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(How about this)

Although Hou Jin had many soldiers and horses, these soldiers and horses were basically not professional soldiers. They were usually scattered among large and small tribes. When war was needed, they were summoned from various tribes and sent by various tribes. The leader and commander-in-chief.

Nurhachi unified the Jurchen state and established the Jurchen state. After the founding of the Jin Dynasty, he perfected the Eight Banners military system and established a Niulu Ezhen for every three hundred people. The five oxen are recorded as a Zalan (Jia La) Ezhen, and the five Zalan are established as a Gushan Ezhen.

The Eight Banners of the Later Jin Dynasty are divided into four colors: yellow, white, blue and red, and can be divided into plain white and bordered white. Each flag is a Gushan Ezhen, with 7,500 soldiers and horses. The eight banners add up to 60,000 soldiers and horses.

Of course, after Hou Jin allied with Mongolia and conquered parts of Liaodong, it also absorbed some Mongolian cavalry and soldiers from Liaodong, and its total strength reached about 100,000.

This time Nurhaci attacked Shenyang. Naturally, it was impossible to bring all the Eight Banners soldiers and horses, but some of them had to be set aside to guard Hetuala and some important tribes.

Even in order to prevent sneak attacks from Liaodong, Nurhachi also ordered some small tribes around him to combine with each other and gather together to form some temporary large tribes to defend together, so as not to be defeated one by one like before.

However, this made it easier for Lu Cheng and his special operations team to pass through Houjin's territory and reach Hetuala City.

In order to prevent the target from being exposed too early, the 1,200 cavalry led by Ding Xiu did not go directly into Houjin. Instead, they temporarily hid at the junction of Liaodong and Houjin and waited until the agreed time before entering Houjin to engage in various activities. Destroy, attract attention, and buy time for Lu Cheng and others to retreat.

Following Lu Cheng on the rescue mission this time, in addition to Ding Xian and 40 special operations team members, there were also several prairie people who were familiar with the Jurchen situation.

Nurhachi has always wanted to conquer the various Mongolian tribes on the grassland, and the Horqin tribe has always maintained close contact with Houjin. The Mongols can freely enter and leave the city of Hetuala, and it is very convenient for them to do things.

If only Lu Cheng and his soldiers, who were from the Ming Dynasty, without the prairie people accompanying them, wanted to enter the city of Hetuala in a fair and just manner, they would inevitably attract the attention of the defenders and face questioning from the defenders.

Even if a Han wants to pretend to be a Jurchen, the language alone is a problem. The hair on their forehead is just a problem.

Lu Cheng and his soldiers did not want to shave their heads and leave a tuft of hair on the back of their heads, like a pig's tail.

Today's Jurchens really have this kind of hairstyle.

As for the yin-yang hair style in the Qing palace movies and TV dramas, where only the front half of the hair is shaved, it only became popular in the middle and late Qing Dynasty.

Nowadays, Jurchen hairstyles are particular about being braided into small braids that can be passed through the copper coin holes. You can imagine how much hair is left.

After the group of people reached the vicinity of Hetuala City, Lu Cheng did not take direct action. Instead, he sent a few prairie men into the city to inquire about the situation.

At the same time, Lu Cheng was also far away from the city gate, using a telescope to observe the situation at the city gate to see the interrogation of the Houjin soldiers guarding the city.

Perhaps because it was daytime and the city gate had a wide view, the soldiers guarding the city were not too vigilant.

Not long after, several prairie people who went to the city to inquire about the situation returned one after another and explained the situation in the city to Lu Cheng.

After Lu Cheng analyzed the situation, he asked several prairie people to go to the villages and towns near Hetuala City to buy some carriages for transporting goods, and also purchased some goods that could be sold in Hetuala City and put them on the carriages.

After that, several Mongolians drove a carriage, carrying goods, pretending to be a small caravan, and entered the city of Hetuala from another city gate.

The interrogation at the city gate is not strict. After all, it is broad daylight and there are no problems in the city. If all pedestrians coming and going were strictly interrogated, the city gate would have been blocked long ago and it would be impossible to walk.

Several prairie people drove carriages with goods. Lu Cheng and several special forces members were lying under the carriages. There were also two or three special forces members, disguised as prairie slaves, following behind.

One of the prairie men also prepared some loose money in advance, followed the example of other caravans, and secretly stuffed it into the hands of the soldiers guarding the city. The soldier received the money and just waved his hand before letting him go.

After Nurhaci conquered some cities in Liaodong, he captured many Han people as slaves. There were many Han people in Hetuala.

Slaves. Some Jurchen nobles would be accompanied by some Han slaves when they traveled.

Moreover, the Later Jin Dynasty had not yet strictly implemented the shaving order. Many Han slaves still retained their original hairstyles.

Moreover, some Ming generals who surrendered to the Later Jin Dynasty also had a certain degree of freedom in the city.

After entering the city, it was normal to see three or two Han faces walking on the street.

After the group entered the city, several Mongolians drove a carriage and passed through a remote alley. Lu Cheng and his special forces quickly hid in the alley.

After that, Lu Cheng and all the special forces dispersed. Each grassland man led two or three special forces, carrying some goods and pretending to sell them. Unknowingly, they had approached the place where Zaisai was imprisoned.

Zaisai was the leader of a faction after all. Although Nurhaci imprisoned him, he did not lock him in a cell. After all, he had to conquer the Mongolian tribes in the future, or use Zaisai in exchange for ransom.

Therefore, Zaisai was imprisoned in a remote courtyard in the city, and two groups of guards were sent to take turns to guard him.

Moreover, this courtyard was close to the city defense camp. Even if Zaisai could escape from the courtyard by himself, as long as he made a noise, it would be easy to alert the nearby city defense camp.

Even if he escaped from the city defense camp, it would be difficult to get out of Hetuala City without anyone to pick him up.

After investigating the situation nearby, Lu Cheng immediately arranged his men to take action.

Several grassland people immediately formed groups of two and hawked goods near the two ends of the street where this courtyard was located, making noise and covering up the sound.

Lu Cheng, with his special forces, immediately attacked the guards guarding the gate of this courtyard. Several crossbow arrows with the deadly poison "blood-killing" were shot at the same time, hitting the necks of the four guards at the gate with incredible accuracy.

The four guards fell down with their hands covering their necks before they could make any sound. Several special forces appeared behind them at a very fast speed, holding the body, covering the mouth and nose, and dragging the body to a hidden place on the side.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng came to the corner of the courtyard wall, jumped onto the wall, and saw the distribution of the guards in the courtyard. Then, the special forces had a clear division of labor, and quickly climbed over the wall from different directions of the courtyard, landing steadily in the blind spot of the guards in the courtyard. The moment they landed, they pulled out the crossbow and shot the crossbow arrow.

In order to be on the safe side, Lu Cheng held a Glock pistol with a silencer in each hand at the moment he climbed in, and shot the guards who were not hit by the arrow with great accuracy.

In fact, the silencer of the pistol cannot completely eliminate the sound, but now it is daytime and there are other sounds outside. A few slight gunshots did not cause any abnormality.

In just a few breaths, nearly 20 guards in the courtyard were all killed.

The shell of the pistol automatically fell into the storage space at the moment it flew out, and did not fall to the ground.

Then, the special forces quickly finished off the bodies lying on the ground, making sure that no one was left alive.

After doing all this, a special forces member quickly opened the door with the key found from a guard. The two grassland people entered the house and immediately saw their leader Zaisai and his two sons.

Zaisai was obviously very excited to see his own people. Just as he was about to say something, Lu Cheng quickly spoke in Mongolian, which he had just learned not long ago: "We are here to save you. Stop talking nonsense and follow us first."

Then, several soldiers took the clothes that had just been stripped from the guards' bodies and gave them to Zaisai and his two sons, asking the three of them to change into them.

After that, the group dragged all the bodies in the yard into the house and placed them. As usual, two loose-type bombs were placed under the bodies. As long as these bodies were moved, they would explode.

After handling the scene, Zaisai and his two sons wore the clothes of the Later Jin Guards, walked to the entrance of the alley, followed a few grassland people, and went to the city gate openly and hid in a small alley.

Soon, the carriages that the group had brought into the city returned to the gate of the city tower. Zaisai and his two men hid under the cargo on the carriages and headed towards the city gate.

When the carriages were about to arrive at the city gate, a grassland man leading the carriages gave some silver to the soldiers guarding the city again.

At the same time, a grassland man and a special forces member dressed up as a master and servant and stopped at another place at the city gate. The grassland man loudly scolded his "slave", attracting the attention of the soldiers guarding the city.

Then, the carriage walked out of the city gate safely.

After leaving the city, when the group walked to a deserted place, Zaisai and his two sons, as well as some special forces members, immediately jumped out of the carriage, quickly hid in the mountains and forests, met up with the special forces waiting there, and rode

After the war horses, they immediately headed towards the border of Houjin.

At the same time, several special forces members stayed in the woods and continued to wait. Because Lu Cheng was still in Hetuala City at this time and did not leave.

Since he was here, of course he had to do some more damage and set Nurhaci's backyard on fire...

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