The battle was a battle, but the battle was a battle.

Perhaps to surpass Lu Cheng in a certain skill, to save the face of the US instructors, or perhaps to see where Lu Cheng's limit was, for a period of time, the group watched Lu Cheng use mortars, infantry guns, and rapid-fire guns for precise shooting, and drove jeeps, trucks, and armored vehicles to skillfully complete various difficult actions.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng also explained some theoretical lessons to the US instructors, some special operations tactics and skills, etc.

Except for some time-consuming sand table simulations and military exercises without competition, Lu Cheng performed inhumanely in the rest of the basic training subjects.

If these abilities demonstrated by Lu Cheng were put in the TV series of the future, they would most likely be criticized as a god drama.

Even in this training camp, if the American instructors had not seen it with their own eyes, they would probably not be willing to believe that there are such perverted soldiers in the world who can do everything to the extreme.

Especially after learning that Lu Cheng is also proficient in medicine and proficient in various mainstream languages ​​in the world today, everyone has only one word to describe Lu Cheng, "genius"!

And he is a genius like a demon.

In the military camp, people always speak with strength. Lu Cheng won the respect of the American instructors with his own strength, and even made them willing to become students.

Originally, in the Ramgarh training camp, all the instructors were Americans. Whether ordinary soldiers or officers at all levels of the Chinese military, they had to remove their original military ranks and participate in training as trainees. Even colonels were just soldiers here.

As for the senior generals of the Chinese military, they were only responsible for managing military appearance and discipline in the barracks. As for training, command, personnel, and health, all are the responsibility of the US military.

It can be said that the senior generals of the Chinese side have basically been sidelined.

In fact, there is a reason for this. In the previous Burmese battlefield, because the generals at all levels of the Chinese side did not obey Stilwell's command, but obeyed the command of the mountain city, the command system was chaotic and many orders could not be executed.

This is also one of the main reasons for the failure of the previous Burma Campaign. Therefore, the Allied Command wanted to keep the command firmly in its hands.

After Lu Cheng convinced all the American instructors in the barracks with his excellent military qualities, he successfully served as the deputy chief instructor in the Ramgarh training camp with the support of Commander-in-Chief Stilwell and British Brigadier General William, acting as the deputy of Colonel Arms, responsible for coordinating the training and practice of various training subjects.

This appointment also greatly boosted the morale of the Chinese soldiers, allowing them to see that China also has a super instructor who can make the American instructors admire it.

Just after the appointment was announced, General Sun of the newly formed 38th Division and General Liao of the 22nd Division found Lu Cheng together and had a chat with him, exchanging military skills and command experience.

Both of them have studied abroad. General Sun is a top student at the Virginia Military Academy in the United States, and General Liao also studied at the Saint-Cyr Military Academy in France. They have some common topics with Lu Cheng, a German student.

"Lu Cheng, I never thought that after serving as soldiers for so many years and fighting for so many years, we would end up being students of a young man like you. However, you can convince those American instructors of you, which is a real skill and can be regarded as bringing glory to the country. Even if the higher-ups knew about it, they would be very happy."

"Yes, there is no order of learning, and the one who is more accomplished is the teacher. Lu Cheng, Lao Sun and I will have to learn from you in the future."

"You two generals are too polite. We are all Chinese soldiers, and you two are my superiors. Let's talk about learning and not learning. If we really want to learn, I, who has just been a soldier for a short time, should learn from you two seniors."

"You are too polite, right? Take care of each other, take care of each other..."

General Sun is quite straightforward. He doesn't like to curry favor with the powerful, and he doesn't like those who flatter and curry favor. Although he has advanced military knowledge, he is not proficient in the way of being an official and the ways of the world in China.

General Sun admired Lu Cheng, a young officer with real skills, and wanted to communicate with him more.

As for General Liao, he was more like a nerd. When he was studying, he wanted to be the first in everything, even in running, and eventually he ran himself to death. In the subsequent battles, he was stubborn and ate

Big loss.

Of course, for now, we are all Chinese compatriots living overseas, and we should communicate more with each other.

Although Lu Cheng showed his personal strength far beyond ordinary people, he was still reserved.

As for communicating with the American instructors, we should be more reserved and not pass on advanced skills and concepts to them, lest we suffer in the future.

For his own people, Lu Cheng would say a little more and teach more.

After chatting with the two generals, the three of them became more and more speculative, and even changed their names.

"Brother Lu, in my opinion, your position as deputy chief instructor is high and low, and the Americans have the final say on how much power you have. You should be mentally prepared in advance."

"Don't worry, Brother Sun, I understand this. The Americans are not good people. They are willing to help us based on their own interests."

"It's good that you understand. I have been in the United States for many years, and I am very familiar with the habits of these Americans. Of course, Commander-in-Chief Stilwell is a very good person. No matter what the reason and position are, he is very good to us. You can also communicate with him more. This old man is very generous."

In the hearts of the expeditionary soldiers, Commander-in-Chief Stilwell still has a very high status.

In order to prevent officers at all levels from embezzling the military pay and supplies of ordinary soldiers, Stilwell implemented measures to supply to companies and individuals in the training camp, insisting on delivering every penny of military pay and every item of supplies to every soldier, so that the soldiers can fully enjoy the best welfare benefits.

In order to supplement the nutrition of the soldiers, in addition to the normal three meals a day, Stilwell would also give ordinary soldiers an extra ration every day, including 1 can of beef, 2 biscuits, 2 oatmeal, etc.

Seeing that the Chinese soldiers were generally thin and malnourished, Stilwell transferred a batch of high-tech products, vitamin tablets, from the United States and distributed them to every soldier.

It is worth mentioning that these vitamin tablets are the best nutrition for those who are not well fed and clothed in this era of food shortage. They can also strengthen the body if they are not sick.

Because of this, these vitamin tablets were sold at a very high price on the black market. Some officers tried their best to deduct vitamin tablets from the soldiers.

After the American instructors found out, in order to prevent the vitamin tablets from being deducted, they would personally watch the soldiers take the vitamin tablets.

But those American instructors still underestimated the greed and shamelessness of some officers. Some officers actually asked the soldiers to put the vitamin tablets in their mouths, put them under their tongues, and pretend to eat them. After the American instructors left, they asked the soldiers to spit out the vitamin tablets, wipe them clean, and sell them.

Lu Cheng wanted to kill all those officers one by one, but they were not his subordinates after all.

For his company, Lu Cheng would not deduct any soldier's salary and supplies, and often obtained some supplies from the logistics department with his status as deputy chief instructor to allow the soldiers to supplement their nutrition.

These soldiers had full meals every day, meat every day, and balanced nutrition, so their physical fitness and physical fitness could naturally be rapidly improved.

On the third day of Lu Cheng's arrival at the Ramgarh training camp, a familiar figure came to the gate of the barracks.

Soon, Lu Cheng, who was leading the soldiers in training, received news that his girlfriend had come.

"Dear Lu! I finally see you again."

"Catherine, long time no see..."

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