.

At the same time, many soldiers came to the stream to get water.

Not long ago, after Lu Cheng and his team had finished applying medicine to the grass, they bypassed the Houjin army and ran to their rear, that is, the upper reaches of the stream, and poured bags of medicine powder into the flowing stream.

Lu Cheng deliberately observed the flow speed of this stream, calculated the time it would take for the water here to reach the place where the Houjin army would stop, and sprinkled a large amount of medicine powder in advance.

Fortunately, this stream is not very large. If it were a river, even if Lu Cheng prepared more medicine powder, it would be diluted by the river.

Of course, even a stream is running water, and Lu Cheng could not predict how much casualties the medicine powder would cause to the Houjin army. But if you can poison one, you can poison one.

In order to avoid attracting the enemy's attention as much as possible, Lu Cheng also set up fishing nets upstream of the stream to block some fish and reduce some dead fish. Fortunately, there are not many fish in this stream, and even if some dead fish float up, it should not attract attention.

Of course, if the Houjin army dared not drink water after seeing a few dead fish, Lu Cheng had no choice but to count their good fortune.

As for whether this would harm innocent people downstream, Lu Cheng could not care less.

However, there were mountains and forests stretching for dozens of miles ahead, and there should be no human habitation.

After the stream water flowed out several times, the poison in it had been diluted thousands of times, and it was difficult to cause any harm to people.

After doing all this, Lu Cheng immediately took fifty special forces members and ran to a hillside in the distance to observe the situation of the Houjin army camp through a telescope.

Just when Lu Cheng and others rushed to the hillside, chaos had already begun to occur in the Houjin camp. Many horses foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground after eating grass within less than an incense stick of time.

At the same time, many Houjin soldiers who had just drunk the stream water began to show signs of poisoning. The serious ones died on the spot, and the lighter ones began to have stomach churning and severe pain, and fell to the ground and rolled around.

The whole scene was in chaos, and the sound could be heard from a long distance away.

Ding Xian stood beside Lu Cheng, holding a monocular telescope, looking at the scene in the distance, and couldn't help laughing: "These Tartars have suffered. I just counted roughly, and there should be more than 300 fallen horses. The fallen Houjin Tartars were surrounded by people, but there were definitely no less than 200."

"Your Excellency's move is really brilliant. Without spending a single soldier, these dog Tartars were defeated."

"Hehe, our master just made a slight move, and let these dog Tartars know how powerful we are."

After Lu Cheng took a general look at the situation below, he waved his hand: "Okay, you rough guys are not suitable for flattering. Hurry up and find the next ambush site."

"Yes, sir!"

The group set off immediately, continuing to bypass the Houjin army and heading forward.

At this moment, the Later Jin soldiers had already realized that the water source and grass here had been poisoned. They did not care to stay and rest, and hurriedly packed up their troops and horses and continued to move forward.

The Later Jin soldiers who were poisoned to death or injured were all taken away, and the horses that were poisoned to death had to be left where they were...

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