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After Sun Chengzong and the Liaodong generals formulated a battle plan to regain the lost territory, they immediately began to assign tasks to the generals.

Deputy General Bao Chengxian, Staff General Sun Degong and others stationed in Shenyang rushed to attack Fushun. Seeing this, He Shixian and You Shigong also wanted to attack Fushun, but were pulled away by Lu Cheng.

In the end, He Shixian was responsible for attacking Fort Weining, and Lu Cheng coordinated the operation. Two generals, You Shigong and Tong Zhongkui, were responsible for attacking Qinghe Fort.

The commander-in-chief Chen Ce was responsible for attacking Fushun, and deputy general Bao Chengxian and staff general Sun Degong and others assisted in the battle.

After assigning the tasks, the generals from all walks of life went to mobilize troops. Lu Cheng also returned to Haizhou Guard and allocated the troops for this time.

Among the 5,000 soldiers and horses sent by Lu Cheng this time, there were 1,500 musketeers, 300 were equipped with front-loading flintlock muskets, and 1,200 were equipped with breech-loading flintlock muskets. There are also a hundred demolition crews carrying grenades, explosives and other supplies.

In addition to these, the rest are still mainly cold weapons, including archers, sword and shield soldiers, spearmen, etc.

He Shixian is brave and resourceful, and is very good at commanding troops. In addition, the Weining Fort that He Shixian wants to attack is also the closest castle to Liaoyang. The castle is not big and the attack is not difficult.

Therefore, Lu Cheng directly asked a commander under his command to lead 5,000 soldiers and horses to follow He Shixian and follow He Shixian's orders.

As for Lu Cheng himself, he did not directly participate in this war, but rushed to North Korea again to formulate various targeted strategies to completely conquer the Korean Peninsula.

Even if those places in the north were conquered, they would have nothing to do with Lu Cheng.

Moreover, Lu Chengdu had already killed Nurhachi, and his contribution was already great enough. There was no need to compete with the general soldiers for the credit of recovering the lost territory.

Of course, Lu Cheng did not participate in this battle because he also wanted to let some people recognize his strength.

Don't think that Lu Cheng can defeat Hou Jin because Hou Jin is not as good as before. Don't start to be arrogant just because Hou Jin suffered a few defeats.

Although Nurhaci is dead, Huang Taiji is still there. Compared to Nurhaci, Huang Taiji is more troublesome.

Some people who dare to underestimate Houjin will definitely fall into trouble here. Waiting for others to suffer losses can also better highlight how capable Lu Cheng is.

Of course, at this time, Lu Cheng did not put too much energy on the northern battlefield, but was ready to run the Korean Peninsula well.

Not long ago, those who claimed to be descendants of the Li royal family were sent to Anzhou.

Of course, none of the descendants of the royal family who could successfully reach Anzhou were older than 12 years old. The rest died on the way due to various reasons.

Lu Cheng personally met with these descendants of the Li family, and invited the officials in charge of the royal family genealogy of the Li family to screen the last few children of the Li family. Anyone who was counterfeit would be sent directly to be slaves.

In the end, six children were confirmed to be descendants of the Li family. Lu Cheng took another look at the conditions of the six children. The youngest was only 6 years old and the oldest was 12 years old.

Among them, the eldest twelve-year-old is a pretty girl named Li Yi. She also has an eight-year-old brother named Li Yan.

These two siblings are the granddaughters and grandsons of the fourteenth generation monarch of the Lee Dynasty, and they are the same generation as King Lee Joon of Joseon who was killed by Hou Jin not long ago.

After Lu Cheng thought for a while, he kept the two siblings. The younger brother was promoted to the throne and became the seventeenth generation king of the Joseon Kingdom, and the older sister was made the eldest princess of Heshun.

The reason why I chose these two siblings is because they have a good relationship and have relatively weak personalities, so they are easier to control.

As for the other four children, they are all alone, with no other relatives or concerns, and the future is more uncertain.

After helping North Korea establish a new monarch, Lu Cheng also issued a series of decrees on behalf of the royal family. First, he reduced the taxes of the people and restored the tax standards before North Korea was dominated by Hou Jin. This directly won the people's support for the new generation of kings. support.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Cheng sent more than 10,000 soldiers and thousands of security troops to various cities on the Korean Peninsula. In the name of protecting the people and maintaining public order, he took over the city defense of each city.

Most of the soldiers sent to the Korean Peninsula this time are bachelors. Lu Cheng also encouraged his soldiers to intermarry with local young women in North Korea. For families willing to marry their daughters to Ming soldiers, Lu Cheng would also provide certain tax exemptions and exemptions.

At the same time, for

For those Korean people who actively learn Chinese culture and get closer to China, they will also be given priority to some low-level officials.

At the same time, Lu Cheng also dispatched a group of scholars and students from Liaodong to widely establish schools on the Korean Peninsula to teach Chinese characters and spread Chinese culture.

The Intelligence Department also sent some intelligence personnel who are proficient in the local language and writing of Korea to infiltrate ordinary people and publicize that Korea and China have the same roots and have been an inseparable part of China since ancient times.

In fact, these propagandas are also based on history.

At the end of the Shang Dynasty, King Zhou of Shang's uncle Jizi was dissatisfied with King Zhou's rule and repeatedly advised him, which eventually angered King Zhou and was demoted to a slave.

When King Wu defeated King Zhou, Jizi fled to the Korean Peninsula with people and established a country here, also known as "Jizi Korea".

Moreover, Korea has always promoted Confucian culture and governed the country with Confucianism. It has been attached to the Central Plains dynasty in all dynasties and is not so repulsive to China.

Compared with the Later Jin, the series of decrees formulated by Lu Cheng have great benefits for ordinary people. While improving their living standards, they just let them learn Chinese culture more attentively.

Such policies are naturally supported by the majority of people.

Of course, there are also some nobles of the Joseon Dynasty who think that Lu Cheng is destroying their country, eroding their culture, and want to encourage the people to rise up in resistance.

But such nobles who do not recognize the situation will often disappear soon, or be buried in the soil as fertilizer for flowers, or sent to the sea to feed fish.

After a series of policies were promulgated, the entire Korean Peninsula quickly returned to peace, and the cities and towns destroyed by the Later Jin cavalry began to be rebuilt. The Liaodong soldiers enjoyed high treatment here.

Many bachelors who have fought for many years have begun to actively respond to Lu Cheng's call and marry local young women as their wives.

For these, Lu Cheng also gave certain rewards.

Anyone who married a local woman and gave birth to a child would be rewarded with some piglets, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks and other livestock for each child, to encourage them to actively have children.

Of course, all of this still requires a process, and children cannot be born just by saying so.

Just when Lu Cheng formulated a series of policies and began to promote them, the generals of various routes in the north who had prepared themselves finally began to recover the lost territory.

The first to take action was naturally He Shixian.

He Shixian led his own 20,000 troops and horses, plus 5,000 soldiers supported by Lu Cheng, and was the first to prepare for battle. He took advantage of the night to attack Weining Fort, blew up the city gate with gunpowder, and captured Weining Fort overnight.

Immediately afterwards, You Shigong and Tong Zhongkui joined forces and led 30,000 troops to attack Qinghe Fort.

After a day and a night of fighting, Qinghe Fort was undoubtedly captured.

It may be that the Later Jin lost Nurhaci at this moment and was in chaos, and did not organize a decent resistance, which made the previous two sieges go very smoothly.

Immediately afterwards, He Shixian, You Shigong, and Tong Zhongkui each divided some troops to recapture nearby villages and towns and annihilate the remaining forces of the Later Jin.

On the other hand, Chen Ce and others' battle to attack Fushun was not very smooth.

The 40,000-strong army attacked Fushun, and the siege lasted for two days without any progress, and also suffered heavy casualties.

On the third day, the Later Jin army sent troops to support, and 20,000 Later Jin cavalry fought a field battle with the veteran Chen Ce's army, and the 40,000 Ming army quickly fell into a disadvantage.

Even with weapons such as gunpowder and artillery, the Ming army still could not stop the impact of the Later Jin cavalry and was killed by surprise.

Shenyang Deputy General Bao Chengxian took the lead in leading his troops to flee, abandoning the main general Chen Ce, causing Chen Ce to be besieged by the Later Jin army.

Lieutenant General Sun Degong also tried to escape, but was caught up by the Later Jin cavalry and knelt down to surrender.

Poor veteran Chen Ce, who was already over 70 years old, was surrounded by the Later Jin cavalry. He fought to the last man and killed more than a dozen Later Jin cavalry. In the end, he was exhausted and shot to death by the Later Jin cavalry.

When He Shixian, You Shigong and other generals rushed to rescue, the veteran Chen Ce, who was already over 70 years old, died in the middle of the battlefield along with his beloved warhorse. There were more than 30 arrows on his body, and his armor was already tattered.

It is difficult for a clay pot to break away from the well, and it is inevitable that a general will die on the battlefield.

When Lu Cheng heard the news, he was also a little emotional. The old general, who was already 72 years old, had a good relationship with Lu Cheng, but he didn't expect that he would die on the battlefield this time.

However, being able to die on the battlefield at the age of over 70 may be a good destination for a veteran...

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