The old saying goes that the old saying is true.

"One gun, two horses, three flower mouths, four snakes, five dogs, open mouths and kick." These two jingles refer to the six types of pistols introduced into China since the Republic of China period.

Since the Republic of China period, Chinese soldiers like to call pistols "Luzi".

One gun refers to the Gun Brand Luzi, whose real name is Browning M1900 pistol. The reason why it is called Gun Brand Luzi is that there is a pattern of a small pistol engraved on the grip guard and the slide of this gun.

Two horses, that is, Horse Brand Luzi, refers to the Colt M1903 pistol, which has a small horse logo on the grip of the pistol.

The three-flower mouth refers to the flower-mouth pistol, which is the Browning M1910 pistol. Because the cross-section of the muzzle is O-shaped, and a circle of knurling is added to the front edge of the muzzle cover, it is called a flower-mouth pistol.

Four snakes, that is, the snake brand pistol, refers to the German Sauer M1913 pistol. Because the handle of the gun is engraved with the Sauer company trademark, composed of two intertwined German letters "S", it looks like two snakes entangled together, which is why it is called "Snake Brand Pistol".

Five dogs is a pocket pistol produced by Spain in imitation of the Browning M1906. It is very small and can only hold 5 bullets. The power is not great. The biggest advantage is that it is cheap and easy to carry, which is very suitable for women.

Open mouth and stare refers to the German Mauser M1934 pistol. Because the front end of the pistol's sleeve is completely open, half of it is exposed to the outside, just like opening its "mouth", and the gun ejects shells cleanly, so it is called "open mouth and stare".

Among the guns Lu Cheng collected this time, in addition to several German-made box guns, there was also a flower-mouthed pistol and three dog-tag pistols.

It is worth mentioning that the pistol that Chu Yunfei gave to Li Yunlong in "Bright Sword" and was given to Xiuqin by Li Yunlong was the Browning M1906 pocket pistol. Since the design of this pistol was later transferred to the FN company in Belgium, it was named FN1906 pistol after it was produced by FN company.

In fact, this Browning M1906 is also a pocket version of the flower-mouthed pistol M1910.

In "Snow Leopard", the pistol that Zhou Weiguo gave to Xiao Ya was also a flower-mouthed pistol M1910.

As a result, Li Yunlong's wife Xiuqin was captured by Yamamoto with the gun. Li Yunlong had no choice but to pull out the Italian gun, and the hero shed tears when he fired.

Zhou Weiguo's lover Xiao Ya was surrounded by the Japanese with the gun, and finally she was unwilling to be humiliated and committed suicide with a gun.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng, who originally wanted to give this flower-mouthed pistol to Chen Xiaozui, instantly gave up the idea. This gun might be unlucky for women.

Fortunately, there are three dog-tag pistols. Although they are less powerful and have a shorter range, they are still very good for self-defense, and there are also a lot of bullets, which can be used for Chen Xiaozui to practice shooting.

Because this dog-tag pistol was cheap and sold very well at that time, it was also very popular in China. It was copied and produced by many copycat companies in Spain and sold to China.

This also led to the fact that two of the three dog-tag pistols in Lu Cheng's hands have a capacity of 6 rounds and a caliber of 6.35, and one has a capacity of 5 rounds and a caliber of 7.65.

The two six-round dog-tag pistols have more than 80 rounds of bullets in total.

Lu Cheng did not plan to take out the other rifles, box guns, and grenades at once for the time being, but planned to take out a few guns every two or three days to reward those soldiers with good training results and gradually arm them.

As for pistols, they are only equipped by officers and can also be used as important rewards.

Before walking back to Zenda City, Lu Cheng had already distributed these guns.

After returning to Zenda City, passing by a pawnshop, Lu Cheng directly pawned those turtle boxes and exchanged them for some cash to avoid being an eyesore.

Back to the shelter, I saw Meng Fanle and several other educated veterans teaching other soldiers to write their names. Lu Cheng took out a few cans and gave them to A Bao: "Today, whoever can write his name well can eat canned food."

Hearing that there was canned food to eat, everyone's enthusiasm was immediately mobilized, and writing became more serious.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng walked through the winding alleys of Zenda City, came to the door of Xiaozui's house, and knocked on the gate.

Soon, a voice came from the yard: "Who's outside?"

"It's me, Lu Cheng."

"Brother Lu, I'll open the door for you."

The door opened, revealing a plain and pretty face: "Brother Lu."


The door is about to open? Don't you confirm if someone is pretending to be me?"

"I remember Brother Lu's voice clearly, I won't make a mistake. Brother Lu, come in."

"I won't go in yet. If you have nothing to do now, follow me."

"Okay, I'll lock the gate."

Chen Xiaozui didn't ask Lu Cheng where he was going or what he was going to do. He locked the door without hesitation and turned to follow Lu Cheng.

After walking a distance, Lu Cheng turned back and asked, "Xiaozui, you didn't ask me where I was going? Aren't you afraid that I would sell you out?"

"Brother Lu is joking with me. You are the best person to me besides my brother. You won't sell me out. I believe you and I'm willing to go anywhere."

"What a silly girl."

"My brother often says that I'm silly, stupid, and that I'm a stupid crab with eight legs, none of which grows in the right place. But I know that I am lucky to meet a good man like Brother Lu. "

Seeing her serious look, Lu Cheng was embarrassed to tease her anymore.

"Okay, let's go out today and I'll teach you how to shoot. It's a chaotic situation outside now, and it's not safe everywhere. You're a little girl, and I can't always be around to protect you. These two days, I found a relatively small pistol that should be suitable for you. Today I'll teach you how to use it."

As they talked, the two slowly walked out of the village and came to a relatively open space in the north.

Lu Cheng casually took out a dog tag pistol without bullets and handed it to Chen Xiaozui: "Take it, try the weight first and feel it."

After Chen Xiaozui took it, he held it in his hand and shook it: "This gun is very small and not heavy. My brother also has a pistol, a box gun, which is larger and heavier. This one is very good."

"Okay, I'll teach you how to disassemble the gun and then install it. ”

The dog tag gun has a simple structure and is also called three pieces of iron. Although the workmanship is rough, it is not difficult to disassemble. Although Chen Xiaozui learned a little slowly, he will learn it after watching it more, but the disassembly and assembly are still very slow.

“Okay, you can practice these slowly when you go back. Usually, disassemble the gun every once in a while, clean it, and maintain it, so that it can be more convenient to use. Now, I will teach you how to shoot. This is the safety..."

Chen Xiaozui's brother had taught her how to shoot before, so she was not unfamiliar with shooting, but she had never practiced shooting. Moreover, the recoil of this dog-branded pistol was not strong, so Chen Xiaozui could still bear it.

"Come, I'll teach you, hold the gun tightly in your hand, focus your sight on the rear sight and front sight of the gun, aim at the target, like this..."

Seeing that Chen Xiaozui was learning a little slowly, Lu Cheng stood beside her, put one hand on her arm, and taught her how to shoot.

"Bang" the gunshot sounded, and Chen Xiaozui felt her heart tremble violently, and her breathing was a little rapid. She seemed to be able to feel the body temperature of Lu Cheng beside her, and feel his breath passing through her hair.

"Focus, shoot again..."

Listening to Lu Cheng's words, Chen Xiaozui couldn't concentrate her energy at all. Her mind was full of thoughts, and she seemed to want to get closer, to rely on this warm embrace...

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