The couple's marriage was a big success.

At the end of 2024, 34-year-old Xu Hongdou and 34-year-old Chen Nanxing gave birth to a child for Lu Cheng, and both were boys.

The child born by Xu Hongdou was named Lu Junheng by Lu Cheng, and the boy born by Chen Nanxing was named Chen Junming, both of whom were considered Jun.

I don't know if there will be more worlds to travel through in the future, and more children will be born in the province, and whether the characters that can be used will be almost the same.

However, after the two women gave birth to children one after another, the relationship between the three people could not be concealed.

The first to know the news were Chen's parents. After all, Chen Nanxing was pregnant before marriage, and her parents naturally wanted to know who the father of the child was. When they knew that their daughter followed Lu Cheng without knowing why, even though Lu Cheng had saved their daughter's life, the old couple were still not happy.

The old couple were ordinary people with more traditional ideas. They only had one daughter, so they naturally didn't want their daughter to be a mistress to others.

But when Chen Nanxing took out the billions of yuan of property that Lu Cheng gave her, as well as the courtyard near the Forbidden City, the old couple also fell silent.

Later, Chen Nanxing persuaded them and said that she was completely willing and Lu Cheng was so good to her, etc., so that Chen's parents accepted it all.

However, this was not very glorious after all, and Chen's parents did not tell anyone about it. Even the child's full moon wine was held at home in Yanjing, and no relatives and friends were invited.

However, when the old couple learned that the child's surname was Chen and he could inherit the Chen family's incense in the future, they didn't complain so much about Lu Cheng, and even accepted Lu Cheng's arrangement to help take care of the child and Chen Nanxing in Yanjing.

Lu Cheng also bought a three-bedroom, one-living-room house for the old couple nearby, so that they could live here conveniently.

On the other hand, when the Xu family knew all this, it was Xu Hongdou who stood up to explain that she was the one who facilitated all this and took the initiative to let Chen Nanxing join in.

For this reason, although the Xu family's parents were also very angry, they had no choice but to accept it after complaining for a while.

Xu Hongmi was also very angry and scolded Xu Hongdou severely, without saying anything about Lu Cheng.

In this regard, Lu Cheng did not say anything. Who told him to do things too absurdly?

In the end, it was still the old way. Lu Cheng promised that the second child with Xu Hongdou would also have the surname Xu and help inherit the Xu family's incense.

It must be said that although this trick seems a bit feudal and traditional, it is quite effective.

The Xu family has two daughters and lacks someone to inherit the incense.

After a lot of trouble, the relationship between the three people was also made public in the Xu and Chen families.

It's just that the relationship between the Xu family and the Chen family, which was originally quite good, is a little difficult to maintain. However, the two sides didn't have much contact.

During the period when the two women were pregnant, Lu Cheng also devoted himself to scientific research and developed a lot of patented drugs, which brought further development to the pharmaceutical company under the Lu Group. The annual revenue has soared and has entered the top 20 of the Chinese pharmaceutical industry, with annual revenue exceeding 5 billion and net profit of more than 1 billion.

Moreover, the veterans' health care plan that Lu Cheng took the initiative to contribute to the country has also been recognized by the military. The military has also established further cooperation with the Lu Group and jointly established a sanatorium.

After that, the Lu Group can be regarded as having an official background, and the development can also reduce a lot of unfair competition from peers.

At the end of 2025, the annual revenue of the pharmaceutical company under the Lu Group exceeded 10 billion and the net profit exceeded 3 billion, which has become a rising star in the pharmaceutical industry.

After that, Lu Cheng began to study some quick-acting trauma drugs, hemostatic drugs, life-saving pills, heart-saving pills, etc. in response to the needs of the military.

Lu Cheng already had rich experience in these things, and soon made good progress, launched some products, received further official recognition, and also received a large number of orders.

Of course, the Lu Group does not aim to make a profit for official orders.

After all, being able to get official orders can bring huge benefits to the Lu Group.

In 2026, Xu Hongdou gave birth to another son for Lu Cheng, named Xu Junhong, to inherit the Xu family incense.

And Lu Cheng also transferred another part of the Lu Group's industry worth more than 3 billion yuan to Xu Hongdou's name as a full moon gift for his second son Xu Junhong.

After this incident, the Xu family also completely let it go and no longer entangled in the fact that Lu Cheng had two women.

After all, the old Xu family has been

Someone inherited the incense and had tens of billions of property. As long as they don't mess around in the future, they can be rich for several generations.

In the same year, 36-year-old Chen Nanxing gave birth to another daughter for Lu Cheng. This time, she didn't have the surname Chen, but took Lu Cheng's surname Lu and named her Lu Junlan.

Lu Cheng didn't favor one over the other, and also prepared 3 billion for his younger daughter as a birth gift.

Although more than 10 billion in property has been given away, the market value of Lu's Group has increased a lot after several years of development.

The remaining assets under Lu Cheng's name have not decreased but increased, and there are more than 400 small goals.

Although he has cooperated with the official and has the official background, Lu Cheng still behaves very low-key and invests most of the profits of Lu's Group into scientific research.

In 2027, Lu Cheng began to launch some children's health products that can directly and specifically enhance children's immunity, which immediately attracted the country's attention and soon promoted this product.

The official also cracked down on some counterfeit and shoddy products that followed the trend on the market.

The launch of this children's health product also did not bring much profit to the Lu Group, but it deepened Lu Cheng's connection with the government, obtained a lot of valuable information in biology and medicine, and made Lu Cheng's research smoother.

In 2030, Lu Cheng successfully developed a complete set of plans, which can start from the mother's pregnancy, ensure the growth needs of the child at all stages, arrange scientific exercises for the child, and maximize the child's potential for birth and growth.

After that, Lu Cheng's several children also grew up according to the plan formulated by Lu Cheng, supplementing nutrition reasonably, exercising scientifically, and growing up healthily. They grew healthier than children of the same age, had better intellectual development, and were all little geniuses.

In the many years that followed, while studying the mysteries of the human body, Lu Cheng also conquered one medical problem after another, solved many incurable diseases, and even launched a complete set of traditional Chinese medicine treatment plans for various cancers, which led to the revival of traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine.

Unfortunately, although Lu Cheng has made considerable progress in scientific research, Xu Hongdou and Chen Nanxing have not improved their physical fitness after they turned 40.

However, through Lu Cheng's research, the aging of the two women has been greatly delayed, so that the two women in their 40s can still maintain the health of their early 30s and are quite energetic.

After having four children, Lu Cheng did not have any more children, leaving more time for the two women.

In addition to immersing himself in research, Lu Cheng would take some time every year to take the two women out for a walk and travel.

The children also followed their parents to see the outside world, broadened their horizons and gained knowledge since childhood, and did not fall behind in learning. They are all stars in their respective schools.

While Lu Cheng was concentrating on scientific research, technology in various fields around the world was also developing rapidly. The development of biological technology and artificial intelligence has further driven the development of the medical field.

In particular, the continuous improvement of gene editing technology has made high-end medical care more and more personalized.

Lu Cheng also began to focus on the study of the combination of Chinese and Western medicine, combining the latest technology, and looking for the future development of traditional Chinese medicine...

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