In fact, if it was a year ago, even Xu Hongdou herself would not have thought that she could say the following words, after all, it was too outrageous.

Xu Hongdou was able to have such an idea because she was completely conquered by Lu Cheng from both psychological and physical aspects.

Women are born to admire the strong. Lu Cheng's strength is not only reflected in his high appearance and strong financial resources, but also in his courage and leadership in life.

Just like the previous hotels, the huge property worth tens of billions of yuan, Lu Cheng gave it as he said, and directly transferred it to Xu Hongdou's name, without giving her a chance to refuse.

This touched Xu Hongdou, but she also felt guilty, as if she was not worthy of this love. She always wanted to do her best to take care of everything about Lu Cheng.

In the real world, even those billionaires with a net worth of hundreds of billions, how many can be as generous as Lu Cheng?

Lu Cheng, who had been an emperor and had nearly two hundred women, also had a certain understanding of women's psychology. While pampering his women, he would also subtly influence them.

In addition, Xu Hongdou herself had heard about the romantic affairs of some celebrities and gentlemen in the upper class society, and knew the true nature of men.

Men conquer women by conquering the world, and women conquer the world by conquering men.

Moreover, after being in contact with those upper-class ladies for a long time, Xu Hongdou heard some strange theories, such as men should not be too strict, men should be given freedom, and they should learn to be generous in order to have the demeanor of a mistress of the house and to keep men, etc.

Hearing these more, Xu Hongdou also had some concerns in her heart. Worried that her man would be dissatisfied if he didn't eat enough or well at home, and would go out for extra meals or something.

Of course, Lu Cheng did behave perfectly. In addition to concentrating on scientific research, he stayed at home with Xu Hongdou, giving her enough love and companionship, and giving her enough sense of security.

But when Xu Hongdou saw the state of her sisters, and thought about the future, she couldn't help but speak up and put forward this idea. On the one hand, she felt guilty, and on the other hand, she wanted to make up for her good sisters. At the same time, she also wanted to try Lu Cheng to see if Lu Cheng really had other ideas in his heart.

People's hearts are complicated, and there are many things in this world that ordinary people can't imagine. Xu Hongdou has worked in the hotel for more than ten years and has seen a lot.

It is precisely because of these reasons that Xu Hongdou spoke up: "Lu Cheng, if I say that I don't mind you and Nan Nan having further development, what would you think?"

After speaking, Xu Hongdou stared at Lu Cheng's face, expecting both a positive answer and a negative answer, and her heart was also very contradictory.

Unexpectedly, Lu Cheng also smiled at Xu Hongdou, and did not answer this question, but asked: "Why do you have such an idea? Let me guess, with Chen Nanxing's personality, she will never mention this matter. Even if she still has some good feelings for me, she will definitely not say it, for fear of affecting your relationship with me."

"You know Nannan very well."

"Isn't she your good sister? How can I not know more? What's more, isn't it you who I know the most? I know your depth very well."

"Go to hell, I'm not kidding you, but you are making dirty jokes to me, and you are getting more and more unruly."

After saying that, Xu Hongdou sighed again: "In fact, I also saw this myself. Speaking of it, it was Nannan who met you first, and she was the first one to have a good impression of you. I just Just a latecomer."

"Hongdou, you can't say that. There is no first come first served in love. What's yours is yours."

"Then you don't have any improper thoughts about Nannan?"

"If I say I don't have any, I guess you won't believe it. Chen Nanxing is also a very good girl. Whether it's her figure, appearance, or personality, there's nothing to pick. Normal men, who doesn't have some little thoughts?"

"Look, it's exposed, right? I knew that you must have wavered between me and Nannan at the beginning."

"But after wavering, didn't I still choose you unswervingly? The result has already explained everything."

"Well, I know you're good to me. But I always feel a little indebted, even... I can't even make you full..."

"Then do you want to give me an extra meal?"

"Stop, do I have to get up tomorrow?"

"It's okay if you don't get up, just lie down at home."

As Lu Cheng said this, he was still playing with the two large white jade bowls with some greed, and couldn't let go.

"Actually, I'm serious. Instead of letting you eat half full every day, I have to worry about whether you will go out to order takeout or something, which is so unhygienic."

"Xu Hongdou, you have changed, you can drive. Am I the kind of person who eats fast food?"

"Stop... don't move... I mean, if it's Nan Nan, I can accept it, and... I don't want to see Nan Nan go on like this... Are you... are you listening to me?"

"You talk about yours, I play mine, and neither of us is delayed."

"I'm not testing you, nor am I joking, I'm serious."

Lu Cheng also temporarily stopped his actions: "I know Chen Nanxing has a good impression of me, and I have always cherished it. But if you two... would it be unfair to you? You are both the best girls and deserve the best love. I don't want to destroy your sisterly feelings because of this, and I don't want to hurt any of you."

Although Lu Cheng was refusing in his words, he didn't refuse obviously, but acted very generously.

"I really don't know what kind of magic potion you have fed me. If I am willing, Nan Nan will be willing too?"

"Are you going to use this to test the cadres?"

"Then is Boss Lu willing to accept this test?"

"How many men can stand the test of this kind of thing?"

"Sure enough, I knew that you had an idea long ago."

"Having an idea and taking action are two different things. Haven't you heard that saying? Filial piety comes first among all virtues. Judging by the heart, not the deeds, there are no filial sons in poor families; lust is the first of all evils. Judging by the deeds, not the heart, there are no perfect people in the world. People eat grains and have seven emotions and six desires. Who can not have some extraordinary ideas? If you don't even have an idea, then you are a true saint. I also It's normal for a normal person to have his own ideas, right?"

"You, you talk in a roundabout way. To put it bluntly, isn't it just the meat that is delivered to your mouth, so you should eat it?"

"That also depends on whether it is delivered to my mouth by my wife."

"I really can't do anything about you. However, you have to keep what you said tonight to yourself. I'll ask Nan Nan later."

"Don't force it, you are enough."

"Haha, I believe your ghost. This sentence must be false."

"Really, if you don't believe me, touch my conscience."

"Your conscience is very bad, I don't want to touch it."

"Then I'll touch yours."

"Aren't you just touching? Where are you putting your hands? Hmm~"

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