After hearing Xia Chen's answer, Lu Cheng could finally hand over the special team to him with confidence.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng issued the latest order to Xia Chen and the special operations team: "In the next half month, your special operations platoon will stay on the west bank and carry out guerrilla warfare in the enemy-occupied area to eliminate the devil's forces as much as possible. The patrol team and the mopping-up team will use sniper warfare and mine warfare to kill the enemy's living forces.

I will let the sharp knife company stand by at the Jiqipo and cross the river for support at any time. The communication equipment will also be left for you to facilitate you to call for artillery support. In short, "Yes!" After giving the order, Lu Cheng took Xia Chen alone. Take him aside: "Xia Chen, there is a guerrilla group near Heshun Town. Go and contact them and help them train. If they are in danger, rescue them as much as possible."

"Yes, Brigade Commander. Excuse me. "I wonder if they are from that side?"

"What do you think? No matter which side they are from, they are all my Chinese compatriots, and they are all working hard to fight against the Japanese invaders."

"I understand, I will make proper arrangements, and I will also do Keep it secret."

"I understand. You should go and join the sharp knife company first."

"What about you, brigade commander?"

"Do I need you to worry about me?"

Soon, Xia Chen led the special operations platoon out of Nantianmen and rushed to Go and join the sharp knife company.

Not long after, the Japanese who had finished their meal on Nantianmen directly sent out three squadrons of Japanese at once, driving armored vehicles, motorcycles, and trucks, heading towards Heshun Town.Since there were not many enemies crossing the river last night, the Japanese on Nantianmen still had to send people out for patrols and sweeps. They couldn't just be cowards.

But Takeuchi Renzan was more cautious this time and sent out 600 Japanese soldiers, driving armored vehicles and trucks, did not intend to split up, but headed straight for Heshun Town.

Seeing so many Japanese soldiers, Lu Cheng immediately found a suitable place, took out a bazooka, and aimed at a A moving armored vehicle calculated the lead time and fired a rocket.

"Boom!" A fragile Japanese tank was hit on the spot, and the shell inside was directly detonated, killing all the Japanese soldiers around it. A piece of.

"Enemy attack!"

Then, Lu Cheng immediately took back the empty bazooka, took out the second loaded rocket launcher, hit a tank again, and then immediately evacuated.

Lu Cheng had just evacuated, and the Japanese Light machine guns and grenade launchers fired towards this side.

Then, a group of Japanese soldiers chased in the direction of Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng retreated while quickly fighting back, leaving the pursuing Japanese soldiers with corpses.

Thompson submachine gun, M1 carbine, Browning light machine gun, M3 Submachine guns and various weapons were used one after another to knock down the Japanese soldiers chasing in front one by one.

After losing thirty or forty people, the Japanese soldiers immediately stopped chasing and retreated.

At this time, Lu Cheng was already some distance away from the Japanese convoy. 1,500 meters. But this distance is still within the scanning range of the thermal imaging radar.

So Lu Cheng found a clearing in the forest, took out two US 81mm mortars, and aimed them at the distant Where the Japanese are densely packed, two shots are fired.

The US military's 81mm mortar has a maximum range of 3,000 meters and can maintain a certain degree of accuracy within 2,000 meters. In Lu Cheng's hands, it becomes another sniper weapon.

After firing six mortar shells in succession, Lu Cheng immediately put away the two mortars and moved his position.

Soon, the Japanese mortars began to counterattack, but Lu Cheng had already left the forest and found a new place.

Through the thermal sensing radar, the six mortar shells just now killed at least 20 to 30 Japanese soldiers, and many of them were injured.

This Japanese mopping-up force had just walked out of Nantianmen when it encountered The enemy suffered heavy losses, but the key point was that they did not find any large enemy forces, and even completely lost the enemy's trace.

This situation made the Japanese feel very powerless. They wanted to send people to pursue, but the enemies in the forest would If they wanted to continue the mopping-up, the enemy's mortar shells would continue to fall.

In desperation, the Japanese squadron leader could only lead his troops back after asking for instructions from Takeuchi Renzan.

However, Lu Cheng would not Letting go of the opponent so easily, constantly changing positions, always with this

A group of Japanese soldiers stayed within the range of 2km and continued to attack with mortars.

When this group of Japanese soldiers retreated to Nantianmen, the number of casualties was nearly 100.

The Japanese soldiers' retaliatory artillery fire always fell into the air, not only did they not find any enemies, but they also lost some shells in vain.

After a period of incompetent rage, Takeuchi Renshan on Nantianmen finally had to order a halt to the sweep, report the situation to his superiors, and request support from nearby friendly forces.

Seeing that the Japanese soldiers on Nantianmen could not retreat, Lu Cheng circled Nantianmen and threw some mortar shells, destroying several machine gun positions, causing the Japanese soldiers on Nantianmen to retreat directly into the tunnel.

After that, Lu Cheng left quietly.

On the other side, hearing the gunfire on Nantianmen stop, the soldiers of the sharp knife company and the special operations platoon also breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that our brigade commander has scared the Japanese this time."

"It's hard to believe that the brigade commander alone can suppress the entire Nantianmen."

Tan Wanying on the side was still a little bit unbelieving: "You said, our brigade commander went to block the Nantianmen alone? Wouldn't it be too dangerous? Platoon Leader Xia, why didn't you stop him? Your special operations platoon let the brigade commander stay there alone?"

"Second Lieutenant Tan, our brigade commander is much more powerful than you can imagine. In the jungle, the brigade commander is the king. During the exercise at the Ramgarh training camp, the US instructors once took a battalion of troops to compete with the brigade commander in the jungle. After 3 After three days and three nights of fighting, that battalion lost a small half of its troops and still failed to capture our brigade commander.

Since then, our brigade commander has become the recognized king of jungle warfare and is regarded as an idol by those American instructors. As long as you enter the forest, no one can catch our brigade commander, and no one is his opponent, even if there are more enemies. "

"Is it so exaggerated? Your special operations platoon was trained by the brigade commander, do you also have such ability?"

"Compared with the brigade commander, we are like fireflies compared to the morning sun, insignificant."

Seeing that the soldiers worshipped Lu Cheng so much and even regarded him as a belief, Tan Wanying's heart also had ripples.

Lu Cheng's own appearance and charm are top-notch, coupled with his strong strength and appeal, after a long time of contact, no woman is not fascinated by him.

Admiring the strong is a woman's nature. The more insecure a woman is, the more she admires a strong man and longs for a pair of arms to protect her from the wind and rain...

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