The German lieutenant's saber was used to stab the enemy.

(German lieutenant's saber)

When Abao and seven or eight other people came over, Lu Cheng was already waiting outside the forest, with two wild boars in front of him.

Seeing that there were really two wild boars, everyone came up to help, found some sticks, and worked in groups of four to lift the two wild boars and walk towards Zenda.

Among the soldiers who came, there was Li Sifu from the Sichuan Army Corps, nicknamed "Yao Ma". There was Gu Xiaomai from Baoding, nicknamed "Dou Bing". There was Deng Bao, who spoke with a southern Hunan accent, and whose name was only one character different from Abao's, nicknamed "Bu La".

Except for these three, they are the main members of the cannon fodder group with names and surnames, and the others are characters who have never shown their faces in the original drama.

At this time, there is still more than a month before the plot begins, and some of the main members of the cannon fodder group have not escaped here.

The crowd carried two wild boars forward. The youngest Doubing showed a little flattering smile and asked: "Sir, we help you carry things, can you give us a bite of meat?"

"Of course, when we go back, I will treat you to pork, cabbage and vermicelli stew."

"Thank you, sir, thank you."

Hearing Lu Cheng's words, these defeated soldiers immediately became energetic. Although they came to help, they also wanted to get a bite of food. But Lu Cheng is the leader, if he really asked them to work for nothing, they would have no way.

"If you all follow me in the future, let's not talk about anything else. I will guarantee you three meals a day. How about it? Do you want to follow me?"

"Sir, are you serious?"

"These two wild boars are here. Doesn't that prove the point?"

"Sir, I am willing to follow you."

"Me too."

These defeated soldiers have been in the shelter for a while. They are starving every day. When they hear that they can have enough food and even meat, they are willing to follow Lu Cheng.

"But let me be frank. If you want to follow me, you must behave like a soldier. Don't just eat and wait for death. I can take you to train, exercise your physical fitness, and practice shooting. Nothing can be missed."

"Sir, these are all fine. As long as we can have enough food, we are certainly not afraid of training. It's just that... we have lost our guns."

"If we have lost our guns, we can get them again. If you are willing to follow me, how can you be without your guns?"

Hearing that Lu Cheng would also get them guns, these defeated soldiers became even more excited.

A Bao at the side also added: "Our battalion commander is very good to us. He never lets us fight on an empty stomach, let alone send us to die. Even at the end, he lets us go first. It is your blessing that you can fight with our battalion commander."

When the group carried two wild boars into Zenda City, they immediately attracted a lot of onlookers, and the defeated soldiers along the street were even more envious.

Some defeated soldiers even wanted to follow them to see if they could get some benefits, but when they saw the major's collar badge on Lu Cheng and the box gun in his hand, those defeated soldiers also gave up the idea.

When everyone returned to the shelter where they lived, all the defeated soldiers in the shelter immediately surrounded them.

"My goodness, two big wild boars, they must weigh 500 kilograms, right?"

"Commander, commander, I know how to cook butcher dishes, can I have some meat?"

"Commander, don't listen to his nonsense, my family is a butcher, it's a ancestral craft, do you want me to kill the pigs and skin them?"

"Commander, I'm the cook in the company, I'm a good cook."

"Commander, I have a kitchen knife here."

A group of people gathered here, even Milong, the richest man from the Northeast in the shelter, came up: "Oh, two wild boars, two bullets, this commander is not simple."

Seeing everyone gathered around, Lu Cheng clapped his hands: "Everyone be quiet first, I'll say a few words. These two The wild boars weighed about 500 kilograms in total. Even if we remove some of the inedible offal and bones, it would be enough to eat for a while.

From now on, if you are willing to follow me and be my soldiers, I will make sure you have enough food and meat to eat. Raise your hands if you are willing to sign up. "

Almost everyone immediately raised their hands, only the Northeast man Milong was a little disdainful: "Aren't they just two wild boars? You want people to follow you and fight for their lives. Only a fool would do that."

Milong was originally a quartermaster. His unit suffered a defeat, and the battalion commander and regiment commander above were all dead. The supplies in the regiment fell into the hands of him, the quartermaster. Milong took the opportunity to start a business of reselling and accumulated a batch of supplies.

In the west wing of this courtyard, there is a room filled with all kinds of supplies, including military uniforms, canned meat, bacon, etc., all of which belong to Milong.

Milong is tall and strong, and is very good at fighting. Most people can't beat him, and no one dares to steal his things.

While everyone else is hungry, Milong can still eat watermelon comfortably, so naturally he doesn't like this little bit of pork.

Lu Cheng didn't bother to pay attention to him. He took out a notebook and a pen he carried with him and handed it to A Bao beside him, asking him and Meng Fanle to start registering everyone's name, age, native place, unit, original military rank, branch of the army and other basic information.

Soon, more than 30 deserters in this small courtyard signed up and were willing to follow Lu Cheng to serve in the army.

Of course, most of these deserters just signed up to make a living, and didn't really think about following Lu Cheng to serve in the army and work for him.

Lu Cheng didn't care about these. These defeated soldiers had long been beaten to death. It would take time to get them back on their feet.

A full meal and a bite of meat are just the beginning.

Then, Lu Cheng took out some French currency and gave it to A Bao, asking him to take two people to buy some cabbage, vermicelli, salt and various seasonings, as well as some food, iron pots, bowls and chopsticks.

Several people who claimed to be butchers and cooks were busy killing pigs and cooking. It seemed that they were not lying.

It would take some time to turn the two wild boars into dishes and serve them on the table.

Lu Cheng picked up the notebook that Meng Fanle had recorded and glanced at it. Including Meng Fanle and A Bao, Lu Cheng had 34 soldiers under his command.

While everyone was busy, Lu Cheng walked out of the courtyard and prepared to walk around in Zenda City.

The sun was setting, and smoke was rising everywhere. The garrisons had finished their training for the day and returned to their camps. The whole Zenda was much quieter.

Some defeated soldiers in the nearby shelter also received some cabbage and food from the military supply department and started to cook dinner.

Just as Lu Cheng passed by a small alley, he suddenly heard a voice not far away: "Let me go, I want to go home."

"Xiaozui, just follow me, I promise to keep you well fed and warm, and not bullied by others. I don't know when your brother will come back. When you run out of money, how will you survive?"

"I don't want it, my brother will come back, he will definitely come back! Let me go!"

"I won't let you go unless you let me..."

"Unless your uncle!"

A stone flew out accurately and hit the wrist of the guy who was stopping Xiaozui.

The guy felt the pain and immediately turned his head to see who was coming. Seeing that it was a major officer, he immediately became a little scared: "Sir, I..."

Lu Cheng walked forward without saying a word and kicked the guy to the ground.

If Lu Cheng hadn't held back a little, this kick would have killed him directly.

"Who the hell are you? How dare you bully the family of a soldier here?"

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