The M1 Garand rifle is the world's first semi-automatic rifle with a large number of equipment. It has a simple structure, reliable performance, high accuracy, and fast firing rate, which has great advantages over various bolt-action rifles of the same period.

Because the Garand rifle uses an eight-round clip to feed ammunition, it can load eight rounds of bullets at a time, and is also called "big eight" by the Chinese. After each bullet is fired, the magazine will automatically eject an 8-round clip, making a crisp sound, reminding the soldier to reload the bullets.

However, when loading an 8-round clip, if the operation is slightly improper, it is easy to pinch the thumb. Therefore, American soldiers also like to call the Garand "thumb killer".

The Springfield sniper rifle, which sounds like a product from a small country, is actually an authentic American product. It was also during the First World War that the United States began to imitate the German Mauser rifle, and it is a relative of the 98K.

After the Second World War, the Springfield rifle was still in service due to the limited production of the Garand rifle in the early stage and the high cost.

Later, the United States installed a scope on the Springfield rifle and turned it into a sniper rifle.

These days, sniper rifles are still rare, and there are very few in the Chinese army. In fact, it is not the rifles that are rare, but the scopes on the rifles.

With these six Springfield sniper rifles and three Lee Enfield sniper rifles, plus the Lee Enfield sniper rifles obtained in Myanmar before, and a few Type 97 sniper rifles from the Japanese devils, Lu Cheng's regiment already has 20 sniper rifles, which can not only equip the special forces, but also give each battalion a few, each with a sniper team.

In addition to the Garand rifle, Thompson submachine gun, Sten submachine gun, Bren light machine gun, and 50mm grenade launcher, there are enough weapons for the special forces.

Moreover, Lu Cheng also obtained a lot of pistols at the beginning, and he could equip each special forces member with a pistol.

After temporarily storing the equipment, Lu Cheng opened the three letters and checked them one by one.

After returning to India, the two pilots Mike and Price joined the flight squadron of the Allied Command and continued to serve as pilots of transport planes.

In the letter, the two pilots thanked Lu Cheng again and said that if there is a chance in the future, they would like to fight side by side with Lu Cheng again.

As for Colonel William, after leading the two companies of the airport to successfully withdraw to India, he was also praised by his superiors.

Later, because the Campbell family behind Catherine spoke for William, the senior management also noticed Colonel William.

This colonel in his fifties, whose original military career was approaching the end, has regained his second spring at this time.

Moreover, Colonel William also requested to meet with the Allied Commander-in-Chief Stilwell, and told Stilwell about Lu Cheng's prediction of the future war situation when he was in Burma.

Stilwell was shocked after reading it. He didn't expect that a middle- and lower-level Chinese officer would have such a clear understanding and judgment of the situation in the whole world, and he became very interested in Lu Cheng, a Chinese major.

Soon after, Colonel William was promoted to brigadier general and stepped into the ranks of senior officers.

For these, Colonel William naturally knew who to thank. Then he took the initiative to approach the Campbell family and was willing to become one of the representatives of the Campbell family in the military. Colonel William was also grateful and admired Lu Cheng, so there was such a letter and gift.

Catherine's letter was put at the end by Lu Cheng. When he opened the letter, it was a series of thoughts and mushy words. To sum it up, it was because he missed her so much that he couldn't sleep or eat, and he wanted to fly to Lu Cheng immediately.

After that, Catherine briefly described her current situation. After withdrawing to India, Catherine's father wanted his daughter to return to Scotland as soon as possible, but Catherine refused directly. Instead, she stayed in the Allied Command in India and became a reporter.

The Campbell family rose in the 12th century and has a history of seven or eight hundred years. As early as the Middle Ages, the Campbell family was quite prominent and controlled large tracts of land, ports, and villages in Scotland.

In the 17th century, the leader of the Campbell family was executed, a large amount of land and property was confiscated, and the family began to decline gradually.

In the late 19th century and early 20th century, the Campbell family became active again and had a very high status in the political and business fields of the UK.

In later generations, the Campbell family had a strong influence in various fields such as business, culture, politics, environmental protection, and charity. But in the military field, the Campbell family has always been relatively

Weak, not as good as some other nobles.

Now, the appearance of Brigadier General William can be regarded as the Campbell family's influence in the military.

It can be said that this is a completely mutually beneficial thing.

What Catherine did can be regarded as a new help for the family.

Finally, Catherine was a little sorry. She was now in a foreign country, and the wealth and resources she could call on were very limited. She could not send more supplies to Lu Cheng, and could only send these dozen guns and some medicines.

If conditions permit, the noble lady even wants to ask someone to get Lu Cheng a battalion of equipment and artillery.

At the end of the letter, Catherine described the changes in her body, saying that she is now stronger and her figure has become more sexy. Lu Cheng will definitely be moved when he sees her, etc.

After reading the letter, Lu Cheng smiled slightly, and liked and missed Catherine a little more.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng put the three letters into the storage space, returned to the office to take out the letter paper, and began to write:

"Dear Catherine, I just led the troops back from Burma recently, and I received your letter and gift, which instantly soothed my heart, like rain washing away dust, like breeze blowing away dark clouds, like a ray of sunshine shining into my heart. Although the time of separation is not long, I feel like several years have passed.

Today, the southwest wind blew in Zenda. I think it must be the wind from India that crossed thousands of miles and blew to western Yunnan. Just like your longing for me, it crossed thousands of mountains and rivers and blew into my heart.

And my longing for you is neither long nor short, from sunrise to sunset, from opening my eyes to closing them every day. Don't ask me why I don't think of you when I fall asleep, that will keep me awake all night..."

For Lu Cheng now, writing love letters to foreign girls is actually very simple.

In the five thousand years of Chinese history, there are too many beautiful poems about love and beautiful words about missing. You only need to translate some of them into English and polish them, and you will have a beautiful text.

Moreover, there are many beautiful love words and earthy love words in later generations. If you select some suitable ones and adapt them, you will have a love poem.

Or, you can just take out some classic European and American love songs in later generations and modify them.

When Lu Cheng started writing, his thoughts really flowed like a spring and his writing was as fast as the wind.

Women are very strange creatures. They know that sweet words and vows are unreliable, but they just like to hear them.

Therefore, Lu Cheng wrote several pages of long speeches in his letters. In fact, it can be simply summarized in three words: I miss you.

Lu Cheng knew that women in the period of passionate love would read the letters sent by their boyfriends repeatedly, and they only regretted that they were too short.

Therefore, Lu Cheng's letters were as long as possible.

After writing about how much he missed you, he began to look forward to the future: "If the war ends one day, I hope to travel around the world with you, go to the pastures in Scotland to graze and ride horses, go to France to see the Eiffel Tower, go to the African grasslands to fight with lions, and go to New York to see the prosperity of the world.

Finally, I will take you to China to see the mountains and rivers, taste the local delicacies, and appreciate the Chinese culture. I believe that you will definitely like my country, because she is so beautiful and so kind, just like you, the girl I love most in my heart...

The letter is too short to write all my thoughts about you. Catherine, you are the little sun in my heart.

Love you, Lu!"

After writing so much, Lu Cheng finally mentioned some serious matters and asked Catherine to help collect more medicines.

By the way, Lu Cheng also took out some gold and wrapped it up, sent someone to the airport along with the letter, and asked someone to send it to India and give it to Catherine...

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