The next morning, Lu Cheng and Sun Shaoan rode their bicycles to the commune, found the commune leader, Director Xu Zhigong, explained the situation, and handed the joint letter to Director Xu. After reading the joint letter, Director Xu spoke in an official tone: "You young people are motivated and energetic, which is a good thing. But you can't do everything according to your own preferences, don't you think?" Sun Shaoan nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, we villagers only know how to plant more land, produce more food, and complete the tasks assigned to us by the superiors. Unlike Director Xu, you know the policies above and can better guide us to farm. You see, the situation in our Shuangshui Village, you also know that the situation of the villagers is indeed difficult. That's it, we didn't think about it. Instead of fooling around, they just wanted to raise the pigs well and make them fat and strong so that they could report to the authorities.

There was really no way to deal with this practical difficulty. There was only so much land. Even if they hoeed it until it smoked, they couldn't grow more pig grass and food. As for the wasteland, it would be a waste to leave it uncultivated.

Director Xu, if our commune can do this well, it will definitely be a great achievement. Of course, this also depends on your wise leadership, Director Xu. Don't you think so? "

It must be said that Sun Shaoan's emotional intelligence and speaking skills are not low.

After listening to this, Xu Zhigong was indeed a little moved.

Over the years, due to the serious decline in the production enthusiasm of various brigades, the per mu yield has been getting worse year by year, and Xu Zhigong is also worried.

But this kind of thing does have risks, and Xu Zhigong did not dare to take this risk. He could only say: "Let's put this matter here. I will discuss it with several leaders in the commune and then report to the superiors. You go back and wait for notification."

Seeing this, Lu Cheng also knew that this was official talk.

As long as they left, Director Xu, based on the principle of less trouble is worse than more trouble, would definitely forget about this matter.

Anyway, no matter how much grain the villagers can produce, it will not affect his eating white flour buns.

Therefore, Lu Cheng also said a few more words: "Director Xu, you see, this is also a good thing. If it is done well, it will be a very glorious thing for our commune. Now the team members are very motivated and are also thinking about how to do a good job in labor and cooperate with the work of the commune leaders..."

Lu Cheng explained the interests again, and attributed all the credit to the commune leaders. Xu Zhigong was more concerned, but still said: "I have understood the situation, but this is not a trivial matter after all. It involves the problem of the whole commune. If you do this, other villages will definitely follow suit. We can't let it get out of hand. You go back first."

Sun Shaoan wanted to say something, but Lu Cheng pulled him away.

After leaving the commune, Sun Shaoan was still a little unconvinced: "Lu Cheng, Director Xu is clearly trying to stop us with words, can't you hear it?"

"How can I not hear it? But you can persuade him?"

"Then our trip was in vain?"

"How can it be in vain? Let's go to the county and find Director Tian Fujun. I wrote two copies of the joint letter before."

"Yes, why didn't I think of it. Let's go and find Uncle Fujun."

The two of them left as soon as they said they would. An old classmate of Sun Shaoan worked as a clerk in the commune. The two of them left their bicycles with him first and took the bus to Yuanxi County directly.

After a bumpy ride to Yuanxi County, the two did not go directly to the county party committee compound to find Tian Fujun, but first went to Tian Runye's school to find Tian Runye and asked Tian Runye to take them to the county party committee's family compound.

Tian Runye was naturally very happy to see Sun Shaoan, and hurriedly took the two home to cook for them.

During this period, Tian Runye's second mother was trying to match Tian Runye with Li Xiangqian, a cadre's son, in order to promote this political marriage.

Tian Runye has been living with Tian Fujun and his wife for many years, and even the job of a teacher in the county was arranged by Tian Fujun and his wife.

In this case, although Tian Runye was very reluctant to contact Li Xiangqian, it was not easy to always refuse the arrangement of her second mother Xu Aiyun.

Now that she can see Sun Shaoan again, Tian Runye naturally has a lot of grievances in her heart that she wants to tell her.

But at this time, Sun Shaoan was thinking about business: "Runye, don't be busy cooking. My uncle Fujun will be back at noon. If he doesn't come back, we have something urgent to find him."

Tian Runye brought a few bottles of soda to the two of them: "Don't worry, I'll go to the county party committee later.

Go to the courtyard to ask. "

In fact, Sun Shaoan had come here twice before and had met Tian Fujun.

Sun Shaoan's father, Sun Yuhou, grew up with Tian Fujun. Sun Yuhou had saved Tian Fujun before, and the two families had a good relationship.

However, after Tian Fujun became a county leader, he rarely returned to Shuangshui Village to avoid suspicion.

Seeing Sun Shaoan anxious, Lu Cheng persuaded him: "Shaoan, since we are all here, as long as Uncle Fujun is still in the county and has not gone to the countryside, we will definitely see him today."

While the three were talking, Tian Xiaoxia came back from outside and was obviously very happy to see Lu Cheng and the others: "Aren't these Brother Shaoan and Brother Lu Cheng? Why are you here?"

"We have something to do with your father."

Tian Runye stood up immediately: "Xiaoxia, you are back at the right time. You can accompany them first. I will go to the county party committee compound to see if my second father will come back at noon."

"Then go, sister. "

Tian Xiaoxia took off her hat, put down her coat, took a bottle of soda from the table, drank two sips, and then said: "Brother Lu Cheng, you came just in time, I will get you some newspapers later. By the way, have you read the two books before?"

"I have read some, but I have been busy recently and haven't finished them."

"Then I have to ask you..."

Although they only met once last time, Tian Xiaoxia and Lu Cheng got along well and had many common topics.

Although Tian Xiaoxia was a cadre's child, she had only been to the provincial capital at most, and always wanted to see the outside world, to see Yanjing and the Magic City.

Lu Cheng had been to some places in his previous life, so he could talk about it more or less.

The two chatted for a while, and Tian Xiaoxia was afraid that Sun Shaoan would be bored, so she brought some newspapers for Sun Shaoan to read.

As they chatted, Tian Xiaoxia talked about high school studies: "We are about to graduate, and we don't know what we can do after graduation. In fact, I really want to be a reporter, or like Brother Lu Cheng said, a traveler in the future. "

Lu Cheng nodded: "There will be opportunities, you are still young. Youth is capital, and the future has unlimited possibilities."

"I like what you said, the future has unlimited possibilities. Brother Lu Cheng, do you also want to see the outside world?"

"Of course, I also believe that there will be such a day."

"Brother Lu Cheng, I find that you are really not like an ordinary farmer."

As they were talking, they saw Tian Runye and Tian Fujun coming back from outside.

Lu Cheng and Sun Shaoan stood up and greeted: "Uncle Fujun."

"Shaoan, are you Lu Cheng? I haven't seen you much. I heard Xiaoxia and Runye mention you before. Xiaoxia thinks highly of you. I am a woman with high eyes and look down on everyone. You are rare. By the way, I heard someone say that you have established medical records for all the villagers in our Shuangshui Village? "

"That's right. I didn't expect Uncle Fujun to have heard about it."

"That's a good thing. Young people are brave enough to think and act, and they have a heart of dedication. That's very rare. By the way, what do you want to talk to me about today?"

Sun Shaoan said quickly, "It's like this. It's about the pig feed land in the village. Here are the materials written by Lu Cheng. Uncle Fujun, take a look first."

Lu Cheng took out the letter he had written before and handed it over.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in Lu Cheng's mind.

"Contact the key figure Tian Fujun, triggering the side quest: Father's Wish (II).

Tian Fujun: I hope my daughter Xiaoxia can survive."

Lu Cheng was stunned...

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