The more you look at the picture, the more you will see.

Tian Runye appears once in a decade, Tian Xiaoxia appears once in a hundred years, and He Xiulian appears once in a thousand years.

Every viewer who has watched "Ordinary World" is attracted by He Xiulian. This woman who doesn't like to read and has little culture has fully demonstrated the virtues of Chinese women's diligence, kindness, simplicity and ability.

She doesn't want a dowry and doesn't mind being poor. She is hardworking, capable and infatuated.

She is tolerant and generous, can endure hardships, and can help her husband prosper by sharing worries and solving problems.

Sun Shaoan, the hammer king of the northwest, had to let go of the daughter of the village party secretary Tian Futang because of many obstacles in his relationship. He decided to find an ordinary woman who was similar to him and did not despise his poverty to spend his life with. Unexpectedly, he found a treasure and met He Xiulian from Shanxi.

When they first met, Sun Shaoan was attracted by He Xiulian's simple character. He couldn't bear such a good girl to suffer with him. He confessed his family's situation and said that the fortune teller said that he would die young.

But He Xiulian bit her finger without hesitation and wanted to use her blood to extend his life.

This ordinary but extraordinary girl has such a pure heart. For the rest of her life, this girl did use her life to help her husband, followed him to suffer poverty, lived in a barn together, and worked hard together to improve the family's situation.

Facing her husband's previous relationship, He Xiulian was generous and tolerant, giving her man enough face.

Sun Shaoan wanted to start a business, and He Xiulian raised money everywhere. Sun Shaoan's business was frustrated and he was in debt. He Xiulian supported him silently and borrowed money from her parents to help her husband make a comeback.

Unfortunately, Sun Shaoan finally turned over and his family's situation was getting better and better, but He Xiulian burned out her life and died of cancer just after she turned 30.

As the youngest production team leader in the area, Sun Shaoan was worthy of the collective, his friends, his father and his brothers and sisters, but he was not worthy of his wife.

Sun Shaoan cared for everyone and understood everyone, but forgot to care for and understand his wife, and always rejected her various requests.

He Xiulian's dedication, hard work, and ability to endure hardships also made her suffer for a lifetime.

If you want to marry a wife, you should marry He Xiulian, but which father would have the heart to let his daughter become such a He Xiulian?

It is the spring of 1975, and the plot has just begun. Sun Shaoan, the hammer king of the northwest, is still in a hot relationship with his childhood sweetheart Tian Runye, and has no idea that there is a He Xiulian in the world.

Lu Cheng sorted out his thoughts. If he wants He Xiulian to be safe, happy, healthy and long-lived, he must not let her marry Sun Shaoan, the hammer king of the northwest.

Given Sun Shaoan's family situation and his personality, anyone who marries him will be a life of hard work.

As for letting He Xiulian marry someone else, there are also risks. Who knows if she can meet a good person?

So, Lu Cheng can only do it himself.

In his previous life, Lu Cheng was born in the countryside and had a poor family background. Although he had a relationship during college, he eventually lost to reality.

After graduation, he worked hard and had no time to take care of his lifelong affairs.

Now that he has lived his life again, it is not a bad thing to find a virtuous and good woman like He Xiulian to spend his life with.

Love is a luxury, but feelings can be cultivated slowly.

Lu Cheng was quite open-minded about this.

After thinking so much, Lu Cheng already had a general direction in his mind.

But the most important thing at the moment was to live in this world first.

After getting out of bed, putting on cotton clothes and trousers, a patched cotton jacket with gray-blue patches, and a pair of Liberation shoes whose soles were almost worn out, Lu Cheng walked out of the bedroom and looked around at his current residence.

This is the most common farmhouse on the Loess Plateau. The three caves facing north and south are the houses of Lu Cheng's family. The slightly larger cave in the middle is the living room. The two on both sides are bedrooms.

There are earthen kangs in both bedrooms. The earthen kang in one of the bedrooms is connected to the stove, which is the place for making fire and cooking.

The furnishings of the three rooms are very simple. In addition to the necessary daily necessities and tables, chairs and benches, there are not many furniture.

There is a jujube tree on the east side of the yard. Under the jujube tree is a stone mill. In the northwest corner of the yard is a simple toilet.

There was an old 28-inch bicycle parked near the eaves, which was Lu Cheng's main means of transportation for work.

Lu Cheng simply walked around and got familiar with the situation at home.

Although the place was simple, it was also a piece of space that belonged to him.

Lu Cheng didn't despise it.

Moreover, after traveling to this world, Lu Cheng no longer had to be urged by his boss to change the plan, no longer had to answer the phone in the middle of the night, and no longer had to exchange his life and health for a few taels of silver.

Of course, the current era is not good. Everyone is very poor, so poor that they can't eat enough and wear warm clothes, and their material life is extremely scarce.

In some really poor families, several children even have to share a set of clothes. Whoever goes out wears the clothes.

It is still the rural commune period. The land belongs to the public. The village is divided into production teams. Every day, the production team leader organizes everyone to work collectively, calculates work points, and distributes food and materials according to work points.

An adult laborer can earn about eight or nine work points a day.

Depending on the area where you are, the value of work points varies depending on the harvest of the year.

Generally, a work point is worth three or five cents. If the land is fertile and the harvest is good, the value of a work point may be higher.

If the weather is fine and the work is done for a full month, an adult can earn seven or eight yuan a month, which is already good.

At the end of the year, when food and supplies are distributed according to work points, those families with a high proportion of strong laborers and few elderly and children will naturally receive more food rations per capita and live a better life.

Like Sun Shaoan's family, there are old and young people, and they have to support two students, so life is quite difficult.

Points, points, points, the lifeblood of the people.

This is also the most realistic portrayal of the lives of the rural people at this time.

As for Lu Cheng, he is a lonely man, one person eats, the whole family is not hungry, and he is also a strong laborer, so his life is naturally better.

Moreover, Lu Cheng is the only barefoot doctor in Shuangshui Village at present. He does not need to participate in too much labor at ordinary times to earn the work points of a strong laborer.

After deducting his own food rations, he can still have 50 or 60 yuan left every year. Although it is not as good as the workers in the city, the conditions in Shuangshui Village are already very good, and it is only slightly worse than that of the village party secretary Tian Futang.

Back in the main room, I opened the wooden medicine box on the table and looked through the equipment and medicine inside. They were also quite simple.

An old stethoscope, a thermometer, an aluminum needle box, a glass syringe, anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, alcohol cotton, gauze, and some homemade herbal medicines.

In addition, there was a heavy oilcloth umbrella and an old-fashioned iron flashlight next to the table.

Although the equipment was simple, the responsibility was quite heavy.

Lu Cheng alone was responsible for the medical services of the entire Shuangshui Village, from headaches, fever, diarrhea to disease prevention and control, and health management.

During the flu season, Lu Cheng had to carry a medicine box and go door to door to distribute medicine to the people and explain disease prevention knowledge.

Sometimes someone had a fever and a cold in the middle of the night, and Lu Cheng had to get up at any time to go to the clinic. He treated the diseases he could treat on the spot, and dealt with the diseases he could not treat first, and escorted the patients to the health center of Shigejie Commune.

A hoe in one hand and a syringe in the other. Farming when busy, seeing a doctor when needed.

A silver needle can cure a hundred diseases, and a red heart can warm thousands of families.

This is the barefoot doctor.

Although the barefoot doctor's medical skills are not very advanced, he provides the most common people with first-time medical and health services, allowing countless people to afford medical treatment.

The villagers only need to pay 1 yuan per person per year, and then the brigade will deduct 50 cents per person from the collective public welfare fund as the medical fund for the whole village.

Except for some patients with stubborn diseases who need to take medicine all year round, ordinary people only need to pay a registration fee of 5 cents when seeing a doctor, and seeing a doctor and taking medicine are all free.

In this land, there are thousands of barefoot doctors like Lu Cheng, serving the lowest people.

Reaching out and touching the equipment on the table, Lu Cheng, who knew nothing about medical skills in his previous life, seems to have experienced three or four years of medical practice and has a certain amount of medical experience and skills.

Walking to the desk on one side, Lu Cheng picked up the "Barefoot Doctor's Handbook", which was praised by later generations as one of the three great books for time travelers. He also had a strong sense of familiarity. He could recite many of the contents directly, and he also had relevant treatment experience in his mind...

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