The harem has hundreds of beauties, and Lu Cheng has one more entertainment activity, playing with dragons and phoenixes.

Each selected girl can be said to be one in a hundred or one in a thousand, each with its own characteristics, and can represent the women of a certain place.

Lu Cheng also experienced the different customs of various parts of China from these women.

At the same time, Lu Cheng also gave the Intelligence Department a small task to go to Suzhou to find a ten-year-old girl, Chen Yuanyuan.

Lu Cheng was not particularly interested in the rest of the Qinhuai Eight Beauties, but Chen Yuanyuan, Lu Cheng must take her into the harem, and send her to the palace to raise her for a few years.

Of course, while enjoying life, Lu Cheng will never neglect government affairs.

Since he is the emperor, he should shoulder the responsibility of hundreds of millions of people.

In recent years, as the territory occupied by the Huaxia Empire has become larger and larger, the food wealth and various mineral resources have accumulated more and more. In addition, the earliest batch of orphans in Liaodong have also learned and moved to various jobs. The great development of the entire Huaxia has embarked on a fast track.

In order to further strengthen ethnic integration and enhance national cohesion, Lu Cheng has also added a lot of policies in recent years, such as planting national flags in all areas occupied by Huaxia, holding flag-raising ceremonies in every school in Huaxia, and every student must learn to sing the Huaxia national anthem.

For some newly occupied foreign areas, the Huaxia army will also take away all their cultural classics and force them to learn to speak Chinese, learn Chinese characters, and identify with Chinese culture.

To this end, Lu Cheng also convened a group of scholars to simplify and promote traditional Chinese characters to facilitate the spread of Chinese language and culture.

At the same time, for the people in the newly occupied areas, those who were initially classified as second-class citizens or third-class citizens could upgrade their citizenship more quickly as long as they could intermarry with the Han people.

Of course, for those foreign men who wanted to marry Han women, they had to go through the most rigorous examination and physical examination. Some groups were directly prohibited from intermarrying with the Han people and could only become second-class citizens or third-class citizens.

Lu Cheng was also ruthless to those who dared to resist.

Intermarriage was allowed, but it could not cause blood pollution.

In the autumn of the sixth year of Yongchang, an earthquake suddenly occurred in Longxi, causing considerable casualties, and even the capital felt the earthquake.

After Lu Cheng learned the news, he immediately organized rescue and disaster relief, and immediately ordered the nearby military district to let the soldiers go to rescue the victims.

At the same time, Lu Cheng also ordered the mobilization of food and supplies from other places to settle the affected people.

After making all the arrangements, Lu Cheng personally went to the disaster area to comfort the people, guide rescue and disaster relief, and tell the people that the emperor would be with the people and face the natural disaster together.

This move undoubtedly made the people of Longxi grateful and their support for Lu Cheng was fully raised.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng stayed in the disaster area for half a month until he confirmed that all the disaster relief and post-disaster work was completed, and then he left with peace of mind.

Lu Cheng also knew that in the next few years, natural disasters and man-made disasters would continue, and the world would enter a small ice age.

Therefore, Lu Cheng had already mobilized food from all over the country, built granaries everywhere, and stored enough food and supplies to deal with the disaster.

At the same time, coastal areas also vigorously developed the fishing industry, stockpiled pickled dried salted fish and canned fish. Kelp in the ocean was also used to make dried vegetables and sealed.

Not only that, Lu Cheng also sent an ocean-going fleet to go deep into North America along the Bering Strait to hunt, and transported a large amount of meat and fur into China to make bacon and fur.

While starting to build the railway, Lu Cheng was also planning to transfer water from the south to the north.

Both of these are major projects, which often take more than ten years or even decades to complete.

In order to better deal with the disaster, Lu Cheng also asked the southern regions to build more houses. If the drought in the Central Plains was too severe, temporary migration would be carried out directly to help the people get through the difficulties.

Anyway, China's territory is large enough now. If there is a disaster somewhere and it is really unbearable, the people will be directly relocated first.

Of course, various strategies for flood control, drought relief, and locust plague prevention have also been implemented one by one.

Natural disasters are not only a crisis and a test for the Chinese Empire, but also an opportunity to strengthen national integration and promote great unification.

Of course, if possible, Lu Cheng would not want to face these natural disasters.

After all, no matter how well Lu Cheng prepared, manpower would be too thin in the face of natural disasters.

Even in the future with advanced technology, natural disasters are not only a crisis, but also a test, and an opportunity to strengthen national integration and promote great unification.

Of course, if possible, Lu Cheng would not want to face these natural disasters.

After all, no matter how well Lu Cheng prepared, manpower would be too weak in the face of natural disasters.

Even in the future with advanced technology, natural disasters are not only a crisis, but also a test, and an opportunity to strengthen national integration and promote great unification.

Disasters always bring great losses.

In the seventh year of Yongchang, just after spring, drought had already shown signs. There was no rain for more than two months, and the crops in the fields had withered. The water levels of rivers in various places dropped sharply, and some small rivers even dried up directly.

Lu Cheng found something wrong. On the one hand, he began to provide disaster relief, and on the other hand, he visited the Central Plains and other places to persuade people from all over the country to temporarily leave and go to the south for refuge.

Some people were reluctant to leave their homeland, so Lu Cheng also sent soldiers to forcibly take them away.

At the same time, Lu Cheng also traveled all over the country to investigate the people's sentiments.

Thanks to the timely response of the court, the people migrated in time, and there were not many casualties due to the drought.

In autumn, locust plagues occurred again in the Central Plains.

After the people migrated, Lu Cheng also sent people to pay attention to the Central Plains and other places. As soon as the locust plague was discovered, Lu Cheng ordered the army to use fire attacks to eliminate locusts, and transferred chickens and ducks from all over the south, bringing frogs to catch locusts.

At the same time, fires were set in the areas surrounding the locust outbreak to create a large number of isolation zones to control the locust plague as much as possible.

For areas where locust plagues have occurred, licorice was also sprinkled on the ground and burned to burn the eggs and the like underground.

In the following years, many disasters broke out in the Central Plains, and the court responded actively to minimize the casualties of the people.

Although there are natural disasters every year, Lu Cheng and the court's active response also let the people of the world see how diligent the current emperor is and how responsible the current court is.

Every time a natural disaster occurs, Lu Cheng will ask the China Times to report in detail the process of disaster relief, report Lu Cheng's experience of disaster relief in the front line, and pass on these news to every corner of China.

After one natural disaster after another, the prestige of the court has increased day by day, and Lu Cheng is regarded as a sage by hundreds of millions of Chinese people, and the ancient sages and wise rulers cannot compare.

Whenever there is a natural disaster, as long as the Chinese soldiers arrive, as long as the emperor Lu Cheng arrives, the people will not panic and are not afraid.

Later, if the common people heard someone dare to say a bad word about the current emperor, they would attack him.

In the process of dealing with natural disasters, the court also accumulated rich experience in disaster prevention and relief. Later, the death rate of the people due to natural disasters was greatly reduced, and the population growth was getting faster and faster.

While fighting natural disasters, the Huaxia Empire never stopped its external expansion.

In the 26th year of Yongchang, various natural disasters finally stopped, and the Huaxia army had successively occupied the entire Eurasian continent, the entire Australia, North and South America, and most of Africa.

Except for some primitive forests, cliffs, and places like the North and South Poles that are not suitable for human survival, the flag of Huaxia is basically planted all over the world.

Of course, there is still some resistance in some local areas, but the general trend is set, and the Huaxia Empire has become an empire on which the sun never sets.

At the age of 55, Lu Cheng can finally call himself "Captain of the Ball".

At the same time, the railway that runs across the east and west and through the north and south on the original homeland of Huaxia in the Asian region was finally built.

When Lu Cheng had nothing to do, he would take a train to look around at the territory he had conquered.

Because the territory he had occupied was too large and the population was far from enough, Lu Cheng simply ordered to return farmland to forest and control the desert in the northwest of his homeland.

Over the years, Lu Cheng had favored many women in the harem, and had eighty or ninety sons and daughters in total.

Now, the earliest sons have also grown up.

The eldest son Lu Junhong was sent to rule Europe, the second son Lu Junyi was sent to North America, and the third son did not want to go out and stayed in the capital to enjoy his life.

The fourth son was born to Zhou Miaoxuan and was sent to Australia to preside over the immigration and development of Australia.

The rest of the sons, the adults went to different places or engaged in different professions. The minors were still in school and receiving education.

Except for the one hundred concubines in the sixth year of Yongchang, Lu Cheng did not hold a selection later.

In the past twenty years, Lu Cheng had already favored all the 100 beauties, and occasionally favored one or two palace maids with excellent looks.

Sometimes when he went out for inspection, Lu Cheng would occasionally bring back one or two women.

A few years ago, after the Western Military Region conquered Europe, it also sent Lu Cheng several blonde princesses from various countries.

For those who were beautiful and in line with his aesthetic taste, Lu Cheng would occasionally change his taste.

However, Lu Cheng's favorite was still oriental women.

Although he was already 55 years old, Lu Cheng's body was still well maintained. In addition, his physique was far superior to that of ordinary people, and he had extraordinary endurance. Lu Cheng was stronger than many young and middle-aged men in their twenties and thirties.

What's more, as an emperor, he had all kinds of precious tonics, and Lu Cheng himself was the most

Good at conditioning, once the body declines, he will keep restraint and take care of it in time.

Now, if Lu Cheng wants, he can still pick up three or four women in one night.

Of course, after he turned fifty, Lu Cheng also began to take care of his health. He no longer played as much as he did in previous years, and put more energy on the women he favored.

He favored less than two hundred women in total.

Except for some more important ones, such as Ding Baiying, Zhang Yan, Zhou Miaoxuan, Zhou Miaotong, Liu Rushi, Gu Hengbo, Chen Yuanyuan, Hai Lanzhu, Dayuer, etc., most of the others were named beauties. Lu Cheng also divided them into groups of three or five, and tried to take time out every year to accompany them, talk, chat, and reward them with some small gifts.

With so many women, it is inevitable that there will be some intrigue. After all, with so many women competing for the favor of a man, Lu Cheng can't treat them equally.

Fortunately, Ding Baiying has military power, Zhang Yan has means, and Liu Rushi is also a good adviser, helping to manage the affairs of this family...

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