After returning to Yanjing, Lu Cheng asked the pharmaceutical company to purchase a batch of raw materials and began to train a group of production personnel to produce the skin care products configured by Lu Cheng.

Since everything was just starting, Lu Cheng was very busy every day.

While doing scientific research and career, Lu Cheng did not delay the pursuit of love.

Starting from the second day after Lu Cheng returned to Yanjing, Xu Hongdou would be given a bouquet of flowers by the front desk every day when he went to work at the hotel.

On the first day, the front desk customer service handed the flowers to Xu Hongdou and said, "Director Xu, the company's boss heard that you have officially joined the company and made many very good suggestions to the hotel. He specially ordered a bouquet of flowers for you. Please accept it."

Xu Hongdou hesitated when he heard that the flowers were sent by the boss, and asked, "Does the boss of our company often send flowers to female employees?"

"During festivals, the female employees of our hotel will have flowers. Sometimes the boss may also send flowers to female employees who perform well."

"Oh, thank you."

After hearing this, Xu Hongdou accepted the bouquet of flowers. After all, it was sent by the boss, and it was difficult to refuse.

"By the way, I have been in our hotel for a while, why have I never seen our boss?"

"We haven't seen him either. The boss rarely appears. Generally, General Manager Ma is responsible for everything."

"Okay, thank you."

Xu Hongdou, who accepted the flowers, became more curious about the mysterious boss.

That night, Xu Hongdou took the bouquet home and told Chen Nanxing what happened today. Chen Nanxing naturally knew who sent the flowers, but he didn't say it. He felt a little bit subtle in his heart, so he found a vase and put the flowers in it.

Unexpectedly, when he went to work the next day, the front desk gave Xu Hongdou another bouquet of flowers: "Director Xu, here is another bouquet of flowers for you, sent by the big boss."

Xu Hongdou's curiosity grew stronger, but he accepted the flowers again and got down to work.

On the third day, when he saw a bouquet of flowers at the front desk again, Xu Hongdou always felt something was wrong, but he wanted to see what the big boss was up to. He couldn't just keep sending flowers like this, right?

Thinking of his current high salary, Xu Hongdou felt a little bit scared. Could it be that the mysterious big boss had taken a fancy to him, but why didn't he show up?

When she saw the bouquet of flowers again on the fourth day, Xu Hongdou refused directly: "I can't accept this bouquet of flowers. Please help me return it. Thank you."

"Director Xu, I don't know where to return this bouquet of flowers. If Director Xu doesn't want it, we can only throw it away."

"Then throw it away."

The girls at the front desk saw that Xu Hongdou really didn't want it, and they felt a little sorry: "Director Xu doesn't want such good flowers. It's a pity to throw them away. How about we divide them up and take them home?"

"I think it's okay. I don't know if anyone will send flowers tomorrow."

"I guess there will be. Besides, our big boss may have taken a fancy to our Director Xu. Otherwise, I won't have people send me flowers every day."

"I guess so. I heard that Director Xu was poached from a five-star hotel by Gao Xin. Do you think this could be the boss's idea?"

"This is really possible, but I don't know who our boss is? How old is he? Director Xu is so beautiful, if the boss..."

"Is the boss' age important? Isn't it enough to have money? If the boss sends me flowers, not every day, but only one day, I will..."

"Do you still want to be the boss's wife? Don't dream."

On the fifth day, Xu Hongdou thought that there would be no more flowers sent to her, but when she arrived at the company, she still saw a new bouquet of flowers at the front desk.

After rejecting this bouquet of flowers again, Xu Hongdou's heart was a little confused, and she even began to think that the other party poached her for ulterior motives? Should she resign now?

Later, when Xu Hongdou was taking a break, she inadvertently heard the employees' discussion, saying that the boss had taken a fancy to Director Xu, so he poached her with a high salary and sent her flowers every day. Some people even speculated whether the big boss would be a middle-aged man with a big belly...

Some rumors, once spread, will become more and more unfounded.

After hearing this, Xu Hongdou finally couldn't sit still and went directly to find the hotel's general manager, Lao Ma.

"Mr. Ma, I would like to ask, when did our hotel

Is it really because of my ability that the hotel hired me? Are there any other reasons?

Manager Ma did not seem surprised by Xu Hongdou's arrival. He just smiled and said, "Manager Xu, don't be anxious, and don't listen to the rumors below. As for the big boss sending you flowers every day, you can ask him in person."

"Ask in person? Mr. Ma, can you tell me first, who is the big boss of our hotel? Have I met him?"

"I can't tell you this, but the big boss left me a note, saying that if you come to see me, I will give this to you. Let you go directly to him."

Xu Hongdou took the folded greeting card and opened it. There was only an address on it, which was a high-end restaurant in Yanjing.

Xu Hongdou hesitated: "Mr. Ma, if I go there at noon today, can I also see our big boss?"

"Of course."

"Then I'll ask for your leave and go over to see it at noon."

"No problem, don't worry about work."

"Thank you. "

Xu Hongdou walked out of the general manager's office and really wanted to go directly to the place to meet the big boss.

Since the other party dug her up by name and sent her flowers every day, he must have seen her. Before figuring out this problem, Xu Hongdou was no longer in the mood to go to work.

If the other party had some impure purpose, Xu Hongdou would rather give up her current high-paying job than let the other party succeed.

Time soon came to eleven o'clock, Xu Hongdou walked out of the hotel, took a taxi, and went straight to the restaurant.

At the same time, Lu Cheng, who had received a notice from Lao Ma in advance, also booked a seat in the restaurant and arranged everything.

When Xu Hongdou walked into the restaurant, the receptionist took the initiative to greet her: "Hello, you are Miss Xu, please follow me."

"Do you know me? A distinguished guest has booked a seat in advance and showed us your photo, so that we can be ready to welcome you at any time."

As he spoke, he saw the restaurant manager also trotting over: "Miss Xu, welcome, the gentleman is waiting for you. "

Xu Hongdou was still a little uncomfortable with such a grand reception.

As the restaurant manager came to the door of a private room on the second floor, the restaurant manager took the initiative to open the door. Xu Hongdou looked up and saw a familiar face: "Lu Cheng, why is it you?"

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