The wedding was a big success.

In March, when the earth was warming up, Haizhou Guard welcomed a big happy event, Lu Cheng's wedding.

On this day, the whole Haizhou City was full of joy, and Lu Cheng's general's mansion was decorated with lights and was very lively.

Except for some who needed to stay behind, the middle and upper-level officers of the four guards in southern Liaoning came to attend Lu Cheng's wedding banquet.

Xiong Tingbi, the governor of Liaodong, and the generals of Liaodong sent gifts.

Of course, the Khalkha tribe on the grassland also sent a lot of cattle, sheep and horses as gifts.

Lu Wenzhao, who received the news, did not come, saying that he was busy with official duties and could not spare time.

Of course, even on the day of the wedding, the defense of the major cities in southern Liaoning was not relaxed at all. Lu Cheng even asked the reconnaissance brigade to start investigating the movements of the Later Jin army early to prevent the enemy from launching a sneak attack.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly and the Later Jin did not launch a sneak attack.

At the wedding banquet, Lu Cheng accepted all the toasts from his officers. In any case, except for the first few glasses of wine, all the rest went into the storage space.

After a lot of noise and bustle, all the guests were finally sent away. When Lu Cheng came to the bridal chamber and closed the door, he saw Ding Baiying, who was usually restless, sitting on the bed in a phoenix crown and red veil.

However, there were fewer snacks on the table. Obviously, the bride could not bear the hunger and secretly ate.

Seeing this scene, Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile slightly, then walked forward, stretched out his hand to lift the red veil on Ding Baiying's head, revealing a bright and charming face.

Today, Ding Baiying wore a bright red wedding dress, a phoenix crown on her head, and a little rouge on her pretty face, which made her less heroic and more feminine.

"What's wrong? Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?"

"I just finished eating. I don't know who made the rule that you are not allowed to eat after the veil is covered."

"Do you want to have another glass of wine to moisten your throat?"

"Of course." Ding Baiying stood up directly, walked to the table, poured herself a glass of wine, drank it in one gulp, and the bride's quietness disappeared instantly.

After eating some more food and drinking a few sips of wine, Ding Baiying finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally it's over, I was almost suffocating. You guys are so lively outside, but there's no one talking in this room."

"It's okay, it's a long night, we have a lot to talk about slowly."

"What are we going to do next? Tell me first."

"No need to tell me, just listen to my instructions and do whatever I tell you to do."

Women in later generations at least took physiological hygiene classes before getting married, or learned some physiological knowledge through various channels, and some were even experienced drivers.

Women of this era were very simple, and many of them knew nothing before getting married. Generally, on the night before getting married, their mothers would teach them some simple knowledge, or directly give them a picture book with pictures.

Ding Baiying lost both her parents when she was young, so naturally she had no contact with this knowledge. At this moment, she was a pure novice and had no idea what to do specifically.

"Come, your husband will teach you how to support each other first... No, don't use your teeth..."

"It feels a little strange..."

"It won't be strange once you get used to it, and you'll like it very much..."


Lu Cheng is already 23 years old this year, and is in good health. With his 19-point physique and extraordinary endurance, the result is predictable...

Even though Ding Baiying has been practicing martial arts since she was a child and her physique is far superior to that of ordinary women, it was still her first time after all, and she was quickly defeated.

Last night, the rain was sparse and the wind was strong, and the deep sleep could not dispel the remaining wine...

Fortunately, there are no parents or elders in Lu Cheng's house, and the new daughter-in-law does not have to get up early to greet the elders and offer tea.

It was not until the sun was high in the sky that Ding Baiying, who had slept well, got dressed and got up to eat breakfast with the help of two little maids.

Seeing the nourishing medicinal food on the table, thinking of last night's tossing, Ding Baiying's pretty face blushed again, and turned to ask: "Xiao He, where is your general?"

"The general had breakfast and went to the workshop. The general also told his wife to rest well at home and wait for him to come back."

Ding Baiying said no more, finished the meal silently, moved his hands and feet, and wanted to practice sword again, but when he picked up the sword, he found that he couldn't practice sword for the next two days. He couldn't help complaining: "You said it doesn't hurt... You don't know how to feel sorry for people..."

The small days after the wedding are naturally sweet and spring.


After the initial discomfort, Ding Baiying was also a little infatuated, but every time at the end, she would always beg for mercy, and even began to persuade Lu Cheng to let Lu Cheng marry Zhang Yan as soon as possible.

But Zhang Yan this year is only fifteen years old.

Recently, it has also been the season of spring plowing, and the entire land of southern Liaoning is full of busy scenes.

As early as a month ago, Lu Cheng mobilized the military and civilians from all over southern Liaoning to turn over all the arable land, reclaim those wastelands suitable for farming, and plant high-yield crops such as sweet potatoes, corn, and potatoes on a large scale.

As early as last year, the caravan of Haizhouwei brought enough seeds for farming from all over the south, and now they are all being used.

Lu Cheng attaches great importance to this. Even if he has just got married, he will take time to visit various regions to inspect the farming situation.

If you want to be a good leader of a force, you must be able to farm and manage the army, and you must do agriculture and commerce, and military and development.

Xiong Tingbi also paid great attention to these and was also inspecting everywhere.

At the same time, the first batch of rifles produced by the firearms workshop has been equipped to the special operations brigade, which is also hiding in the mountains for shooting training.

The quality of this batch of rifles is very good, and the effective range exceeds 300 meters. Some of them are made by the most experienced old craftsmen, and the effective range is even close to 500 meters.

Of course, to achieve this range, it is also inseparable from the barrel of nearly one meter in length.

This longer rifle is best equipped with a bracket, or mounted on a bunker for shooting, to ensure sufficient accuracy.

If the soldiers are only allowed to hold the gun and shoot in a squatting position, it will be difficult for the soldiers to hold the gun steadily because the center of gravity of the gun is relatively forward.

Therefore, in addition to the standard barrel of nearly one meter, this batch of rifles also has some short barrels of 60 to 70 centimeters.

With this batch of rifles, when the special operations team members have been trained for a period of time and their marksmanship has improved, they can snipe the enemy at 300 meters.

After that, the firearms workshop selected two types of guns, long and short, according to the performance of this batch of guns, and carried out mass production.

Lu Cheng also named these two guns, the first generation of Lu-style rifles and the first generation of Lu-style cavalry rifles.

Of course, the workshop also produced a batch of short-handed guns, which were also delivered to special forces as close combat defense weapons with an effective range of more than 40 meters.

Flintlock rifles, equipped with percussion caps and paper shell bullets, have already had an overwhelming advantage over various weapons and equipment of this era.

Of course, Lu Cheng was not satisfied with this, and asked the craftsmen to step up the development of breech-loading rifles in addition to production.

In order to facilitate the production of craftsmen, Lu Cheng also had people set up water wheels in the Haicheng River south of Haizhou Weicheng to utilize water power.

Not only that, Lu Cheng also personally drew some transmission device diagrams for craftsmen to design and produce, and use them in daily production activities.

Lu Cheng set the next goal for the firearms workshop, which is to produce breech-loading rifles and simple mortars.

In fact, although the mortar weapon appeared relatively late, the technical difficulty is not too high.

The barrel of the mortar is just a larger steel pipe with a needle at the bottom.

As for the structure of the shell, it can also be simplified. Just add the primer and propellant to push the explosive head out.

The conscienceless cannon used by China during the war is based on the same principle as the mortar.

However, this conscienceless cannon needs to be buried underground when used, instead of directly placing a metal barrel on the ground for shooting as in movies and TV dramas.

Think about it, if the conscienceless cannon wants to fire such a large explosive pack, the booster gunpowder must be indispensable. The chamber pressure when the explosive pack is fired is definitely not small. Even if it is buried in the soil, there is still a risk of exploding the chamber. It is even more dangerous to put it on the ground. I am afraid that the explosive pack will explode before it is fired.

For this reason, the conscienceless cannon is more suitable for trench warfare.

Moreover, the range of the unscrupulous cannon that has not been standardized is difficult to guarantee. The range is 100 to 200 meters at most and 40 to 50 meters at most. It is not particularly effective against cavalry attacks.

Mortars are different. They are easy to use and more flexible. They can be used for both defending the city and attacking.

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