The battle was won, and the battle was won.


In the autumn of the fourth year of Tianqi, Lu Cheng asked the Intelligence Department to send a group of the most elite personnel, and also sent some members of the special forces to the capital to carry out a special mission to collect all the shipbuilding information of the Ming Dynasty.

In this era, the shipbuilding technology of the Ming Dynasty was absolutely the best in the world.

As early as 200 years ago, when Zheng He sailed to the West, the Ming Dynasty built a treasure ship with a length of 151 meters and a width of 60 meters, with a draft of 800 tons, which could carry thousands of people at the same time.

You know, the ocean-going ship that Columbus, the adventurer who opened the Age of Discovery, took was only 35 meters long. It was completely a little brother next to the Ming Dynasty Fu Ship.

Unfortunately, after the Ming Dynasty lifted the maritime ban, many shipbuilding materials were sealed up, and some were even destroyed.

Some time ago, Lu Cheng wrote a letter to Lu Wenzhao to inquire about the news about shipbuilding materials. He learned that the warehouse of the Ministry of Industry and the case library of Jinyiwei still stored some shipbuilding materials.

Therefore, Lu Cheng sent a group of the most elite personnel, with enough money and property, into the capital. He asked them to get those shipbuilding materials by any means.

Before that, Lu Cheng did not dare to be too presumptuous in doing things, so as not to attract the attention of the court.

As for now, the steam engine has been developed, the process of industrialization and mechanization has been started, and the first batch of metal bullets have been developed, but the production has not been increased for the time being.

If another year or two passes, Lu Cheng may be able to directly develop a hand-cranked Gatling. At that time, it will be the nightmare of the cavalry, and the era of cold weapons in which the cavalry is king will be completely ended.

With absolute equipment crushing, plus the logistical support from Southeast Asia, although Lu Cheng still has tens of thousands of soldiers, his combat effectiveness is no longer the same.

Even if he falls out with the court, Lu Cheng is not afraid.

To put it bluntly, even if the Ming Dynasty and the Later Jin Dynasty join hands, Lu Cheng can directly overturn the table to let them know that the times have changed.

Of course, it is better not to fall out. The longer the time passes, the more beneficial it is for the fastest developing party.

There is no doubt that Lu Cheng is the fastest developing party in this era.

Just when the entire Liaodong was actively preparing for a new war, the Later Jin Dynasty did start to mobilize troops, but this time it was not against Liaodong or the Mongolian tribes, but it was targeting the Lee Dynasty of Korea again.

As early as a few years ago, after Nurhaci's army was defeated in Jinzhouwei, it went to conquer the Lee Dynasty of Korea and completely defeated the Lee Dynasty of Korea, making it his younger brother, providing a large amount of food and supplies to the Later Jin Dynasty every year.

But the Korean Peninsula, where the Joseon Dynasty was located, was not very large, with relatively little arable land. The people were very poor, and they had to squeeze out a large amount of food and materials to supply the Later Jin every year. In the long run, ordinary people naturally lived in dire straits for a long time.

Since Lu Cheng occupied the Zhenjiangbao area, he took the opportunity of trading with the Joseon Dynasty to arrange some people to infiltrate the Joseon Dynasty and go deep into the people, publicizing that the Later Jin oppressed them all, publicizing the cowardice and incompetence of those in power, inciting the people to resist, and not paying food to those who oppressed them.

At the beginning, this kind of propaganda and provocation did not have much effect. After all, the people had been oppressed by the rulers and had long lost the will to resist.

But as the Later Jin Dynasty suffered repeated defeats in Liaodong and did not progress smoothly in Mongolia, the Later Jin Dynasty intensified its oppression of Korea.

After everything reaches a limit, it will always cause a rebound. Even some noble generals of the Joseon Dynasty began to be unable to bear it, and took the initiative to contact Liaodong, wanting to ask Liaodong troops to assist them in resisting the Later Jin Dynasty together.

Liaodong naturally cooperated actively and prepared to help Joseon against the Later Jin.

Since last year, Joseon has found various excuses to reduce the amount of food and supplies paid to the Later Jin.

The Later Jin was naturally very dissatisfied and directly killed the envoys and ministers of Joseon. Even a beile of the Later Jin led his troops into the Lee Palace and threatened the Lee royal family.

By this year, the contradiction between the two sides had been completely intensified. After Joseon negotiated conditions with Liaodong, Lu Cheng also directly recruited 5,000 soldiers and stationed them in the Zhenjiang Fort area. He also pulled the cavalry team to the Zhenjiang Fort area to be active, claiming to represent the Ming Dynasty and support Joseon.

For all the actions of Joseon, the Later Jin could not tolerate it. If it could not completely defeat this little brother, it would be difficult to solve the problem.

How could the Later Jin continue to expand westward in the future without worrying about the future?

Therefore, after some consideration, Nurhaci decided to completely wipe out the Korean Peninsula and destroy the Joseon Dynasty, let the troops of the Later Jin Dynasty rule this land, and turn all the people of the Korean Peninsula into slaves of the Later Jin Dynasty.

In this regard, the beile and flag owners of the Later Jin Dynasty naturally actively agreed.

So, before the winter of the fourth year of Tianqi, the Later Jin Dynasty brazenly sent troops to attack the Joseon Dynasty.

The Later Jin Dynasty and the Joseon Dynasty were bordering each other, and this time the troops were also a surprise attack. The Later Jin Dynasty even arranged spies in advance to support them. Before the Joseon Dynasty could react, the Later Jin army had already been unstoppable, successively capturing Yizhou, Dingzhou, Guoshan, Anzhou and other places, and approaching the Joseon capital Hanyang City.

The Joseon King Li Jong fled all the way, and he didn't care about his civil and military ministers and people at all.

The Later Jin Dynasty was determined to completely destroy the Joseon Dynasty this time, so it naturally sent cavalry to chase the Joseon king relentlessly.

On the contrary, the Korean people, under the organization of some generals, began to resist the Later Jin cavalry, but this was tantamount to hitting a rock with an egg, which had no effect.

When Sun Chengzong learned of this news, it was already a little late, and he hurriedly asked Lu Cheng to send troops to aid the Lee Dynasty of Korea.

But at this time, Lu Cheng only sent 5,000 infantry and 1,000 cavalry, a total of 6,000 troops, into Korea, and began to receive those Korean people and send them to Liaodong for refuge.

Looking at the villages and towns looted by the Later Jin soldiers along the way, and the scenes of corpses everywhere, Lu Cheng was very calm.

In fact, Lu Cheng had already grasped the movements of the Later Jin troops this time, and knew that they would attack Korea. If Lu Cheng sent troops in advance, he would be fully capable of blocking the Later Jin cavalry for the Lee Dynasty of Korea and preventing the Lee Dynasty of Korea from being invaded and massacred by the Later Jin.

But then again, why did Lu Cheng do this?

For Lu Cheng, a Lee Dynasty of Korea that was crippled by the Later Jin would be easier to take over and better to control.

As for whether this is a bit cruel, Lu Cheng doesn't care at all.

Lu Cheng has always liked a sentence said by Ai Gong: I would rather bear the infamy of this life than let my descendants enjoy the happiness for thousands of years. This is called "the sin is in the present, and the merit is in the future."

The Western Age of Exploration, the Industrial Revolution, and the development of science and technology, weren't they all built through the wealth accumulated by invasion and colonization?

Since you have embarked on the road of rebellion, it is impossible to be a moral gentleman.

The means are not important, the process is not important, the result is the most important.

Even when the King of Korea fled all the way to the mountains and forests in the south, the secret agents arranged by Lu Cheng pretended to be Korean people, led the way to the Later Jin, and helped them find the Korean royal family.

The result of this battle was that the Later Jin only sent more than 30,000 troops, and fought all the way from north to south, almost slaughtering all the Korean royal family, and even the king was not spared.

Just as the flag owners and princes of the Later Jin were discussing how to divide up the land, news came from the rear that the Liaodong army of the Ming Dynasty had crossed the Yalu River and began to help the Korean people recover their lost land...

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