The explosions were so intense that the enemy was utterly defeated.


At midnight, explosions occurred simultaneously at the four gates of Hetuala City, east, south, west and north. The turmoil in the inner city had not yet subsided, and the entire outer city also became chaotic.

In this chaotic environment, Lu Cheng easily left Hetuala City, rushed to the outside of the city, met up with Ding Xian and others, and rode away.

On the other hand, Ding Xiuhe and his 1,200 cavalrymen also began to attack some tribes of the Later Jin Dynasty at nightfall. Every time they found a tribe, they would rain arrows and throw a few explosive packs, and then withdraw, without any lingering fight, just to make those tribes chaotic.

After a night of struggle, the tribes in various parts of the Later Jin Dynasty were in a mess. Many herdsmen dared not go out to herd horses. All the people in each tribe gathered together to take strict precautions and not give Ding Xiu's cavalry a chance to attack.

This also allowed the special forces with Zaisai to safely reach the meeting point and meet Ding Xiu's cavalry.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng also caught up with several special forces, and everyone gathered together and headed towards Haizhouwei.

All the way back to Haizhouwei smoothly, the special forces who had been busy for a few days went back to rest, and the cavalry teams also went back to rest.

Arriving at Lu Cheng's residence, Zaisai bowed to Lu Cheng and said, "Zaisai thanks General Lu for his rescue. If it weren't for the general, I'm afraid Zaisai would still be trapped in the cage."

"Don't be polite, Chief Zaisai. The Mongolian tribes are allies of our Ming Dynasty. We have a common enemy, so we should be united against the enemy and help each other."

"General, you are righteous, Zaisai will never forget it. After returning this time, I will definitely send cattle, sheep and horses to repay your kindness. In addition, my Khalkha tribe is willing to make peace with the general forever and form a brotherly alliance."

Lu Cheng was also happy to hear this, waiting for this sentence: "Chief Zaisai is too polite. From now on, we will be the most loyal allies. Come on, Chief Zaisai, you have arrived at my Haizhou Guard, you must pay attention to rest."

On the one hand, Lu Cheng asked people to arrange a banquet to entertain Zaisai and his two sons. On the other hand, he summoned Ma Bojun, the commander who stayed behind, and asked about the battle situation in Shenyang.

Shenyang had already made sufficient preparations for the invasion of Nurhaci's army this time. They checked the security in the city, strengthened the city defense, and also used explosive packs and bombs.

Moreover, the general He Shixian, a brave and resourceful general, was ordered to guard Shenyang this time, and did not give Nurhaci any chance to break through the city wall.

Now, Lu Cheng's actions in Hetuala City should have been reported to Nurhaci, and I believe Nurhaci will soon be unable to sit still.

Moreover, although Ding Xiu's harassment between the tribes of the Later Jin did not cause much damage, it also made the people of the entire Later Jin grassland panic.

In this way, if Nurhaci dared to stay in Shenyang and continue to attack the city, Lu Cheng's troops would definitely go deep into the Later Jin again and slaughter the tribes.

As for dividing the troops to attack the city, Nurhaci did not dare to take this risk now. The Later Jin had only so much wealth. If the battle was really over, his position as Khan would be over.

Sure enough, in the evening of the next day, there was a pigeon transmission that Nurhaci, who had besieged Shenyang for several days, returned empty-handed again.

The Shenyang Defense War, like the previous Haizhou Defense War, was a victory.

After these two consecutive victories, the morale of the entire Liaodong was boosted, and the soldiers of Liaodong were no longer afraid of the Jiannu.

At the same time, Lu Cheng also sent some heads cut off this time to Liaoyang.

Although Lu Cheng did not directly participate in the Shenyang Defense War this time, he also played a key role. In addition, the heads sent by Lu Cheng were also a great contribution.

After a war was settled, Lu Cheng also sent Zaisai and his 1,000 cavalry away, and sent Ding Xiu with 500 cavalry and some personnel from the logistics department to go deep into the grassland to take over the cattle, sheep and horses presented by the Khalkha tribe, and also to do business with the Khalkha tribe.

This time, Ding Xiu went to the grassland with a large number of glass, soap, silk, tea and other supplies.

The Khalkha tribe gave Lu Cheng 1,000 war horses and 3,000 cattle and sheep, which was definitely enough for Lu Cheng to digest for a long time.

Moreover, the Khalkha tribe lost so many cattle, sheep and horses at once, and its own strength was also weakened to a certain extent.

Lu Cheng also wanted to train Khalkha as his younger brother, so that he could recover the entire Mongolian grassland in the future, and naturally he would not let Khalkha fall into trouble.

Therefore, Lu Cheng also directly let the Khalkha tribe be his agent, responsible for selling various commodities of Haizhouwei to the various tribes of Mobei Mongolia and Moxi Mongolia.

In this way, Lu Cheng is equivalent to directly supplying distributors, and no longer has to worry about retail issues. This kind of profitable business will naturally be expanded by the Khalkha tribe.

Moreover, Lu Cheng also specially sent several shopkeepers who are very good at doing business to assist the Khalkha tribe in selling these commodities to farther places. This is a completely mutually beneficial process.

These communities of interests with interconnected interests are more reliable than the relationship between allies.

It is worth mentioning that when Lin Danhan learned that Lu Cheng successfully rescued Zaisai, in order to show his magnanimity as a big brother, he also gave Lu Cheng two hundred war horses in return.

But compared with Khalkha, this thing is really not enough.

After this incident, the Khalkha tribe also saw that Lin Danhan was unreliable, but it was not shown now.

However, since someone offered to give something, Lu Cheng would gladly accept it even if it was a small amount. It would be a waste if he didn't take advantage of it.

Not long after, the eunuch from Yanjing City came to Liaodong again to reward the generals of Liaodong.

This time, Lu Cheng was promoted from the third-rank Zhaoyong General to the second-rank Dingguo General by virtue of his merits in killing several important figures of the Later Jin Dynasty and disrupting the Hetuala City of the Later Jin Dynasty, and was responsible for governing the four guards in southern Liaoning.

In other words, from the south of Anshan to Lushun and Dalian, they all became Lu Cheng's jurisdiction.

Of course, Lu Cheng's direct territory was still Haizhou Guard, but he had the right to govern and mobilize troops for Gaizhou Guard, Fuzhou Guard, and Jinzhou Guard.

The other three guards in southern Liaoning were still responsible for recruiting soldiers and horses and defending themselves.

But if there was a war, Lu Cheng had the right to mobilize troops from the other three guards to participate in the battle.

Of course, if the other three guards were attacked by the enemy, Lu Cheng should also be responsible for assisting in defense and rescue.

In addition to Lu Cheng, He Shixian and other generals also received some rewards.

Interestingly, Xiong Tingbi, who was in charge of the entire Liaodong region, did not receive any rewards from the court.

Later, Lu Cheng also learned about the situation through some intelligence reports from the capital. After two consecutive victories, the ministers in the court regained their confidence, thinking that the Jianzhou Jurchens were not a concern, Nurhaci was just a paper tiger, and the Battle of Sarhu was just a fluke, etc.

Even, many officials have impeached Xiong Tingbi, believing that Xiong Tingbi had been in charge of Liaodong for more than a year, but never recovered the lost territory, only knew passive defense, and did not actively advance, etc.

Some officials even suspected that Xiong Tingbi deliberately exaggerated his military exploits and deceived the court.

Some people even accused Xiong Tingbi of only knowing how to ask the court for money and food, and not understanding the emperor's difficulties at all. A large amount of food and wages was consumed, but only a few passive defenses were exchanged, etc.

In fact, looking through the phenomenon to the essence, the reason why Xiong Tingbi was impeached by so many people was that the court could no longer provide food and wages for the soldiers in Liaodong.

Since Xiong Tingbi took charge of Liaodong, the court has been levying taxes on the people all over the world to provide for Liaodong. But how much money can be scraped from the poor people in the world?

In more than a year, the troops in Liaodong have recovered to more than 100,000, and the food and wages consumed every month are not a small number.

In this case, Zhu Youxiao, who had just taken office, was also a headache, and naturally had no good feelings for Xiong Tingbi who asked for money every day.

In addition, after Zhu Youxiao took office, he began to use Wei Zhongxian to deal with the Donglin Party.

The eunuch party and the Donglin party fought fiercely, and Xiong Tingbi was somehow involved in it. Every day, Zhu Youxiao's desk was filled with impeachment memorials.

In this case, Xiong Tingbi defended himself on the one hand, and resigned on the other hand, and often scolded the officials in the court for their inaction at home.

After the news was reported back to the court, Zhu Youxiao considered it and approved Xiong Tingbi's resignation. He sent Yuan Yingtai, a member of the Donglin Party, to replace Xiong Tingbi as the new governor of Liaodong.

When Lu Cheng learned the news, he went to see Xiong Tingbi off in person.

Xiong Tingbi only told Lu Cheng to do his best to defend Liaodong and protect the people of Liaodong.

After seeing Xiong Tingbi off, Lu Cheng returned to Haizhouwei and called in a plain-looking subordinate wearing coarse linen clothes. He asked, "Old Bao, how many people are there in the Intelligence Department now?"

"Your Excellency, the Intelligence Department currently has a total of 658 operational personnel, mainly distributed in various parts of Liaodong, and some in the grassland, Jiangnan, Beijing and other places."

"How many people are there in Beijing?"

"There are 65 registered intelligence personnel in Beijing, and some peripheral personnel and two small gangs have been collected."


Arrange fifty good fighters, and I will send you ten special forces to follow behind Sir Xiong, and rescue Sir Xiong when necessary. "

In fact, Xiong Tingbi's life should not be in danger this time, and he will be used again later. But to be on the safe side, Lu Cheng still arranged some people to guard secretly, which can be regarded as a return for Xiong Tingbi's kindness.

"Yes, sir, I will go down and arrange it right away. "

In addition to the special operations team, Lu Cheng also has a non-staff member under his command, that is, the Intelligence Department, which is responsible for intelligence.

Moreover, the Intelligence Department also has many elites, either veterans drawn from the field army, or personnel who participated in the special operations team selection and were eliminated. They are considered to be slightly inferior to the special operations team. They are mainly responsible for the collection and summary of intelligence, as well as doing some things that are not convenient to put on the surface.

At present, the intelligence department has been established for nearly a year, and it has a certain strength and can operate on its own.

The Later Jin sent assassins and spies many times to try to sneak into the Haizhou Guard, but they were discovered and dealt with in time by the intelligence department.

Now, with the growth of the special operations team and the Intelligence Department, Lu Cheng no longer needs to be an assassin and assassinate in person in the future.

As the leader of a force, Lu Cheng is more important to sit in one place and coordinate the overall situation.

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