The battle was a turbulent one, and the battle was over.


Just when the troops of He Shixian, Tong Zhongkui and others were about to arrive in the capital, the rebels who occupied Yanjing suddenly abandoned the city and went south with more than 70 million taels of silver looted from the city.

Afterwards, these rebels happened to meet the 60,000-strong army led by Lu Cheng, and a great battle broke out. The result was naturally no suspense. The rebels were defeated in one battle. Except for a few who fled, the rest basically surrendered and sent more than 70 million taels of silver and various supplies looted from Kyoto.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng left two thousand Liaodong soldiers to reorganize the rebel army, and led the rest of the soldiers and horses, carrying more than 500 million taels of property, into the capital.

Immediately afterwards, He Shixian, Tong Zhongkui and others also led their troops to the capital.

At this time, Emperor Tianqi and Prince Xin Zhu Youjian had died in the capital, and the rest of the Zhu family's royal family was basically not spared. The throne was vacant and people were in turmoil.

After Lu Cheng's troops entered the capital, they immediately posted notices to reassure the people and sent a large number of patrol soldiers to maintain public order on the streets of Yanjing and stabilize the people's emotions.

At the same time, Lu Cheng also mobilized various food supplies, allowing all grain and oil stores on the street to open for business, and other various shops and restaurants were also open for business. People could live normally during the day, and the order of the entire Yanjing soon stabilized.

In the winter of the sixth year of Tianqi, the Ming Dynasty, which lasted for more than 250 years, came to an end.

In the Forbidden City, Lu Cheng led a group of guards into the Huangji Hall, where the Ming emperor held court.

When this hall was first built, it was called Fengtian Hall. Later, it was destroyed twice. After reconstruction, it was renamed Huangji Hall. In the Qing Dynasty, it was renamed Taihe Hall. Walking into the hall and looking at the dragon chair in front of him, Lu Cheng's heart was inevitably a little turbulent.

After traveling through this world for nearly ten years, he went from an unknown frontier general in the Ming Dynasty to now, and finally came to this chair.

The country is so beautiful that countless heroes bow down.

It is this chair, this throne, for which countless heroes have devoted their lives and sacrificed their lives for thousands of years.

Now, he also has the opportunity to walk forward and feel it.

Lu Cheng walked to the lofty dragon chair, reached out and stroked the golden dragon on the backrest of the dragon chair, then turned around and sat steadily on the dragon chair.

Seeing this, the guards below knelt down and shouted to see the emperor.

Lu Cheng waved his hand: "Okay, okay, get up, it's not the time yet, keep a low profile."

Needless to say, the guards who can follow Lu Cheng are loyal, and many of them are orphans from Liaodong Welfare House.

After feeling the dragon chair, Lu Cheng was also a little emotional: "It's just such a chair, how many men in the world dream of sitting on it. However, the workmanship of this chair is really good."

Some people in later generations thought that the emperor's dragon chair was made of pure gold.

In fact, it is not. The texture of pure gold is extremely soft and has a very high density. If it is made into a large object, it is easy to deform. Moreover, with the density of gold that is nearly 20 times that of water, if you really want to make a dragon chair, the amount of gold consumed is not a small amount.

In fact, this dragon chair is made of golden nanmu, but it is coated with a layer of gold powder.

After sitting on the dragon throne for a while, Lu Cheng walked out of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, only to find that snowflakes were already falling from the sky.

A guard brought a fur cloak and put it on Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng put his hand on the hilt of the knife, shook the cloak, stood up and walked outside.

At this moment, Lu Cheng was not suitable to live in this palace.

As he walked, Lu Cheng asked about the situation in the palace: "How many concubines, maids, and eunuchs are there in the palace? Have they been settled now?"

"Your Excellency, when the rebels broke into the Forbidden City, most of the eunuchs had died in the battle, and many concubines and maids had also fled. Now there are about 1,200 concubines and maids left in the palace. There are only more than 600 eunuchs left."

According to some historical records of later generations, when the number of people in the Ming Dynasty palace was the largest, there were 9,000 maids and 100,000 eunuchs.

Of course, this number may be a bit exaggerated, but even at the end of the dynasty, there were one or two thousand palace maids and concubines in the palace, and thousands of eunuchs.

Thousands of people lived in a palace just to serve an emperor.

Just think about this number, it is not difficult to understand why so many people want to be emperor.

Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty

There were more than 8,300 houses in the palace. After many expansions and additions, the number of houses in the Forbidden City has now exceeded 10,000. In the Qing Dynasty, the number of rooms changed again. There are still more than 9,000 rooms preserved in later generations.

There are less than 2,000 people left in the palace, which sounds a bit deserted.

Shaking his head, Lu Cheng stopped thinking about it: "Let people speed up the cleaning of the Forbidden City. As for the eunuchs, maids, and concubines in the palace, stay in the palace. Don't let them go out, and don't embarrass them."

"Yes, sir."

Although the rebels who entered Beijing before were restrained and did not harass the people too much, there were too many rebels after all, and there would always be some people who faced the temptation of money and women and took risks.

What's more, many dignitaries were purged by the rebels, and many people were killed.

The cleaning work of the entire capital also takes a lot of time.

After leaving the palace, Lu Cheng led his guards to the gate of a remote house in the city.

The guard standing at the gate saw Lu Cheng and bowed quickly. Lu Cheng waved his hand and a guard opened the gate.

Walking into the courtyard and coming to the house, there was a charcoal fire burning in the house, which was completely different from the outside.

Lu Cheng glanced at the old eunuch sitting at the table drinking wine, smiled and arched his hands: "Eunuch Wei, you are living a good life."

This old lady was none other than Wei Zhongxian, the powerful eunuch in the Ming Dynasty.

Wei Zhongxian looked Lu Cheng up and down: "Is this General Lu who was feared in Liaodong and destroyed the Jiannu? This is the first time I have seen him. He is indeed extraordinary and heroic."

"I have also heard of the name of Eunuch Wei for a long time."

"It's a pity that I am just a prisoner now. I wonder how Lord Lu plans to deal with me, an old man?"

"It depends on what Eunuch Wei chooses. He can enjoy his old age, or..."

Lu Cheng didn't say the next words, but the meaning was already there, and Wei Zhongxian naturally knew the meaning.

"Lord Lu, I, Wei Zhongxian, have lived for so long, and I never easily believe any promises."

"Eunuch Wei is joking, and I didn't make any promises. As for Eunuch Wei's money, it may not be a small amount, but I don't take it too seriously. The Jiannu were all destroyed by me, and the property found in the Jiannu's Hetuala City must be richer than Eunuch Wei's family assets. As for when Eunuch Wei wants to leave this yard and go outside, it's entirely up to you."

After Lu Cheng finished speaking, he walked out without looking back.

At this time, Wei Zhongxian only had his adopted daughter Wei Ting by his side.

As for Wei Zhongxian's other men, they were all dead, including that "Bibala Zhao Jingzhong".

According to the report of his guards, Zhao Jingzhong wielded a long spear with great vigor, quite like Zhao Zilong, but in the end he was shot several times before falling to the ground and dying.

As for Shen Lian, the main character of Embroidered Spring Blade, he took advantage of the chaos to escape after the rebels attacked Kyoto City.

Lu Cheng specially asked someone to rescue Lu Wenzhao, and took Pei Lun and Lu Jianxing away, but did not care about Shen Lian.

It must be said that Shen Lian's life is indeed tough, and he was able to escape from Yanjing City in the chaos.

However, Lu Cheng did not care about these.

Apart from the "protagonist halo", Shen Lian was just a small Jinyiwei Baihu, who did not have any outstanding talents, and even liked to act on impulse. Every time he would do bad things because of women, he could escape alone in the end.

In comparison, Pei Lun and Lu Jianxing were both capable and hardworking.

Lu Cheng planned to keep Jinyiwei and merge it into his intelligence agency in the future.

After Lu Cheng arranged all the affairs in Kyoto City, it was already the end of the year. War reports from various places were sent to Kyoto one after another.

Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia have been basically pacified, but the coastal areas in the south are still fighting. The chieftains in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan are still fighting against the Ming army, and some Zhu family princes in the south are trying to save the Ming Dynasty...

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