The couple's marriage was a big success.

Although Xu Hongdou's parents were a little surprised that their daughter could get together with Lu Cheng, they were not too surprised. After all, they had thought about this before.

Although Xu's parents were more open-minded, they did not force their daughter to get married every day because of her age like ordinary parents. But as parents, how could they not worry about their daughter's lifelong affairs?

What's more, Xu Hongdou is 32 years old this year, which can be regarded as an older leftover woman.

After Xu Hongdou introduced Lu Cheng's situation to her parents, Xu's parents checked the information about Lu Cheng on the official website and were also very interested in Lu Cheng, a young, handsome guy with a stable job.

Later, Lu Cheng went to Yunmiao Village with Xu Hongdou and Chen Nanxing for a trip. During the trip, Xu Hongdou also sent her parents many photos and videos of Lu Cheng, which made Xu's parents more fond of Lu Cheng, a sunny and cheerful young man.

Especially after Xu Hongdou had a good impression of Lu Cheng, she often praised Lu Cheng. All these behaviors were seen by Xu's parents, who also guessed that their daughter might have a good impression of Lu Cheng.

Therefore, now that they heard that the two had come together, Xu's parents were of course very happy.

"Dou, where are you now?"

Xu Hongdou glanced at Lu Cheng: "This is Lu Cheng's home."

Hongdou's mother immediately became nervous: "Are you already living together?"

"No, today is the first time I've come to his home to take a look."

Hongdou's mother and father breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Dou, turn the camera around so that mom can take a good look at the situation at Lu Cheng's home. By the way, where are Lu Cheng's parents? Aren't they at home?"

Xu Hongdou glanced at Lu Cheng again, and Lu Cheng nodded at her. Xu Hongdou then continued: "Lu Cheng's parents had an accident a few years ago and are no longer with us. Now Lu Cheng is the only one at home."

Hongdou's mother felt a little distressed when she heard this: "He is also a poor child. Well, Dou, you have to take care of him more."

"Don't worry, Mom. I'll take you to see Lu Cheng's home first. His home is quite big."

As the camera turned, Xu's parents on the other end of the phone clearly saw the luxurious decorations around the room, the spacious living room, the exquisite ornaments, furniture, etc.

The more Xu's parents looked at it, the more surprised they were: "Dou, is Lu Cheng's family quite rich?"

"Yes, they are rich. This courtyard is right next to the Forbidden City. Those who live here are either rich or noble. Ordinary people can't afford it."

Hearing this, Xu's parents were a little happy, but also a little worried: "Dou, Lu Cheng, are you serious?"

If Lu Cheng was from a wealthy family, they wouldn't think too much. But seeing that Lu Cheng's family is so rich, they are worried that Lu Cheng is just playing around, and their daughter will suffer a loss.

Parents are always easily worried about their children's lifelong events.

Lu Cheng also immediately stood up to guarantee: "Uncle, aunt, Hongdou and I are absolutely serious about getting married. Our family does have some money, but this money is left to me by my parents, not earned by my own hard work. I have been studying medicine very hard before, and I have never relied on my family.

When Hongdou fell in love with me, she didn't know that my family was so rich, and she didn't want my money. Similarly, I like Hongdou not just because she is beautiful, we are going to get married. After a few days, I will take Hongdou with me after I finish my work here. Or, if you are willing, you can also come to Yanjing to play. There is a place to stay here, and I will arrange everything."

"Okay, as long as you are serious about Hongdou, nothing else matters. That, Lu Cheng, auntie wants to talk to Hongdou alone."

"No problem, you guys talk."

Then, Lu Cheng walked out of the house and left the space for Xu Hongdou.

Then, Xu's parents asked many questions, including the general process of their love, and then they were relieved.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Hongdou also breathed a sigh of relief.

Today was really a coincidence. She was not fully prepared to tell her parents about her love affair, and she had never thought of letting Lu Cheng meet his parents so soon.

But since Lu Cheng had already spoken, Xu Hongdou naturally had no reason to refuse.

After all, the two of them had just confirmed their relationship and were in the passionate period of love. Xu Hongdou also wanted to announce her relationship to the world and share her joy with her closest people.

Moreover, Lu Cheng's willingness to meet her parents also showed that he really wanted to marry her.

How could Xu Hongdou not be happy?

"Lu Cheng, are you really going to meet my parents right now?"

"Of course, can what you say be false?"

"I always feel that it's too fast. How many months have we known each other? It's been less than a month since we confirmed our relationship, and we've come to this point."

"Some people may still be strangers after knowing each other for decades. Some people have only met a few times and promised to spend their lives together. Liking you is never about the length of time. In fact, I also regret not finding some time to meet you.

The hotel where you work is only three kilometers away from the hospital where I worked before. In fact, I passed by the hotel where you worked many times and didn't go in to take a look. If I had met you earlier, maybe I wouldn't have to wait so many years, maybe you and I would have loved each other, and maybe our children would have called mom."

"Go to hell, I haven't even said I want to marry you? Who wants to have a baby with you?"

Lu Cheng stepped forward and hugged Xu Hongdou: "Xu Hongdou You cheated me, and you want to eat it. "" What does me cheat you? I went to you, there is no medicine. "" Matto. "" There are more meaty people, do you want to listen? " He quickly held Lu Cheng's neck subconsciously, and was completely lost under Lu Cheng's lip gun and tongue sword ... When he kissed the depths, when he was deep, Lu Cheng's desire was also aroused. After coming to this world for such a long time, Lu Cheng has always lived a simple life and has always controlled his desires.

Now that this little flame has been ignited, it is like a spark that spreads all over the prairie, and it is out of control in an instant.

After all, he has enjoyed the days of three palaces and six courtyards, surrounded by beauties, and Lu Cheng's physique is far superior to that of ordinary people, his metabolism is faster, and the corresponding reaction will be more intense.

Xu Hongdou, who was pointed at by a gun, was also blushing at this moment, panting slightly, and there was autumn water in her eyes.

At this time, Lu Cheng was sitting on a chair in the living room, and Xu Hongdou was sitting on his legs face to face. The two of them pressed their foreheads together, their noses touched each other, and they felt each other's breath.

"I'm really going to eat it all..."

"Then will you admit it?"

"Of course..."

Then, the bedroom door was pushed open, and then it was closed with a foot, the curtains were drawn, the lights were turned on, and Lu Cheng pounced on his food like a hungry tiger, and the hunt began...

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