The sun was shining brightly, and the weather was very good.

The morning sun was shining freely on the wide road. Lu Cheng drove the car, taking Chen Nanxing and Xu Hongdou back from an outing, and headed towards Yunmiao Village.

In the past two days, the three of them drove for hundreds of miles and visited some famous scenic spots far away. They only came back this morning.

In the back seat of the car, Chen Nanxing and Xu Hongdou leaned against the windows on both sides, letting the breeze blow through the windows and mess up their hair.

Chen Nanxing turned his head and said to Xu Hongdou beside him: "Hongdou, this wind is really coming from all directions and blowing randomly."

Xu Hongdou smiled and stretched out her finger to point at Chen Nanxing.

Chen Nanxing stroked her hair in the breeze outside the car window, and smiled, as bright as the sun.

Xu Hongdou also smiled knowingly, but when she looked up at Lu Cheng, she not only thought of something, but the smile on her face was a little unnatural.

After spending some time together recently, Xu Hongdou found that she was getting more and more fond of Lu Cheng. She couldn't help turning her head to look at Lu Cheng's profile, and she would have some fantasies when she was free.

If she didn't have her good sister Chen Nanxing, if she didn't know that Chen Nanxing also liked Lu Cheng, maybe Xu Hongdou would face her heart directly, instead of trying her best to suppress those thoughts in her heart and suppress her good feelings for Lu Cheng like now.

But feelings are like weeds in spring. The more you want to suppress them, the more they will grow wildly.

Just thinking that Chen Nanxing knew Lu Cheng before her and liked Lu Cheng before her, Xu Hongdou's heart began to retreat, always feeling that she was competing with her good sister for her beloved.

Xu Hongdou couldn't do such a thing, and she didn't want to ruin the relationship she had with her good sister for so many years because of this.

It was during this tangled psychological process that Xu Hongdou had already thought of escaping. Anyway, her annual leave was about to end, so she might as well return to Yanjing two days earlier, stop thinking about these things, and leave the opportunity to Chen Nanxing.

As they were talking, seeing Xu Hongdou's face was different, Chen Nanxing took the initiative to approach and whispered: "Hongdou, what's wrong with you? Are you worried?"

Xu Hongdou shook her head and leaned close to Chen Nanxing's ear: "No, I was just thinking about whether I should go back to work two days earlier. I had a lot of fun this time. If I go back late and start working directly, I'm afraid I won't be able to adjust by then. So, I want to go back to Yanjing first, have a good rest for two days, and adjust myself. I will get back to work."

Hearing Xu Hongdou say this, Chen Nanxing was a little anxious: "Hongdou, why go back so early? Isn't there still two or three days? Can you stay with me for two more days?"

Xu Hongdou glanced at Lu Cheng in front of him: "Don't you still have Lu Cheng? Isn't it good to have him accompany you?"

Chen Nanxing looked up at Lu Cheng in front of him, and then turned his head to look at Xu Hongdou, who looked unnatural. He already understood something in his heart and stopped talking.

Although the two spoke in low voices, Lu Cheng still heard the content of their conversation clearly with his keen hearing, and then made a decision.

After returning to the courtyard, while Lu Cheng was out, Chen Nanxing pulled Xu Hongdou into the bedroom, and the two whispered: "Hongdou, are you in love with Lu Cheng?"

Xu Hongdou quickly denied: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm not."

"Hongdou, your expression has betrayed you. Besides, you can't hide your eyes when you like someone. Lu Cheng is so outstanding and has such a good personality. It's normal to like him. There's no need to hide it."

Seeing that she was exposed, Xu Hongdou didn't continue to hide: "Nannan, I... I just have some good feelings for Lu Cheng, but I can't say I like him. If you really like him, you should have really liked Lu Cheng, right? Or you can say that you fell in love with him. ”

Chen Nanxing admitted directly and openly: "I admit that I fell in love with Lu Cheng. He is my savior. He saved my life and made my life rejuvenated. It is no longer as boring as before. Lu Cheng is what I like, both in appearance and personality. I liked him before I came here.

But so what? Xu Hongdou, I like Lu Cheng. This is my business. It has nothing to do with you or Lu Cheng. If Lu Cheng likes me, I will of course be very happy and wake up with a smile in my dreams. But if Lu Cheng doesn't like me, I won't force it.

Liking can be unrequited love, but love requires two-way running, it is a mutual affection and mutual love.


Hongdou, if Lu Cheng didn't choose me in the end, but chose you, I would only be happy for you and Lu Cheng. Lu Cheng saved my life, and I can't let him have any psychological burden because of my love. He is independent and free. He can like me, you, and anyone in the world.

Hongdou, you are also independent, and you can like Lu Cheng. Don't hide your feelings and wrong yourself because of me.

Besides, as the saying goes, good things should not flow to outsiders. Lu Cheng is such an excellent man, it's better to choose one of our sisters, and not let outsiders snatch him away, what do you think? "

Xu Hongdou was speechless for a while, just staring at Chen Nanxing.

Chen Nanxing hugged Xu Hongdou: "Haha, are you shocked by my pattern? Hongdou, don't think so complicated, just chase after love bravely. "

"It hasn't come to that step yet, really. I just have some good feelings. "

"Xu Hongdou, don't I know you? You can use drifting bottles to find a lover, which means you have a good impression of him. This is very telling. "

"Oh, can you please not mention the drifting bottle? It's been many years. I should have known that I would not have told you at the beginning."

"You said it, I will remember it, and there is no use regretting it. Also, you are not allowed to leave tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Take your annual leave well and stay with me for two more days."

"Okay, okay, I listen to you."

After the two sisters talked it out, Xu Hongdou's mood also improved a lot, and she began to face the newly sprouted emotion that she had buried deep in her heart.

On the other side, Lu Cheng also made a call: "Old Ma, you know the situation at the Waldorf Hotel, right?"

"Of course I know, I know all the dozens of five-star hotels in Yanjing. What? The big boss also wants to take charge of things? This is very rare. Come on, what do you want?"

"Isn't our Junyuan Hotel preparing to upgrade to a five-star hotel? I found a very good talent here, the lobby manager of the Waldorf Hotel, named Xu Hongdou. You go find a professional headhunter, contact Xu Hongdou, and make sure to poach her for me. "

"Where should I put her? Does Mr. Lu have any detailed arrangements?"

"Tentatively, she will be the director of the housekeeping department. The salary and benefits will be the same as the director of the service department of the Waldorf, and half of it will be increased first."

The old Ma on the opposite side was a little surprised: "This salary is not low. Mr. Lu, such a big boss, specially arranged such a director of the housekeeping department. Could this Manager Xu be the future boss's wife? If so, Mr. Lu should also give me a definite letter so that I can make arrangements in advance to avoid offending the future boss's wife."

"Don't ask too much, and try not to let her know first."

"Okay, I understand, just wait for my news. "

Among Lu Cheng's industries, there is a four-star hotel called Junyuan.

This old Ma is the person in charge of Junyuan Hotel and a capable assistant under Lu Cheng.

The system father has arranged a lot of industries for Lu Cheng, and each industry has an outstanding and loyal subordinate in charge. These are all talents selected by the system, so Lu Cheng basically doesn't have to worry about anything, and he can be a doctor at ease...

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