The night breeze blew across the Loess Plateau and the Lu family's courtyard.

The leaves on the jujube tree outside the window had almost fallen, with only a few remaining stubbornly holding on and swaying on the branches.

The kerosene lamp in the bedroom emitted a dim light. Lu Cheng sat on the kang, leaning on the table, holding a medical book in his hand and reading it.

Xiulian brought a basin of hot foot-washing water, took off Lu Cheng's shoes, put Lu Cheng's feet in the basin, and then sat on the bench opposite, also put her feet in the basin, and washed her feet with Lu Cheng.

The two of them played around in the basin until the water was a little cold. Xiulian picked up the foot cloth, wiped Lu Cheng's feet, poured out the foot washing water, and finally washed herself and returned to the house.

Lu Cheng was still reading, and Xiulian sewed the torn clothes under the lamp.

After finishing everything, seeing that Lu Cheng was still reading, Xiulian came forward and whispered: "Brother Lu Cheng, do you think the book in your hand is better, or am I better?"

Hearing this, Lu Cheng withdrew his gaze from the book and looked at Xiulian opposite.

At this time, Xiulian was wearing a light yellow striped shirt with two slits on it. The rise and fall of her chest was about to come out, and the beautiful scenery was looming.

Her eyes were full of autumn water, her small nose was slightly wrinkled, and her lips were slightly pursed, as if she was a little angry.

Lu Cheng threw the book in his hand and said, "It seems that I need to clean it up. I have to clean it up tonight..."

Bending down and picking it up, Lu Cheng put it on the kang. He was about to touch the quilt at the head of the kang, but Xiulian stretched out her hand to stop him: "Brother Lu Cheng, I don't want you to use that... I want to... I want to give birth to a baby for you."

Lu Cheng paused for a moment and hesitated.

In fact, Lu Cheng didn't want to have a child in the next two years. After all, in his plan, there were college entrance examinations and universities in two years.

If he had a child by then, Lu Cheng would only have Xiulian at home, and there would be no parents to help take care of her. How could he handle it?

Of course, Lu Cheng also thought about taking Xiulian to study with him, but the child would still be young at that time, and Xiulian would not be easy to take care of.

Therefore, in Lu Cheng's married life, except for a few safe periods, most of the time he used a protective umbrella.

"Brother Lu Cheng, I...if we don't have a child, people will laugh at me. And...and people also want to give birth to a baby for you. I...I also want to be a mother."

Indeed, in this era, especially in rural areas, if a woman does not give birth to a child after two or three years of marriage, she will definitely be laughed at by the villagers and said to be a hen that can't lay eggs.

"I thought before that there are only you and me in our family. If we have a child too early, I am afraid that you can't take care of it. I am a grown man, and I don't know how to take care of the confinement period. I am afraid that you will suffer."

"What's the matter? I can take care of the child by myself, and at worst, I can call my sister over and ask her to help take care of the confinement period for a few days. Brother Lu Cheng~~"

"Okay. Then I will listen to you, we want a baby."

Just give birth, give birth early, and when you go to college in the future, the whole family will go together. At worst, we can rent a house near the school, and if it doesn't work, we can hire someone to help take care of it.

As long as you save enough money, all problems will be easy to solve.

Lu Cheng also thought it through. The most important thing was to make Xiulian happy. He could think of other ways.

When a car reaches the mountain, there must be a way. When a boat reaches the bridge, it will naturally straighten itself.

When she heard Lu Cheng's agreement, Xiulian was immediately overjoyed. She immediately tried her best to perform well...

This was destined to be another sleepless night...

When Lu Cheng woke up the next day, it was already bright.

Xiulian, who usually got up early, slept in today. It was obvious that she stayed up too late last night.

When Lu Cheng got dressed and was about to go out to cook, Xiulian also woke up: "Brother Lu are awake. Don't sleep any longer. I will call you after the meal is ready."

"Get up. It's already bright. I should exercise. If you get up late, someone may come to see the doctor later."

For a period of time afterwards, Xiulian seemed to be possessed. She had to toss and turn every night, which made Lu Cheng feel a little tired.

This lasted for nearly a month, and Xiulian was surprised to find that the relatives who were supposed to come every month did not come.

Although she had a guess in her mind, Xiulian still did not dare to confirm it.

Lu Cheng felt Xiulian's pulse and it was indeed a pregnancy pulse, but the accuracy of pulse diagnosis is not 100%, and Lu Cheng did not dare to be sure, fearing that

Xiulian was disappointed.

After waiting for another seven or eight days, Xiulian's relatives still didn't come, and Xiulian even began to have some mild early pregnancy reactions.

Xiulian was happy: "It must be pregnant now, Brother Lu Cheng, let's go to the commune health center for a check."

"Okay, let's go now, to the county hospital for a check."

The equipment at Lu Cheng's home cannot accurately detect whether it is pregnant, so we still have to go to the hospital.

The two of them went all the way to the county hospital, and after a series of examinations, they finally confirmed that Xiulian was really pregnant.

After getting the confirmed test report, Xiulian was as happy as a child: "Brother Lu Cheng, we have a child, I'm going to be a mother."

Lu Cheng was also a little excited. This feeling of being a father was very wonderful, as if he had grown up completely all of a sudden, and had to welcome a new life, become a father, and take on more responsibilities.

In the end, Lu Cheng forgot how he got home.

However, Lu Cheng bought a lot of food, nutritional supplements, and books on pregnancy care in the county, and even went to see baby products with Xiulian.

After returning home, Xiulian began to imagine the scene after the arrival of the child, imagining the little child being held in her arms and growing up little by little.

Imagine the laughter of the child and the warmth of home.

Lu Cheng also began to pay attention and did not let Xiulian do any heavy work.

As the weather gradually got colder, Lu Cheng did not let Xiulian wash clothes, and he was afraid that she would be smoked by the fumes when cooking.

Xiulian sticks to Lu Cheng all day long: "Brother Lu Cheng, how can a grown man like you wash clothes and cook? I can do it. Look at other people's wives who are pregnant and still working in the fields. I'm not that delicate. I can do it."

"No, you are the key protected person in our family now, and we can't tolerate any carelessness. It's cold today, and the water is cold. You must never touch cold water, and don't smell the smoke. This is a big deal, listen to me."

Although Lu Cheng has to work, see a doctor, and study, Lu Cheng still takes time to do housework and tries not to let Xiulian get tired.

And Xiulian always looks at Lu Cheng with a happy face, thinking that the luckiest thing in her life is to marry a good man like Brother Lu Cheng.

Not to mention Xiulian, how many young girls and wives in Shuangshui Village don't envy Xiulian?

In the past, people always said that Lu Cheng married a good wife, who was hardworking, capable, sensible, and beautiful.

But now, people say Xiulian is so lucky to marry a good man like Lu Cheng who understands her feelings.

The warmth of home dispels the coldness of winter, and it seems that this cold season has also become warm.

Before we know it, the Spring Festival of 1976 is coming...

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