The old man was very angry, but he was still very angry.

Of course, Lu Cheng did not accept the little bookworm as his soldier. At present, there were many eyes on his brigade, especially the people of the Yu family army, who were looking for trouble with him. Lu Cheng had to be more cautious.

"I can teach you how to fight, but not now. The people and teams you are looking for are nearby."

After saying that, Lu Cheng shouted to the jungle on the side: "Friends in the forest, come out."

As Lu Cheng's voice fell, the little bookworm looked at the forest on the side without any vigilance, and saw that the bushes there suddenly moved, and soon two or three people with ragged clothes, who looked no different from farmers, came out.

If the other party had not been holding bows and arrows, bird guns and other weapons in their hands, it would be difficult to connect the other party with the armed personnel.

Among the three people who came out, the leader was a monk wearing glasses, wearing a gray monk's robe, carrying an old-fashioned flintlock musket, and carrying a shoulder bag, which looked somewhat out of place.

"Amitabha, when did this donor find us?"

"Master, this question should be the other way around. Let me ask you. When we just crossed the river, you should have found the two of us, right?"

"Donor, you have a keen eye, the monk admires you. We did find you a long time ago, but we didn't know why you crossed the river, so we followed you all the time, but we didn't expect to be discovered."

"This student should want to find you. I also crossed the river to see the situation of the devils, and sent this silly boy here. I heard before that there was a team like you behind the enemy, and the conditions were relatively difficult. It seems to be true. It just so happens that this man and these three guns are all given to you. "

A guy carrying a homemade crossbow on his back immediately stepped forward and said, "Such a good gun, are you really going to give it to us?"

"Of course, I don't need these two guns. It's not easy for you to persist in fighting under such difficult circumstances. This is my little respect."

Although this team was dressed in rags, except for the fat monk, the rest of the people looked pale, but they were full of spirits, their eyes were bright, and the broken weapons in their hands were wiped clean.

"Then we would like to thank this donor. I wonder what the donor wants to know after crossing the river? We may be able to provide some useful information."

"How many Japanese soldiers are there in the nearby towns? Where are they stationed? Do you know?"

"There are three towns nearby, including Heshun Town and Lianhua Township. There is a Ciliang Temple in the middle of these three towns. There is a squadron of Japanese soldiers stationed in Ciliang Temple, with 180 to 200 people. Usually, the Japanese soldiers will form a patrol team of ten to fifteen people to patrol the nearby towns and collect food..."

Lu Cheng has already figured out the terrain and topography of his place, but he has not been here for the past two or three months, so he is not very clear about the distribution of the Japanese soldiers.

Lu Cheng crossed the river this time, on the one hand, to understand the latest situation here, and on the other hand, to contact this guerrilla.

If it was just for crossing the river for reconnaissance, Lu Cheng could have asked the special operations platoon or the sharp knife company to send people over, but to contact the guerrillas here, it would be better to come here in person.

As they were talking, a short man with a musket on his back ran over: "Master Shihang, there are a dozen Japanese soldiers coming this way, they should be looking for the three Japanese soldiers who were killed before."

Master Shihang heard this and immediately prepared to move: "Donor, it's not safe here, please follow us first."

This guerrilla team had less than 10 people, and even less than 5 muskets, an old-fashioned Hanyang-made and several homemade bows and crossbows. Facing a dozen fully armed Japanese soldiers equipped with a light machine gun, even if it was a sneak attack, there was no chance of winning. At most, they could shoot him twice and kill two Japanese soldiers. So they ran away in a hurry.

Lu Cheng pulled out the 20-shot box gun from his waist: "Just right, I'll give you a few more guns to change your equipment."

"Donor, there are a lot of Japanese soldiers, it's better not to take risks."

Lu Cheng didn't say much, the whole person was like a cheetah, instantly locked the position of the dozen Japanese soldiers and rushed up.

Master Shihang saw this and waved his hand: "Let's go and help that donor."

However, before they could get close, gunshots were heard from the opposite side.

"Bang, bang, bang" dozens of gunshots were heard, and it ended in an instant. When Master Shihang led seven or eight

When the guerrillas arrived, they saw only 10 Japanese soldiers lying on the ground, each of them was shot in the head and dead.

"Master Shihang, the job of cleaning the battlefield is left to you. The subsequent Japanese soldiers should arrive soon, so you should leave as soon as possible."

"Where are you going, benefactor?"

"This is a military secret, so I won't tell you."

After that, Lu Cheng disappeared into the woods.

Master Shihang immediately asked people to clean up the battlefield. Together with the three rifles before, this patrol team of Japanese soldiers contributed a total of 9 Type 38 rifles, a Taisho Type 11 light machine gun, two bastard box pistols, a saber, a first aid kit, a dozen water bottles, backpacks, and some canned food and other supplies.

The poorly equipped guerrillas directly achieved an upgrade. The group quickly cleaned up the battlefield, stripped the bodies of the Japanese soldiers to only a pair of pants, and then disappeared into the jungle.

Soon, when dozens of Japanese soldiers arrived here, they only found the bodies of the Japanese soldiers.

After checking the gunshot wounds on the bodies, the Japanese sergeant immediately knew that the elite troops had arrived, and did not dare to pursue them rashly. Instead, he sent someone back to report the situation and patiently waited for the arrival of the follow-up troops.

When a Japanese squad assembled and went to pursue, Lu Cheng and the guerrillas had already disappeared.

More than an hour later, in a forest outside Lianhua Township, beside a lush farmland, a skinny, ragged old farmer was talking to Lu Cheng: "... those devils are beasts, they burn, kill, rob, rape women, and do all kinds of evil...

Heshun Town has surrendered, but our Lianhua Township will not surrender. Even if they shoot with guns and let dogs bite, we will not surrender, I will not surrender even if I starve to death, even if I die in the field!

We are farming here, they use us as targets, and I don't know when they will shoot us, but we still have to live..."

The farmer who was speaking was disheveled and skinny. He was the same color as the soil, but only his bones were still hard.

Looking at the other party like this, and the people around him who could no longer distinguish between men and women and were worse than beggars, Lu Cheng felt a little heavy in his heart.

What you see in books, movies and TV dramas is always different from what you experience in person.

There is no doubt that this is a group of Chinese people with blood. They are unwilling to succumb to the devils, and they can't kill people. They can only continue to farm with the hoe in their hands and make silent resistance.

Judging from these people, Yu Xiaoqing's words are really reasonable. The Chinese soldiers are indeed guilty when the war reaches this point.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng personally conducted a reconnaissance, and in the middle, he destroyed a patrol team of devils and seized some guns and ammunition. He did not return to the east bank until night fell.

The soldiers on the east bank did not know that their brigade commander personally crossed the river, went to conduct a reconnaissance, and contacted the guerrillas.

After returning, Lu Cheng gathered the special operations platoon, the sharp knife company, and the guard company for three days of training, preparing to launch a surprise operation to rescue the people on the other side who were struggling on the death line, weaken the devils, and conduct a practical training...

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